


查:~查。~测。~讨。~举。~校(jiào )。~修。~索。~察。注意约束(言行):~点(a.注意约束言行,如“参加宴会时连吃带拿,太不~~了”;b.查看是否符合,如“把行李~~一遍”)。失~。古代官名,掌修国史,位次编修。姓。……





汉语拼音:jiǎn lòu







  1. The leak check should be performed with an inert gas, and care should be taken not to over pressurize any components of the system.


  2. If the gas-collecting vessel was kept under atmospheric pressure, it would be called differential pressure accumulation leak detection.


  3. Theoretical analysis and experimental tests prove that the new seal leak detection system is accurate, reliable, and of high value.


  4. Remove the service hoses and check using an electronic leak detector, especially around the service connectors.


  5. Therefore, the correct concept, coupled with your sharp eye, leak detection, natural host, the bounds of reason.


  6. Last, a technology is presented to detect and locate leaks by the correlation of leak noise at two locations along the pipe.


  7. Leakage checking: to apply soap water to all connectors for checking leakage or not.


  8. An electronic leak detector may find any residual traces of refrigerant or oil forced out by the increased pressure of the nitrogen.


  9. There should be regular leak tests on the chamber when a vacuum phase is part of the cycle.


  1. 安瓿检漏试验

    ampoule testing for leakage.

  2. 氦质谱检漏

    helium mass spectrometer leak detection.

  3. 卤化物检漏灯

    halide lamp.

  4. 安瓿灭菌检漏设备

    Ampoule sterilization and leakage detector

  5. 检漏方法选用指南

    Guide for Selection of a Leak Testing Method

  6. 正压检漏的漏率


  7. 氦质谱背压检漏

    helium mass spectrum back pressure leak detection

  8. 铁鞋法管道涂层检漏

    Pearson survey

  9. 法兰氦质谱检漏技术

    Helium Mass Spectrometer Leak Testing for the Flange

  10. 提出了被动检漏的概念。

    In this paper, the concept of passive leak detection technique for space vehicle was proposed.

  11. 检漏仪的最小可检漏率

    Minimum detectable rate of leak detector

  12. 用超声波检漏的标准试验方法

    Standard test method for leaks using ultrasonics

  13. 炉管检漏系统设置调研报告

    Investigation Report on the Leak Hunting System Setup for the Boiler Piping

  14. 压力容器的氦质谱检漏方法

    Helium Leak Test of Pressure Vessel

  15. 复合板设备检漏的几种方法

    The Methods of Leak Hunting for Clad Plate Equipment

  16. 对高效空气过滤器检漏的研究

    Study on Leak Test for HEPA Filters

  17. 漏孔漏率的探讨及检漏方法的选择

    Investogation and Selection of the Method of Measuring Leak Rate of Leak Holes

  18. 机翼整体油箱氦质谱检漏技术

    Leakage Detection Technology by Means of Helium Mass Spectrum for Integral Oil Tank of Wing

  19. 正压氦检漏的几个技术问题

    Some Technical Problems in Positive Pressure Helium Leak Detection

  20. 压水堆燃料棒氦质谱检漏

    Helium leak testing of nuclear fuel rod for PWR

  21. 每次更换钢瓶之后, 要对系统检漏。

    Leak testing should be completed on the system after each cylinder change.

  22. 四极质谱计在真空检漏中的应用

    Application of quadrupole mass spectrometer in vacuum leak detection

  23. 本人根据自身经验, 推荐了荧光法检漏。

    On the basis of my experience, I recommend the fluorescence detection method.

  24. 大型真空罐的检漏是一项复杂的工作。

    The detection for large vacuum tank is a complex job.

  25. 听漏仪是供水管网检漏的重要仪器。

    Leakage listening detector is an important instrument in finding water leakage point.

  26. 用超声波对输油管道进行检漏及定位

    Leak Hunting and Location to Oil Pipeline with Ultrasonic Wave

  27. 氦质谱检漏技术在火电厂中的应用

    Application of Helium Mass Spectrometer Leak Detecting Technology in Thermal Power Plants

  28. 基于负压波分析的油管检漏技术研究

    Research on leak detection of fuel pipe based on analysis of negative pressure wave

  29. 常压累积法氦质谱检漏的误差分析

    The Error Analysis of Usual Integrating Leak Detection of Helium Mass Spectrometer at Normal Atmosphere

  30. 气罩积分法正压检漏的候检时间

    Waiting Time of Leak Hunting in Pressure Leak Hunting Mode with Integration Method in Gas Hood


  1. 问:检漏仪拼音怎么拼?检漏仪的读音是什么?检漏仪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:检漏仪的读音是jiǎn lòu yí,检漏仪翻译成英文是 leak finder

  2. 问:检漏器拼音怎么拼?检漏器的读音是什么?检漏器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:检漏器的读音是jiǎn lòu qì,检漏器翻译成英文是 leakage detector

  3. 问:检漏液拼音怎么拼?检漏液的读音是什么?检漏液翻译成英文是什么?

    答:检漏液的读音是jiǎn lòu yè,检漏液翻译成英文是 leak detecting solution

  4. 问:检漏计拼音怎么拼?检漏计的读音是什么?检漏计翻译成英文是什么?

    答:检漏计的读音是jiǎn lòu jì,检漏计翻译成英文是 leakage indicator

  5. 问:检漏装置拼音怎么拼?检漏装置的读音是什么?检漏装置翻译成英文是什么?

    答:检漏装置的读音是jiǎn lòu zhuāng zhì,检漏装置翻译成英文是 leak-detection equipment

  6. 问:检漏器查漏仪拼音怎么拼?检漏器查漏仪的读音是什么?检漏器查漏仪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:检漏器查漏仪的读音是,检漏器查漏仪翻译成英文是 leak detector

  7. 问:检漏孔采气罩拼音怎么拼?检漏孔采气罩的读音是什么?检漏孔采气罩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:检漏孔采气罩的读音是jiǎn lòu kǒng cǎi qì zhào,检漏孔采气罩翻译成英文是 drain



检漏jiǎnlòu[repair the leaky part of a roof]∶检修房顶漏雨部分[leak]∶检查泄漏