


1. 膏 [gāo]2. 膏 [gào]膏 [gāo]肥,肥肉:~粱(肥肉、细粮)。~腴。~沃。脂油:春雨如~。~泽(a.滋润作物的及时雨;b.喻给予恩惠)。中医指心尖脂肪,认为是药力达不到的部位:病入~肓。膏 [gào]把油抹在车轴或机械……





汉语拼音:gāo yào






  1. 中医外用药的一种。用植物油或动物油加药熬炼成胶状物,涂在布、纸或皮的一面,可较长时间地贴在患处。

    《后汉书·方术传上·段翳》:“ 翳 为合膏药,并以简书封於筒中。” 唐 韦绚 《刘宾客嘉话录》:“本师知病疮,遣某将少膏药来,可便傅之。”《水浒传》第一○二回:“ 王庆 勉强摆到府衙前,与惯医跌打损伤,朝北开铺子卖膏药的 钱老儿 ,买了两个膏药,贴在肋上。” 茅盾 《赛会》:“ 老六伯 原先是‘外路人’,在这镇上的东岳庙前旷场上卖跌打损伤膏药,会几路花枪。”



  1. "Very interesting reading it might be made, too, " remarked Sherlock Holmes, sticking a small piece of plaster over the prick on his finger.


  2. Then in that land, there lived a poor man with a patch over one eye and a crutch to help him to walk.


  3. Mustard also packs enough heat to break up congestion, the reason it was traditionally used in chest plasters.


  4. Pick a few leaves from the common lawn weed plantain, wash them, mash them, and apply as a poultice to the affected skin.


  5. Thus they repeatedly unveiled sticking plaster (or Band-Aid) solutions that tried to delay tough decisions and paper over the cracks.


  6. The patches made him nauseous at first, but that was the only side-effect.


  7. And in the last two world wars poultices with honey were used to assist the healing process in soldiers' wounds.


  8. The man looks like a cartoon character with a plaster on his temple.


  9. Said invented ointment for external application can be made into three dosage forms of soft ointment, black plaster and white plaster.


  1. 板栗膏药病

    Chestnut plaster disease.

  2. 在伤口涂膏药

    plaster a wound

  3. 贴膏药于患处

    put a plaster on a sore

  4. 湿润烧伤膏药纱

    MEBO gauze

  5. 我需要一盒膏药。

    I need a box of plasters.

  6. 花椒膏药病的研究

    Study on the plaster on Chinese prickly ash.

  7. 您以前用过膏药吗?

    Have you used plasters before

  8. 只在关节贴过膏药。

    Just the odd drag of don's joint.

  9. 本配方可做45贴膏药。

    This recipe makes 4 to 5 plasters.

  10. 没有膏药能医治断臂。

    No ointment can heal a broken arm.

  11. 热敷这种膏药, 消肿止痛。

    A hot compress with this ointment can reduce swelling and alleviate pain.

  12. 忍耐乃一切痛苦的膏药。

    Patience is a plaster of all sores.

  13. 她敷膏药于自己的伤口。

    She plastered her wound.

  14. 在疼痛的肌肉上贴上膏药

    Plaster an aching muscle.

  15. 一贴治疗眼睛红肿的膏药。

    A poultice for inflamed eyes.

  16. 膏药在线激光制孔的研究

    Study on dynamic laser drilling for sticking plaster

  17. 一种涂在嘴唇上的膏药。

    a balm applied to the lips.

  18. 外用黑膏药的临床研究概况

    Survey of the Clinical Application of Black Plaster

  19. 这种膏药能治好你的伤口。

    This plaster will help your wound.

  20. 这种膏药能治好你得伤口。

    This plaster will help your wound.

  21. 你刚获得了一个生命膏药。

    You have acquired a health poultice.

  22. 她将膏药贴在他的膀子上。

    She applied the plaster on his shoulder.

  23. 我敷上膏药, 脓疮迸裂, 开始痊愈。

    I applied a poultice and the abscess opened and began to heal.

  24. 我肩膀很疼,想买几贴膏药。

    My shoulder ached very much and I want to buy some plasters.

  25. 又过了一周,再贴上了一副膏药。

    Another week, another sticking plaster.

  26. 护士清洗了伤口并在上面贴了膏药。

    The nurse washed and plastered the wound.

  27. 把这膏药每日一次敷贴患处。

    Put a plaster on the sore once a day.

  28. 本品为摊于布上得黑膏药。

    Shandong Anticancer Plasters is a black adhesive plaster spread upon a gauze.

  29. 影响板栗膏药病发生因素的研究

    Study on the Major Factors Relating to Plaster Disease in Chestnut

  30. 有些人贴尼古丁膏药来帮助自己戒烟。

    Some people wear nicotine patches to help them give up smoking.


  1. 问:膏药拼音怎么拼?膏药的读音是什么?膏药翻译成英文是什么?

    答:膏药的读音是gāoyao,膏药翻译成英文是 plaster


