







汉语拼音:bǔ shā







捕杀 [bǔ shā]
  1. 逮捕追杀。


捕杀 [bǔ shā]
  1. 捕捉宰杀。 




  1. For the past several years he's been trying to stop the hunt in Taiji, one of Japan's iconic whaling towns.


  2. Then he bounded over to the kill and the lionesses and cubes hurried out of his way.


  3. It is feared that this golden male langur is the last of its kind if hunting, poaching , and their habitat are not under controlled.


  4. Japan argues that years of a global hunting ban have allowed whale populations to grow enough to allow hunting.


  5. The participants rejected any suggestion of trying to stop the spread of HPAI by killing wild birds.


  6. And once the croc is a up to see its prey materializes once more. Reaction time is also quick, to match its warm blooded prey.


  7. But two of their wives said the fishermen continued to kill dolphins, sometimes in front of their homes.


  8. After the hunt, the group are often fighting over the sharing of the kill, with young lions at the bottom of the order.


  9. A Defence spokesman said the cull was finished and had been conducted in the most humane way possible.


  1. 捕杀有害动物

    pest killing

  2. 过度乱捕杀

    excessive and indiscriminate hunting.

  3. 它们被捕杀殆

    They were hunted to near extinction.

  4. 设法捕杀野兽。

    Try to catch and kill wild animals.

  5. 渔夫们大量捕杀鲸鱼。

    The fishermen killed whales in vast quantities.

  6. 猎人们捕杀了4只鹿。

    The hunters bagged four deer.

  7. 人类捕杀, 生境丧失

    Habitat loss and human hunting

  8. 光催化捕杀蚊蝇器

    Photocatalytic mosquito and fly trap

  9. 十大捕杀好手排行榜

    The Top Ten Most Extreme Predators

  10. 高效弓箭捕杀鼢鼠技术

    Catch and kill techniques against Myospalax cansus by bow and arrow

  11. 一个捕杀妖怪的妖怪窝。

    Alairof monsters who hunt monsters.

  12. 他们捕杀了我们的家畜。

    They kill our livestock.

  13. 对保护物种的非法捕杀

    the lawless slaughter of protected species.

  14. 于是他们就开始捕杀野牛,

    The settlers killed the buffalo.

  15. 首先, 许多动物被捕杀以供。

    First, many animals have been killed for.

  16. 生境丧失, 人类捕杀, 食物缺乏

    Habitat loss, human hunting and food shortage

  17. 许多环保组织反对捕杀鲸类,

    Environmental groups are opposed to killing whales.

  18. 铁丝索套捕杀野兔试验研究

    Study on trial of catching wild rabbit with rion chain

  19. 环境污染, 生境丧失, 人类捕杀

    Environmental pollution, habitat loss and human hunting

  20. 狼得利齿有助于他捕杀猎物。

    The sharp teeth of the wolf is helpful for him to hunt quarries.

  21. 狼的利齿有助于他捕杀猎物。

    The sharp teeth of the wolf is helpful for him to hunt quarries.

  22. 狼的利齿有助于他捕杀猎物。

    The sharp teeth of the wolf is helpful for him to hunt quarries.

  23. 政府禁止打猎和捕杀野生动物。

    The government forbids hunting and killing wild animals.

  24. 从那以后, 没有人捕杀海鸥了。

    From then on no one killed a seagull.

  25. 和他们一起捕杀野牛, 在崇山峻岭和

    and hunt buffaloes and go on the warpath in the mountain ranges

  26. 大量的麋鹿被捕杀, 并灭迹了。

    Too many of the deer had been killed and they disappeared.

  27. 老虎捕杀猎物时, 帮凶走狗也获利。

    When the tiger kills, the jackal profits.

  28. 那天狮子只捕杀了一个猎物。

    The lion made only one kill that day.

  29. 挪威以捕杀量545头位居第二。

    Norway placed second with a total catch of 545 whales.

  30. 当地居民过去被鼓励捕杀这种鸟。

    The locals were encouraged to trap and kill the birds.


  1. 问:捕杀拼音怎么拼?捕杀的读音是什么?捕杀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:捕杀的读音是bǔshā,捕杀翻译成英文是 catch and kill; kill

  2. 问:捕杀吴廷琰拼音怎么拼?捕杀吴廷琰的读音是什么?捕杀吴廷琰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:捕杀吴廷琰的读音是,捕杀吴廷琰翻译成英文是 Arrest and assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem...



词目:捕杀 读音:bǔ shā 意思:捉到并杀死 基本解释 [catch and kill] 捕捉杀害[动物] 不许捕杀珍禽益兽 他捕杀了一只十点梅花好公鹿 含义: 捕杀现在一般指人类捕杀动物,如捕杀昆虫老鼠等,但很多动物保护主义者反对捕杀,他们认为人类捕杀动物会产生生态不平衡,环境的破坏 ,然后是人类自己灭亡.不可否认,人类的过度捕杀导致生态不平衡已经成为不争的事实,例如:因为经常捕杀蟒蛇,而老鼠因为没有天敌,所以大量繁殖,最终导致鼠灾.