







汉语拼音:xiāo jī






  1. Assembled in the European XRAY factory, the ready-to-run micro nitro monster truck is ready to hit the track or your backyard!


  2. The nitrobenzene installations can be completely applied to this process, without any more equipment investment.


  3. m- Nitrotoluene was an important chemical material, from which many downstream products could be derived.


  4. Indicate by an arrow the position most likely to react in each of the following three isomeric nitrotoluenes. Explain your choices.


  5. The plan was to sample nitryl chloride levels in marine air, which computer models predicted would not exceed 50 parts per trillion.


  6. Nitro compound: Any of a class of chemical compounds in which the nitro group (-NO2) forms part of the molecular structure.


  7. Nitroform is such a strong proton donor .


  8. The invention discloses a method for treating low-concentration nitrobenzene waste water by means of three-phase fluidization.


  9. Varnished top layer is a layer of varnish, also known as protective layer, usually colorless Clear nitrocellulose lacquer coating.


  1. 二硝基苯醚

    dinitrodiphenyl ether.

  2. 硝基氧化剂

    nitro oxidizer.

  3. 三硝基苯酸

    trinitrobenzoic acid.

  4. 六硝基二苯胺

    hexanitrodipenyl amine.

  5. 硝基苯异氰酸

    nitrophenylisocynic acid

  6. 硝基苯磺酰化

    nitrobenzene sulfonylation

  7. 硝基苯磺酰氯

    nitrobenzene sulfonyl chloride

  8. 人造硝基麝香

    artificial nitro musk

  9. 硝基软性清漆

    nitrocellulose soft varnish

  10. 硝基纤维封闭底漆

    lacquer sealer

  11. 硝基纤维二道浆

    lacquer surfacer

  12. 二硝基邻苯甲酰亚脲

    dinitrobenzoylene urea

  13. 各色硝基外用磁漆

    Various color nitrocellulose exterior enamel

  14. 硝基甲苯的二聚反应

    The dimerization reaction of nitrotoluene

  15. 氨基与硝基的相互转换

    The Mutual of Amino and Nitro Groups

  16. 各色硝基无毒玩具漆

    Nonpoisonous nitrocellulose toy lacquer of all colors

  17. 什麽是硝基燃料中的比例?

    Whats the nitro percentage in your fuel

  18. 二亚硝基五次甲基四胺

    dinitrosopentamethlyene tetramine

  19. 硝基推进器现在有5秒持续时间。

    Nitro Boosts Now have a 5second duration.

  20. 车间空气中对硝基苯胺卫生标准。

    Health standard for pnitroaniline in the air of workplace.

  21. 含硝基苯类衍生物的废水处理

    Treatment of dyestuff wastewater containing nitrobenzene and its derivants.

  22. 亚硝酸根和硝基的配位效应

    The coordination effect of nitrite and nitro group

  23. 造粒硝铵改产硝基复肥工艺技术

    Technology of Production Process of Nitryl Compound Fertilizer by Changing the Production of Prilling Nitramine

  24. 含硝基苯类化工废水预处理的研究

    Study of wastewater containing nitrobenzene pretreatment.

  25. 跟硝基营养组合一起购买。可享受半价。

    You get it half off when purchased with the nitro nutrient combo.

  26. 什么样的燃料使用,汽油,甲醇或硝基甲烷?

    What kind of fuel is used, gasoline, methanol or nitromethane

  27. 四硝基甲烷可用做液态混合物中的氧化剂。

    In liquid mixtures tetranitromethane may be used as an oxidizing agent.

  28. 从苯乙腈制取苯基硝基甲烷就用这个方法。

    This is a generally known method for obtaining phenylnitromethane from benzyl cyanide.

  29. 硝基呋喃一种呋喃衍生药物, 用来抑制细菌的生长

    Any of several drugs derived from furan that are used to inhibit bacterial growth.

  30. 研究含硝基及羰基之分子及其衍生物之光化学。

    The photochemistry of compounds containing both nitro and carbonyl groups and their derivatives.


