




慢,与“急”相对:~步。~行(xíng )。~慢。迟~。延迟:~刑。~办。~役。~征。刻不容~。放松,松弛:~和。~冲。~解(jiě)。和~。苏醒,恢复:~气。~醒。……



汉语拼音:zàn huǎn








  1. 暂且推迟。

    刘大白 《再造·春底消息》:“她的行期,也许暂缓吧!” 鲁迅 《书信集·致黄源》:“此书暂缓发排,索性等我全部看一遍后付印罢。”



  1. But Schwarzenegger said he would put his film career on hold when he was elected governor of California in November.


  2. In view of other more pressing issues in hand, members agreed that the matter be shelved for the time being.


  3. Another action that he took was to suspend the right of habeas corpus.


  4. The chief executive may make a decision to approve, not approve, revise, postpone, or reconsider the matter being considered.


  5. Banks can apply for a deadline extension of up to three years, according to the China Banking Regulatory Commission, the bank watchdog.


  6. The company has suspended all staff reassignments until the end of the year to try to regain the confidence of employees.


  7. And the company says it will suspend its payment of quarterly dividends and try to speed up the introduction of new models.


  8. Now, the City Council, which had rejected the ban two years ago, is saying it might suspend the ban. The reason? Money.


  9. One of his first acts was to put on hold all regulations issued by Mr Bush that have not yet gone into effect.


  1. 暂停或暂缓

    A respite or recess.

  2. 暂缓执行指令

    buy stop order

  3. 暂缓进行讨论

    to shelve a discussion

  4. 暂缓执行拘留

    Reprieve of the Detention Execution

  5. 暂缓就业党员

    employment of deferrable party member

  6. 暂缓还款协议

    standstill agreement

  7. 暂缓作出决定

    put off making a decision

  8. 此法暂缓执行。

    This law is in abeyance.

  9. 此法暂缓运行。

    Tinstant law is in abeyance.

  10. 暂缓起诉的特征

    prosecution reprieve feature

  11. 暂缓起诉的价值

    the prosecution reprieve value

  12. 暂缓缴纳暂缴税

    Holding over of provisional tax

  13. 暂缓执行停车条例

    suspend all parking regulations.

  14. 暂缓起诉制度初探

    A Pilot Discussion on Reprieve Prosecution

  15. 你的计划暂缓实行。

    Your plan is in abeyance.

  16. 对人质的暂缓处决。

    the reprieve of the hostages

  17. 暂缓起诉制度探微

    On System of Postponement of Action

  18. 讨论不得不暂缓举行。

    The discussion must of necessity be postponed for a while.

  19. 对某罪犯暂缓宣判

    to suspend the sentence on a convicted person

  20. 你的计划暂缓执行。

    Your plan should carried out in abeyance.

  21. 法官判暂缓执行死刑。

    The judge stayed the execution order.

  22. 暂缓执行配对交收指示

    hold matched SI

  23. 我的赴美计划暂缓。

    My plans for going to the USA are on ice for now.

  24. 你请求暂缓行刑,对吧?

    You're petitioning for a stay, is that right?

  25. 暂缓非重点工程建设

    suspend construction of nonessential project

  26. 申请延迟暂缓偿还学生贷款

    Application for deferment suspension of Loan Repayment

  27. 人民币离岸中心, 能否暂缓施工?

    Thoughts about Hongkong RMB Offshore Market?

  28. 或许你该暂缓手头的工作。

    Well, maybe you need to take a little time away from work.

  29. 或许你该暂缓手头的工作。

    Well, maybe you need to take a little time away from work.

  30. 暂缓起诉的价值及建构的必要性

    The Value and Necessity of the Prosecution Reprieve


  1. 问:暂缓拼音怎么拼?暂缓的读音是什么?暂缓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暂缓的读音是zànhuǎn,暂缓翻译成英文是 postpone; put off; defer

  2. 问:暂缓服拼音怎么拼?暂缓服的读音是什么?暂缓服翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暂缓服的读音是zàn huǎn fú,暂缓服翻译成英文是 suspended sentence

  3. 问:暂缓判罚拼音怎么拼?暂缓判罚的读音是什么?暂缓判罚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暂缓判罚的读音是zàn huǎn pàn fá,暂缓判罚翻译成英文是 delayed penalty; slow whistle

  4. 问:暂缓发薪拼音怎么拼?暂缓发薪的读音是什么?暂缓发薪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暂缓发薪的读音是zàn huǎn fā xīn,暂缓发薪翻译成英文是 Temporary Detention of Pay

  5. 问:暂缓执行拼音怎么拼?暂缓执行的读音是什么?暂缓执行翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暂缓执行的读音是zànhuǎnzhíxíng,暂缓执行翻译成英文是 probation of execution

  6. 问:暂缓监禁拼音怎么拼?暂缓监禁的读音是什么?暂缓监禁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暂缓监禁的读音是zàn huǎn jiān jìn,暂缓监禁翻译成英文是 suspended sentence

  7. 问:暂缓行使拼音怎么拼?暂缓行使的读音是什么?暂缓行使翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暂缓行使的读音是zànhuǎn xíngshǐ,暂缓行使翻译成英文是 forbearance

  8. 问:暂缓行刑拼音怎么拼?暂缓行刑的读音是什么?暂缓行刑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暂缓行刑的读音是zànhuǎnxíngxíng,暂缓行刑翻译成英文是 grant sb.; a reprieve

  9. 问:暂缓装运拼音怎么拼?暂缓装运的读音是什么?暂缓装运翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暂缓装运的读音是zàn huǎn zhuāng yùn,暂缓装运翻译成英文是 defer shipment

  10. 问:暂缓执行令拼音怎么拼?暂缓执行令的读音是什么?暂缓执行令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暂缓执行令的读音是zàn huǎn zhí xíng lìng,暂缓执行令翻译成英文是 temporary reprieve

  11. 问:暂缓行刑权拼音怎么拼?暂缓行刑权的读音是什么?暂缓行刑权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暂缓行刑权的读音是zàn huǎn xíng xíng quán,暂缓行刑权翻译成英文是 right of reprieve

  12. 问:暂缓执行刑罚拼音怎么拼?暂缓执行刑罚的读音是什么?暂缓执行刑罚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暂缓执行刑罚的读音是zàn huǎn zhí xíng xíng fá,暂缓执行刑罚翻译成英文是 reprieve




拼音:zànhuǎn 基本解释 [postpone; defer; put off] 暂且推迟;权且延缓 调价方案暂缓出台 详细解释 暂且推迟。 刘大白 《再造·春底消息》:“她的行期,也许暂缓吧!” 鲁迅 《书信集·致黄源》:“此书暂缓发排,索性等我全部看一遍后付印罢。”