




1. 景 [jǐng]2. 景 [yǐng]景 [jǐng]环境的风光:~色。~致。~物。~观。~气(a.景色;b.指经济繁荣现象,统指兴旺)。~深。情况,状况:~象。~况。年~。佩服,敬慕:~仰。~慕。高,大:~行(xíng )。姓。景 ……



汉语拼音:qíng jǐng








  1. 感情与景色。

    宋 范晞文 《对床夜语》卷二:“ 老杜 诗……‘感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心。’情景相触而莫分也。” 清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·词曲上·词采》:“文章头绪之最繁者,莫填词若矣。予谓总其大纲,则不出情景二字。景书所睹,情发欲言。” 缪荃荪 《<宋元词四十家>序》:“或丽若金膏,或清如水碧,或冷如磵雪,或奇若巖云,万户千门,五光十色,出机杼於众製,融情景於一家。”

  2. 犹情形,情况。

    《红楼梦》第十八回:“母女姊妹,不免叙些久别的情景,及家务私情。”《儿女英雄传》第十二回:“方纔听你説起那情景来,他句句话与你针锋相对,分明是豪客剑侠一流人物。” 魏巍 《东方》第六部第一章:“虽然事情过去了几年,那幅情景仍然历历在目。”



  1. The scenario is similar to that of a figure skater drawing her arms inward during a spin to turn faster on the ice.


  2. It was one of those amazing only-in-Beijing moments that I'll remember long after I, someday, leave the city.


  3. Well, initially, everyone was really trying to get out and I mean, players were about as frightened as anybody else, obviously.


  4. The drama in the narrative on the innovative multi-line in hand, trying to break the traditional Chinese sitcom-wire . . .


  5. And sometimes you close your eyes And see the place where you used to live When you were young?


  6. Increased travel to see some "classical" landscapes increased the desire to build a "physical diary" of some of these scenes.


  7. The tile on the wall behind the stove is all hand made and depicts a beehive with bees flying around it.


  8. Now he was standing at the window trying to call that moment to account.


  9. We had been sent up to the day nursery after she died and were crying. How that early morning picture has stayed with me.


  1. 情景教学法

    situational teaching approach

  2. 感人的情景

    moving sight

  3. 动人的情景

    moving scene.

  4. 感人的情景

    a moving sight.

  5. 虚幻的情景

    a mere illusion.

  6. 未来情景设想

    future scenarios.

  7. 闲谈昔日情景

    A chat over old days

  8. 情景模拟演练

    simulation drilling in mimic scene

  9. 情景十分悲凉。

    The scene is very sad and dreary.

  10. 情景对话样例

    dialogue sample

  11. 这情景很感人。

    The sight is quite moving.

  12. 回忆过去的情景

    Conjure up visions of the past

  13. 情景交融的心灵披露

    The Disclosure of Blended Scenes

  14. 一上车的情景。

    The scene while getting on the subway.

  15. 这是当时的情景。

    And this is what we saw.

  16. 这是北面的情景。

    This is the scene north.

  17. 这情景使他厌恶。

    The sight fills him with nausea.

  18. 我不忍看此情景。

    I cannot endure the sight of it.

  19. 那情景使我心寒。

    The sight sends a chill to my heart.

  20. 这是实验的情景。

    And so this is what this looks like.

  21. 这情景使她心寒。

    The sight sent a chill to her heart.

  22. 思考下现在的情景

    Look where you are now.

  23. 国会中的愤怨情景

    angry scenes in Parliament

  24. 概念义和情景义

    Conceptual meaning and situational meaning

  25. 罗可可的当下情景

    The Present Scene of Rococo.

  26. 情景语义学概述

    The Outline of Situation Semantics

  27. 情景式实验教学

    circumstances experimental teaching

  28. 这首诗情景交融。

    Feeling and setting happily blended in the poem.

  29. 情景剧一个噩梦

    Melodrama YI GE E MENG , a story about Chinese learning

  30. 那么情景呢,情景是什么?

    And context, what is really context?


  1. 问:情景拼音怎么拼?情景的读音是什么?情景翻译成英文是什么?

    答:情景的读音是qíngjǐng,情景翻译成英文是 sight

  2. 问:情景交融拼音怎么拼?情景交融的读音是什么?情景交融翻译成英文是什么?

