
















  1. A striking silhouette shows off the lithe form of a cheetah approaching a tree for a late afternoon slumber.

  2. But so far I haven't heard of anyone trying to increase the frequency of the naps when sleepiness was overwhelming.

  3. I think most people should be able to get from "completely unable to nap" to "can nap in most circumstances" within a few months.

  4. It was a bit of a struggle to make it to the 9am nap.

  5. When his feet grew tired and weary, he would curl up in the weeds and rest.

  6. At the reception, katie had to take a few rests. The pain did not allow her to stand for long periods.

  7. Yet there is something very civilized about taking a moment to actually sit down in the middle of the day and relax with a coffee.

  8. Then we lay in bed for a while where she closed her eyes and took a little nap.

  9. If you've been working hard, don't be afraid to take a break and give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back or to reflect on your goals.


  1. 安谧的午后小憩

    a quiet afternoon nap

  2. 允许小憩歇口气

    To allowto rest or regain breath.

  3. 我有小憩的习惯。

    I'm in the habit of having a nap.

  4. 我们在树下小憩。

    We took a short rest under the tree.

  5. 我们小憩去吃午饭。

    We broke for lunch.

  6. 小憩一下,一天多次。

    Take breaks throughout the day.

  7. 不用了,我就当小憩一会儿

    Nah, I'll just take a nap.

  8. 褪去一切掩饰,让心灵小憩。

    Fade to cover up everything, let rest for the soul.

  9. 让我们小憩半小时喝点茶。

    Let's break off for half an hour and have some tea.

  10. 间歇,小憩短时间的停止或休息

    A momentary pause or rest.

  11. 中午有个电视节目叫午餐小憩。

    There is a midday TV program called Lunch Break.

  12. 公园里辟有茶座, 供游人小憩。

    There are teahouses in the park where visitors can sit and relax.

  13. 一只山狮在炎热的中午小憩。

    A mountain lion rests in midday heat.

  14. 扬帆远航之后小憩, 让心宁静下来。

    Hoist the sails after Yuan Hang small rest, make a heart halcyon come down.

  15. 他喜欢下班回家后小憩一小时。

    He likes to nap for an hour when he gets home from work.

  16. 但是偶在小憩过后实在很难入睡。

    But it was tough to get to sleep after that siesta I had.

  17. 我们先一起喝一杯。在小憩碰面。六点。

    meet us for a drink first. at the respite. six o clock.

  18. 小憩在旅途中因为吃食物或休息而停留

    To stop for food or rest during a trip.

  19. 每天吃过午饭以后,爷爷都会小憩有倾。

    Every day after lunch, grandpa would take a nap.

  20. 每天吃过午饭以后,爷爷都会小憩有倾。

    Every day after lunch, grandpa would take a nap.

  21. 初步掌握了测试要求后,志愿者们就开始小憩了。

    After initially learning the task, the volunteers took a nap.

  22. 花园里有池塘和小溪, 还有供小憩得亭子。

    In the gardens, there were ponds and streams, with pavilions to sit in.

  23. 花园里有池塘和小溪,还有供小憩的亭子。

    In the gardens, there were ponds and streams, with pavilions to sit in.

  24. 登攀过后,大家都冲了个澡,然后小憩了一会儿。

    After the climb, everybody took a shower and a nap.

  25. 登攀过后,大家都冲了个澡,然后小憩了一会儿。

    After the climb, everybody took a shower and a nap.

  26. 小憩在旅行中因吃饭或休息而做的停留。

    A stop for food or rest during a trip.

  27. 如果你的老板自己都不使用小憩舱,你会吗?

    If your boss didnt use the nap pod, would you

  28. 在喝咖啡小憩时, 你可能要喝一杯咖啡或者一大杯咖啡。

    During coffee break, you might have a cup of coffee or a larger mug of coffee.

  29. 当1998年第一个分店在北京开业,人们在床上小憩。

    When the first store opened in Beijing in 1998, people napped on the beds.

  30. 原定茶点小憩後继续进行的比赛因下雨而取消了。

    Continuation of play after the tea interval was ruled out by rain.


  1. 问:小憩拼音怎么拼?小憩的读音是什么?小憩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小憩的读音是xiǎoqì,小憩翻译成英文是 to take a short rest; to have a little rest...