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汉语拼音:tǔ kuài
《礼记·明堂位》“土鼓蕢桴” 唐 孔颖达 疏:“蕢桴,以土块为桴。” 北魏 贾思勰 《齐民要术·耕田》:“立春后,土块散,上没橛,陈根可拔。”《南史·贺瑒传》:“乃以土块加其心上,俄顷而苏。”
They come upon a clump or something, and they sort of circle it to see whether it's more digesting.
他们碰到一个土块或是什么东西,就会,把它围起来看看这东西是不是更容易消化。If they come to a clump, I know nothing about biology, so if I misrepresent something, let me know.
如果他们碰到一个土块,我不懂生物,如果我说错了就告诉我啊。Deposits sit on top of the earth, and they're composed of clay, sand and a dense form of petroleum that clumps like sod and crumbles.
这些沉积物位于地表,主要是由泥土、砂砾和一种粘稠的石油构成,这些石油板结成块,看起来就像土块和石屑。The seeds have shriveled Under their clods; The storehouses have been desolated; The barns have been torn down; For the grain is dried up.
谷种在土块下朽烂;仓房荒凉,廪库拆毁;因为五谷枯干了。Once he and his followers begged their bread from a farmer, who only gave them a piece of earth .
有一次,他和随从向一个农夫乞讨,农夫只给他们一个土块。The soil in the valley is sweet to him; all men follow after him, and a countless throng goes before him.
他要以谷中的土块为甘甜,在他以先去的无数;在他以后去的更多。更详细。The hard clod of soil dissolved, and the sun patted the soil tenderly.
硬邦邦的土块变散了,太阳温和的轻轻拍打着土壤。But as the farmer and his neighbors continued shoveling and the dirt hit his back, a thought struck him.
但是当农夫和他的邻居们继续铲着土并且将土块砸落在它的背上的时候,一个想法突然出现在它的脑海。The clods of the valley shall be sweet unto him, and every man shall draw after him, as there are innumerable before him.