    答:情景交融的读音是qíngjǐngjiāoróng,情景交融翻译成英文是 feeling and setting perfectly blended

  3. 问:情景法拼音怎么拼?情景法的读音是什么?情景法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:情景法的读音是qíngjǐngfǎ,情景法翻译成英文是 situational method

  4. 问:情景主体拼音怎么拼?情景主体的读音是什么?情景主体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:情景主体的读音是qíng jǐng zhǔ tǐ,情景主体翻译成英文是 scenario agent

  5. 问:情景代数拼音怎么拼?情景代数的读音是什么?情景代数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:情景代数的读音是qíng jǐng dài shù,情景代数翻译成英文是 situation algebra

  6. 问:情景喜剧拼音怎么拼?情景喜剧的读音是什么?情景喜剧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:情景喜剧的读音是,情景喜剧翻译成英文是 Sitcom

  7. 问:情景意义拼音怎么拼?情景意义的读音是什么?情景意义翻译成英文是什么?

    答:情景意义的读音是qíngjǐng yìyì,情景意义翻译成英文是 situational meaning

  8. 问:情景模型拼音怎么拼?情景模型的读音是什么?情景模型翻译成英文是什么?

    答:情景模型的读音是qíngjǐng móxíng,情景模型翻译成英文是 situational model

  9. 问:情景模式拼音怎么拼?情景模式的读音是什么?情景模式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:情景模式的读音是qíng jǐng mó shì,情景模式翻译成英文是 contextual model

  10. 问:情景演算拼音怎么拼?情景演算的读音是什么?情景演算翻译成英文是什么?

    答:情景演算的读音是qíng jǐng yǎn suàn,情景演算翻译成英文是 situation calculus

  11. 问:情景照应拼音怎么拼?情景照应的读音是什么?情景照应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:情景照应的读音是qíngjǐng zhàoyìng,情景照应翻译成英文是 situational reference

  12. 问:情景理论拼音怎么拼?情景理论的读音是什么?情景理论翻译成英文是什么?

    答:情景理论的读音是qíng jǐng lǐ lùn,情景理论翻译成英文是 situation theory

  13. 问:情景记忆拼音怎么拼?情景记忆的读音是什么?情景记忆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:情景记忆的读音是qíng jǐng jì yì,情景记忆翻译成英文是 episodic memory

  14. 问:情景语境拼音怎么拼?情景语境的读音是什么?情景语境翻译成英文是什么?

    答:情景语境的读音是qíng jǐng yǔ jìng,情景语境翻译成英文是 context of situation

  15. 问:情景教学法拼音怎么拼?情景教学法的读音是什么?情景教学法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:情景教学法的读音是qíngjǐng jiàoxuéfǎ,情景教学法翻译成英文是 situational approach

  16. 问:情景语义学拼音怎么拼?情景语义学的读音是什么?情景语义学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:情景语义学的读音是qíng jǐng yǔ yì xué,情景语义学翻译成英文是 situation semantics

  17. 问:情景中的单位拼音怎么拼?情景中的单位的读音是什么?情景中的单位翻译成英文是什么?

    答:情景中的单位的读音是qíngjǐngzhōng de dānwèi,情景中的单位翻译成英文是 unit-in-context

  18. 问:情景判断测验拼音怎么拼?情景判断测验的读音是什么?情景判断测验翻译成英文是什么?

    答:情景判断测验的读音是qíngjĭngpànduàncèyàn,情景判断测验翻译成英文是 situational judgment test

  19. 问:情景教学大纲拼音怎么拼?情景教学大纲的读音是什么?情景教学大纲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:情景教学大纲的读音是qíngjǐng jiàoxuédàgāng,情景教学大纲翻译成英文是 situational syllabus

  20. 问:情景熟悉系统拼音怎么拼?情景熟悉系统的读音是什么?情景熟悉系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:情景熟悉系统的读音是qíng jǐng shú xī xì tǒng,情景熟悉系统翻译成英文是 Situational Awareness System



【释义】 (1) 感情与景色。 (2) (具体场合的)情形;景象。例:看此情景,他一时半会是来不了了。 (3) 环境:假设是在这个情景。