


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


1. 肖 [xiāo]2. 肖 [xiào]肖 [xiāo]衰微。姓,如元朝有肖乃台。肖 [xiào]相似,像:~像。不~。惟妙惟~。神情酷~。……



汉语拼音:bù xiào








  1. 谓子不似父。

    《礼记·杂记下》:“诸侯出夫人,夫人比至于其国……主人对曰:‘某之子不肖,不敢辟诛。’” 郑玄 注:“肖,似也。不似,言不如人。”《史记·五帝本纪》:“ 尧 知子 丹朱 之不肖,不足授天下。” 司马贞 索隐引 郑玄 曰:“言不如父也。”后用以称子孙之不孝。 巴金 《秋》四五:“他们这些不肖子弟拿了爹的钱,又不听爹的话。” 曹禺 《北京人》第一幕:“好,我说过,我说过,我是为我这些不肖的子孙才说的。”

  2. 不相象。

    清 黄宗羲 《赠黄子期序》:“有 慈豁霞生 者,无所传授,多为村落传神,无有不肖。”

  3. 不成材;不正派。

    《礼记·射义》:“发而不失正鵠者,其唯贤者乎?若夫不肖之人,则彼将安能以中。” 孔颖达 疏:“不肖,谓小人也。”《韩非子·功名》:“ 尧 为匹夫,不能正三家,非不肖也,位卑也。”《汉书·武帝纪》:“ 代郡 将军 敖 、 雁门 将军 广 ,所任不肖,校尉又背义妄行,弃军而北。” 颜师古 注:“肖,似也。不肖者,言无所象类,谓不材之人也。” 宋 苏轼 《上富丞相书》:“翰林 欧阳公 不知其不肖,使与於制举之末,而发其猖狂之论。” 吴玉章 《从甲午战争前后到辛亥革命前后的回忆》六:“留 日 学生中也确有一些不肖之徒,见利忘义,以致被它软化。”

  4. 自谦之称。

    《战国策·齐策二》:“今 齐王 甚憎 张仪 , 仪 之所在,必举兵而伐之。故 仪 愿乞不肖身而之 梁 。” 唐 韩愈 《上考功崔虞部书》:“ 愈 不肖,行能诚无可取。”《辽史·耶律阿息保传》:“不肖适异国,必无生还,愿公善辅国家。” 阿英 《关于瞿秋白的文学遗著》:“不肖罪孽深重,祸延笔名 陈笑峰 。”



  1. To someone who has seen a dozen people frown, scowl or turn their faces away, your smile is like the sun breaking through the clouds.


  2. To avoid arbitrary registration, the account of the registered user will be activated after the email provided is verified.


  3. Okay , but , uh, listen, I can fill this place in an hour .


  4. As you may have heard this morning, I was the academic failure of my family.


  5. a man who applauds the decision of his supervisor despite of right or wrong is an unworthy underling.


  6. "Unworthy" does not only mean that the child takes after his father.


  7. It raises the specter, for instance, of an unscrupulous person scanning the contents of another's wallet from far away.


  8. "Oh, I have been a cruel son! God forgive me! "


  9. Poor Dick, he was the black sheep of the family, always in disgrace.


  1. 不肖不仅仅是儿子不像父亲。

    Unworthy does not only mean that the child takes after his father.

  2. 我是不是一个很不肖的儿子?

    Am I really a black sheep of the family?

  3. 但此类行为统统都属忤逆不肖。

    But all such is disobedience and rebellion.

  4. 不肖之子败坏了这家的门风。

    The unworthy son corrupted the ethics and moral standards of the family.

  5. 啊,我真是不肖之子!上帝宽恕我吧

    Oh, I have been a cruel son! God forgive me!

  6. 老人与他不肖的儿子断绝了关系,并剥夺了他的继承权。

    The old man cast off his prodigal son and disinherited him.

  7. 你始终不肖泄露你的奸夫。那就也为我保密吧!

    Thou hast kept the secret of thy paramour. Keep, likewise, mine!

  8. 老人断绝了与他的不肖儿子的关系,并剥夺了他的继承权。

    The old man cast off his prodigal son and disinherited him.

