









汉语拼音:yī bēi gēng






  1. 见“ 一桮羹 ”。



  1. With a Facebook IPO at least a year off, many investors are keen for a slice of "the Facebook of China" .


  2. But Microsoft is not the only one bidding for a piece of the personal-robot pie.


  3. He helped negotiate the communist regime's surrender in 1989 and was one of the victors in the electoral triumph that followed.


  4. The current generation of workers wants a greater share of the good times, and their leaders are beginning to understand that.


  5. But home-grown brands such as Trands are trying to raise their profile both at home and abroad to get a piece of the lucrative luxury pie.


  6. This is all good news for purveyors of luxury goods and fancy homes, who hope to pick up more than a few crumbs from Wall Street's table.


  7. The merchants got rich but few warmed to the Assads or their Alawite cronies, who have behaved like mafiosi, demanding a slice of every pie.


  8. If the dollar's dominance is to end, two or more currencies are likely to share the crown.


  9. Now, medium-size companies are scrambling not just for a piece of the action, but for talent as well.


  1. 分得一杯羹

    have a share.

  2. 我们需要分一杯羹。

    We need a piece of that.

  3. 我们若不能分一杯羹。

    If we don't get a piece of that action.

  4. 他们开始想多分一杯羹。

    They want a bigger piece of the pie.

  5. 激光科学家也想分一杯羹。

    Laser scientists want a slice of this action.

  6. 我可以给我的信徒分一杯羹

    I can share a taste. with my faithful.

  7. 不仅仅是运动员想分一杯羹。

    It's not only the players who want a piece of the action.

  8. 不仅仅是运动员想分一杯羹。

    It's not only the players who want a piece of the action.

  9. 人人都想从冷战中分一杯羹

    The Cold War's up for grabs.

  10. 大学也能在此中分得一杯羹。

    Universities can also benefit in this part of the equation.

  11. 有啊,所以我才分到了一杯羹。

    Yes! That's how I got profit participation.

  12. 不要申诉,我可以让你分一杯羹。

    Don't file it and I'll let you in.

  13. 大家都想从候选人那儿分一杯羹。

    Everybody wants a piece of the candidate.

  14. 但现在, 任何人都可以分一杯羹了。

    Now anyone can get a piece of the action.

  15. 承包商们将必须适应, 以确保分得一杯羹。

    Contractors will have to adapt to ensure a slice of the pie.

  16. 我们猜你可能想是该分一杯羹。

    We figured you might want a piece of that pie.

  17. 然而, 还有个人要跟上述公司分一杯羹。

    These firms, however, have one other competitor.

  18. 我若能分一杯羹, 才出钱参与这一计划。

    I'm only putting money into this scheme if I get a slice of the action.

  19. 我想,你该也让我参加,分一杯羹吧,兄弟。

    I'm thinking you should let me get in on that, man.

  20. 在伦敦所有的诈骗和盗窃案中分一杯羹。

    In every dirty bent and stolen pie in london.

  21. 传统的硬件公司也想从软件产业分一杯羹。

    Old hardware companies want a slice of the software sashimi.

  22. 她若能分得一杯羹, 才肯出钱参与这一计划。

    She's only putting money into this scheme if she get a slice of the action.

  23. 大群海豹特别在这时候来大浅滩 要分一杯羹

    Herds of seals come up to the Grand Banks specially at this time to share in the bonanza.

  24. 实际上,任何可以从中分得一杯羹的人都会非常高兴。

    Virtually anybody who gets a slice of the pie is going to be quite happy.

  25. 她在创建一个新的企业并且答应分一杯羹给我。

    She's starting a new business and has promised me a piece of the action.

  26. 如果你拥有成功的业务,许多人也会想分一杯羹。

    If you have a successful business, many others want a share.

  27. 他们意识到,要分得一杯羹,头等大事是让国会满意。

    They realize that the number one priority in getting handouts is making Congress happy.

  28. 而其他州也在努力从这个行业的发展中分一杯羹。

    Other states are scrambling to capture a piece of the industry as well.

  29. 谁不想从全球最具活力的经济体中分得一杯羹呢

    Who would not want a bit of the world's most dynamic economy

  30. 谁不想从全球最具活力得经济体中分得一杯羹呢

    Who would not want a bit of the world's most dynamic economy.



【注音】yī bēi gēng




