







汉语拼音:dié yǒng






  1. Each downward pulse of your chest should raise your hips above the surface and the same should happen during the single stroke.


  2. Phelps was ahead of world-record pace during the opening (butterfly) leg, but he and the rest of the field fell back over the next two laps.


  3. In a stunning performance in the butterfly final, Phelps was barely able to see as his goggles filled with water.


  4. On this stroke you can see that he is turning his hands towards the front too soon.


  5. Just as you finish the pull, the kick should be snapping to completion.


  6. As you doing a lot of high elbow training in butterfly this would help you shoulder over the long line.


  7. Hilary showed real promise, particularly in the butterfly, but eventually gave up the sport. Whitney stuck with it much longer.


  8. They keep the feet high and behind the body. The focus, again, is to finish the extension of the hands before initiating the dolphin kick.


  9. In less than the blink of an eye, Michael Phelps touched the wall ahead of Serbia's Milorad Cavic to win the men's 100-meter butterfly.


  1. 海豚式蝶泳

    dolphin butterfly stroke.

  2. 水下蝶泳打腿

    underwater butterfly kick.

  3. 你是游蝶泳吗?

    Was that the butterfly you were doing

  4. 只有蝶泳我不会。

    Butterfly is the only stroke I cant do.

  5. 我想学蝶泳。

    I want to learn butterfly stroke.

  6. 可她想学蝶泳。

    But she wants to learn butterfly stroke.

  7. 蝶泳的呼吸不是伸下巴。

    It is not jutting your chin forward.

  8. 蛙泳、仰泳、蝶泳以及自由泳。

    Breast stroke, back stroke, butterfly stroke, and free stroke.

  9. 她在学习自由泳和蝶泳。

    She is learning how to swim the crawl and the butterfly.

  10. 那么蝶泳就是最佳运动了?

    So is the butterfly the best single exercise that there is?

  11. 你能教我蝶泳和仰泳吗?

    Can you teach me the butterfly and the backstroke?

  12. 在蝶泳中, 打腿也非常重要。

    The butterfly, the fly kick is very important, also.

  13. 蝶泳的泳姿动作要领是什么?

    What are the elements of the butterfly stroke?

  14. 她将参加蛙泳和蝶泳的比赛。

    She'll swim the races of breaststroke and butterfly stroke.

  15. 我爱游泳,你知道我最喜欢蝶泳。

    I love swimming, you know my favorite style is butterfly.

  16. 哇!他能教我蝶泳和仰泳吗?

    Wow! Can he teach me the butterfly and the backstroke?

  17. 他在100米蝶泳比赛中名列第二。

    He was second in the 100m butterfly event.

  18. 他在100米蝶泳比赛中名列第二。

    He was second in the 100 m butterfly event.

  19. 约翰会游自由泳, 仰泳, 蛙泳和蝶泳。

    John can swim free style, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly.

  20. 这是开始学习蝶泳腿的好方法。

    It is a great way to start the kick.

  21. 蝶泳手臂出水不要有提肘动作。

    You do not want the elbows liftthe fly recovery.

  22. 蝶泳,仰泳,蛙泳比赛只包括100米和200米比赛。

    The butterfly, backstroke and breaststroke races each cover100 and200 metres.

  23. 我们通常把蝶泳踢腿称作海豚泳。

    We often refer the butterfly kick as the body dolphin.

  24. 大多数优秀的蝶泳运动员都打两次腿。

    And most of your good butterflyers are 2 beats kickers.

  25. 他只参加两项比赛,100米蝶泳和100米自由泳。

    He swam in just two events, the100m butterfly and100m freestyle.

  26. 这里, 你能看到水下蝶泳腿得效率。

    This you can see the efficiency of the stroke under water.

  27. 这里, 你能看到水下蝶泳腿的效率。

    This you can see the efficiency of the stroke under water.

  28. 但是我听说她还是获得了100米蝶泳金牌。

    But I heard she reached and touched the gold of the100m butterfly.

  29. 做蝶泳转身时,你要径直游向池壁。

    The butterfly turn, you want to come straight into the wall.

  30. 这是我们使用的一种打腿练习, 蝶泳的打腿练习。

    This is one of our kick drills, butterfly kick drills.


  1. 问:蝶泳拼音怎么拼?蝶泳的读音是什么?蝶泳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蝶泳的读音是diéyǒng,蝶泳翻译成英文是 butterfly stroke; butterfly

  2. 问:蝶泳运动员拼音怎么拼?蝶泳运动员的读音是什么?蝶泳运动员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蝶泳运动员的读音是dié yǒng yùn dòng yuán,蝶泳运动员翻译成英文是 butterfly swimmer; flyer