  9. 福利救济金更是为不肖官员提供赚取不义之财的丰富来源。

    Welfare benefits provide a rich source of pickings for dodgy officials.

  10. 当然如果你早就看过了小说,这个也就不肖我来解释了。

    Of course, if you've read the book, you already knew that.

  11. 科学杂志编辑在调查此事以后却并不同意肖博士的说法。

    Sciences editors, however, disagreed after they had looked into the matter.

  12. 别担心,肖,我不会让你失望的。

    Don't worry, Xiao, I won't let you down.

  13. 豪尔试图在法律上解约合同,但是克肖不愿意改变她的计划。

    Hall tried to void the contract on a technicality, but Kershaw refused to change her plans.

  14. 疼不疼啊,肖恩

    Good. Good.

  15. 我爱肖邦请爱我不要彷徨

    Used to say I like Chopin Love me now and again

  16. 她只是想尽量不让肖娜难过。

    She's just trying to spare Shawna's feelings.

  17. 我不能肖先生和肖太太在非洲旅行。

    Mr.And mrs.Shaw were on safari in Africa.

  18. 但是肖提醒他的球员们决不能放松。

    But Shaw has warned his team not to relax.

  19. 肖恩在卧室里看电视,听不见。

    Shaun was in the bedroom, out of earshot, watching television.

  20. 他是不会立即撤销肖特的通知的。

    He would not withdraw Short's circular immediately.

  21. 因此,一缕阴魂不散,跟定了肖山。

    Therefore, lingering ray, Xiao Shan with the set.

  22. 你想他们是不是在向霍雷肖示威?

    Do you think they're trying to send horatio a message?

  23. 米歇尔,你不能抵制你的未来。肖恩低声说

    You cant boycott your future, Michelle. Shawn boomed.

  24. 斯蒂芬一声不响地在亲王那幅仪表堂堂的肖

    Stephen seated himself noiselessly before the princely presence

  25. 我不授权我的肖象被用于以上所述的任何目的。

    I do not authorize for my photograph to be released for any purposes, as stated above.

  26. 亨肖和新来的人聊天,免得他感到不自在。

    Henshaw made conversation with the newcomer so that he would not feel ill at ease.

  27. 她说, 因为他是个天才, 她不嫌肖伯纳年迈丑陋。

    She said she did not mind Bernard Shaw's age and ugliness because he was a genius.

  28. 任何维妙维肖的画像决计画不出她那种神态来。

    No literal portrait would ever of her justice.

  29. 所有使克肖韭菜一项艰巨的不锈钢刀切削工具。

    All making the Kershaw Leek Stainless knife a formidable cutting tool.

  30. 你难道不知道你们的命比肖的命对我来说更重要?

    Do you imagine any one of your lives is more valuable to me than Shaw's?


  1. 问:不肖拼音怎么拼?不肖的读音是什么?不肖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不肖的读音是búxiào,不肖翻译成英文是 unworthy; good-for-nothing




【拼音】 bù xiào

【释义】 1、子不似父。孟子万章上:“丹朱之不肖,舜之子亦不肖。”说文:“肖,骨肉相似也。从肉,小声。不似其先,故曰不肖也。”后来称不孝之子为不肖。 2、不才,不正派。商君书画策:“不明主在上,所举必不肖。” 3、谦辞。不才,不贤 。 臣等不肖,请辞去。——《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》 《史记·李斯列传》:於是李斯乃叹曰:“人之贤不肖譬如鼠矣,在所自处耳!”又:此臣主之分定,上下之义明,则天下贤不肖莫敢不尽力竭任以徇其君矣。又:而所为恶不肖者,为其贱也。 《东周列国志》第九十六回:“臣以为:‘布衣之交,尚不相欺,况万乘之君乎?奈何以不肖之心待人,而得罪于大王?’” 4、品行不好,没有出息(多用于子孙)(不肖子孙) 5、旧时男子自谦词。不肖原指子不似其父那样贤能,故男子在其父母死后多借以自称,表示谦恭。