  1. 问:硝基拼音怎么拼?硝基的读音是什么?硝基翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硝基的读音是xiāojī,硝基翻译成英文是 nitro-

  2. 问:硝基氧拼音怎么拼?硝基氧的读音是什么?硝基氧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硝基氧的读音是xiāo jī yǎng,硝基氧翻译成英文是 nitroxide

  3. 问:硝基漆拼音怎么拼?硝基漆的读音是什么?硝基漆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硝基漆的读音是,硝基漆翻译成英文是 nitrolacquer

  4. 问:硝基烯拼音怎么拼?硝基烯的读音是什么?硝基烯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硝基烯的读音是xiāo jī xī,硝基烯翻译成英文是 nitroalkene

  5. 问:硝基烷拼音怎么拼?硝基烷的读音是什么?硝基烷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硝基烷的读音是xiāo jī wán,硝基烷翻译成英文是 nitroalkane

  6. 问:硝基胍拼音怎么拼?硝基胍的读音是什么?硝基胍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硝基胍的读音是xiāo jī guā,硝基胍翻译成英文是 Nitroguanidine

  7. 问:硝基胺拼音怎么拼?硝基胺的读音是什么?硝基胺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硝基胺的读音是,硝基胺翻译成英文是 nitramine

  8. 问:硝基脲拼音怎么拼?硝基脲的读音是什么?硝基脲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硝基脲的读音是,硝基脲翻译成英文是 nitrourea

  9. 问:硝基芘拼音怎么拼?硝基芘的读音是什么?硝基芘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硝基芘的读音是xiāo jī pí,硝基芘翻译成英文是 nitropyrene

  10. 问:硝基苯拼音怎么拼?硝基苯的读音是什么?硝基苯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硝基苯的读音是xiāo jī běn,硝基苯翻译成英文是 nitrobenzene

  11. 问:硝基萘拼音怎么拼?硝基萘的读音是什么?硝基萘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硝基萘的读音是xiāo jī nài,硝基萘翻译成英文是 nitronaphthalene

  12. 问:硝基酚拼音怎么拼?硝基酚的读音是什么?硝基酚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硝基酚的读音是xiāo jī fēn,硝基酚翻译成英文是 nitrophenol

  13. 问:硝基丁烷拼音怎么拼?硝基丁烷的读音是什么?硝基丁烷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硝基丁烷的读音是,硝基丁烷翻译成英文是 nitrobutane

  14. 问:硝基乙烯拼音怎么拼?硝基乙烯的读音是什么?硝基乙烯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硝基乙烯的读音是,硝基乙烯翻译成英文是 nitroethylene

  15. 问:硝基乙烷拼音怎么拼?硝基乙烷的读音是什么?硝基乙烷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硝基乙烷的读音是,硝基乙烷翻译成英文是 nitroethane

  16. 问:硝基吲哚拼音怎么拼?硝基吲哚的读音是什么?硝基吲哚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硝基吲哚的读音是xiāo jī yǐn duǒ,硝基吲哚翻译成英文是 nitroindole

  17. 问:硝基呋喃拼音怎么拼?硝基呋喃的读音是什么?硝基呋喃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硝基呋喃的读音是xiāo jī fū nán,硝基呋喃翻译成英文是 nitrofuran

  18. 问:硝基喹啉拼音怎么拼?硝基喹啉的读音是什么?硝基喹啉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硝基喹啉的读音是xiāo jī kuí lín,硝基喹啉翻译成英文是 nitroquinoline

  19. 问:硝基安定拼音怎么拼?硝基安定的读音是什么?硝基安定翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硝基安定的读音是xiāo jī ān dìng,硝基安定翻译成英文是 nitrazepam

  20. 问:硝基枯烯拼音怎么拼?硝基枯烯的读音是什么?硝基枯烯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硝基枯烯的读音是,硝基枯烯翻译成英文是 nitrocumene