







汉语拼音:mèng yì







  1. 睡梦中说话。亦用以比喻胡言乱语。

    宋 李石 《扇子》诗之六:“今古一场梦囈,乾坤六博呼卢。” 清 林则徐 《谕洋商责令外商呈缴烟土稿》:“今鸦片如此充斥,毒流天下,而该商等犹混行出结,皆谓来船并无夹带,岂非梦囈!” 鲁迅 《<两地书>序言》:“讲自己的事倒没有什么,但一遇到推测天下大事,就不免胡涂得很,所以凡有欢欣鼓舞之词,从现在看起来,大抵成了梦呓了。”



  1. Sleep talking, sometimes called somniloquy, might wake up the person next to you, but it's harmless.


  2. The reason that man make somniloquence is women strain the mouth of her man.


  3. There was a significantly greater prevalence of sleep talking, snoring and apnea among boys than the girls(P05).


  4. The past will then quickly become just a dream, and it will fade into the background.


  5. When flowering have rain, the sky had the most brilliant mood, the warmth of MengYi.


  6. "The first star is always a miracle, " said Anne dreamily.


  7. Hearts feel very sorry for what the United States a month, what a beautiful night, how can I fudge his early alienation.


  8. The drug clonazepam improves sleep and reduces dream-enactment behaviors.


  9. Others are hanging onto their dreamy asking prices, praying that there is a buyer out there who will fall in love with their creation.


  1. 梦呓性谵妄

    Oneiric delirium.

  2. 说梦话也称梦呓。

    Somniloquy also weighs balderdash.

  3. 抚慰您的是孩子的梦呓。

    Comfort the somniloquy that you is a kid.

  4. 所有的一切, 都只是梦呓而已

    All everythings, all just that somniloquy

  5. 所有得一切,都只是梦呓而已

    All everythings, all just that somniloquy.

  6. 她一直没说过话, 梦呓也没有。

    She has never spoken since, not even in her dreams.

  7. 梦呓可出现在睡眠的任何时相。

    Balderdash can appear inMorpheusany when.

  8. 我想电离我想打击我想抽搐我想沉积我还想梦呓!

    I want to be ionized and electric shocked, twitch, deposit and somniloquy.

  9. 由此看来, 周期性股票得确是2008年得梦呓。

    In view of this, cyclical stocks in2008 is balderdash.

  10. 由此看来,周期性股票的确是2008年的梦呓。

    In view of this, cyclical stocks in2008 is balderdash.

  11. 偶尔懒了游荡而已, 哼着歌曲说说梦呓。

    But stop and loiter all the time, to sing it in extatic songs.

  12. 爸爸成了个乞丐, 梦呓着一份好得工作。

    Cause daddy felt like a bum, see daddy had a job.

  13. 爸爸成了个乞丐,梦呓着一份好的工作。

    Cause daddy felt like a bum, see daddy had a job.

  14. 爱对她来讲, 已经成为一种浪漫的梦呓。

    Speaking of her love, has become a romantic balderdash.

  15. 第一颗星星总是一个奇迹。安妮梦呓般地说。

    The first star is always a miracle, said Anne dreamily.

  16. 这是一个无知得老家夥充满守旧得, 种族主义得梦呓。

    It is the nostalgic and racist mumbles of an ignorant old man.

  17. 这是一个无知的老家夥充满守旧的、种族主义的梦呓。

    It is the nostalgic and racist mumbles of an ignorant old man.

  18. 药物安定可以提高睡眠质量以及减少梦呓的发生。

    The drug clonazepam improves sleep and reduces dreamenactment behaviors.

  19. 真是梦呓, 你也许要讥我是放荡不羁得天马了。

    It is totally nonsense. Maybe you are amused by me and say I aman unrestrained steed.

  20. 真是梦呓,你也许要讥我是放荡不羁的天马了。

    It is totally nonsense. Maybe you are amused by me and say I aman unrestrained steed.

  21. 当花季有雨, 天空中就有了最灿烂的心情, 最温情的梦呓。

    When flowering have rain, the sky had the most brilliant mood, the warmth of MengYi.

  22. 说梦话, 有时称作梦呓, 能吵醒你身边的人, 但它是无害的。

    Sleep talking, sometimes called somniloquy, might wake up the person next to you, but it's harmless.


  1. 问:梦呓拼音怎么拼?梦呓的读音是什么?梦呓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:梦呓的读音是mèngyì,梦呓翻译成英文是 sleep-talking; somniloquy; delirious raving