


1. 虫 [chóng]虫 [chóng]节肢动物的一类:昆~。益~。雕~小技(喻微不足道的技能)。动物的通称:大~(老虎)。长~(蛇)。介~(有介壳的虫子)。……





汉语拼音:chóng jiāo






  1. 一种天然树脂。由紫胶虫的分泌液凝结在树枝上经干燥而成。色紫红,略透明。经加工提炼即成虫胶片,可供制造涂料(即泡立水)、唱片及绝缘材料等用。又称紫胶。



  1. The shellac issue was one of the hot topics of chemical research at the turn of the century.


  2. It went on to replace rubber, shellac and guttapercha as an insulator.


  3. Another innovation came when Bakelite was patented as a replacement for shellac in grinding wheels.


  4. The experiment was carried out to coat tomato and cucumbers with konjac glucomannan (KGM), shellac and nisin.


  5. Shellac is derived from the excretions of the Kerria lacca insect, most commonly found in the forests of Thailand.


  6. Now, the new stairs look great, but are so shellacked, they've become a huge slipping hazard in the winter!


  7. Once that happens, and it almost always does, the insect simply becomes part of the shellac-making process.


  8. Grain arrows waved darkly in the wood under the coating of shellac, the brightness of elbow-grease.


  9. In 100 years, recorded music has gone from cylinders to shellac 78s to vinyl LPs to cassettes, CDs and now digital downloads.


  1. 你认为虫胶的

    And you think this.

  2. 电绝缘材料用橙色紫胶和其他印度虫胶

    Standard Specification for Orange Shellac and Other Indian Lacs for Electrical Insulation

  3. 壳脑酸酯溴化反应性质及在虫胶漂白中的应用

    Property of Shellolate Bromination Reaction and Its Application to the Bleaching of Lac Resin

  4. 脱色脱蜡虫胶粉末

    Refined Bleached Dewaxed Shellac Powder

  5. 粘虫胶的应用技术

    Applied Technique of the Sticky Insect Glue

  6. 虫胶感光胶性能的研究

    Research on the Properties of the Sensitive Shellac Bond.

  7. 虫胶天然树胶, 树脂, 树胶脂及油树脂

    Lac natural gums, resins, gumresins and oleoresins

  8. 章虫胶树胶, 树脂及其他植物液, 汁

    Lac gums, resins and other vegetable saps and extracts

  9. 电绝缘材料用橙色虫胶和其他印度紫胶

    Orange Shellac and Other Indian Lacs for Electrical Insulation

  10. 我想跟你一起给它们涂上虫胶放入桌子

    and I thought maybe we could shellac them into the tables.

  11. 它开始取代橡胶、虫胶和杜仲胶,用作绝缘材料。

    It went on to replace rubber, shellac and guttapercha as an insulator.

  12. 方法采用棉签拭子法查蛲虫卵,透明胶纸法作流行因素调查。

    Methods Adopting cotton swab to examine pinworm cellophane tape to investigate about prevalent factors.

  13. 当胶木用作砂轮中虫胶的专利替代品时,另一项创新出现了。

    Another innovation came when Bakelite was patented as a replacement for shellac in grinding wheels.

  14. 如何在生产实践中应用紫胶虫种胶国家标准

    How to implement the national standard on lac insect species in the lac production

  15. 虫胶绝缘漆

    shellac insulating paint.

  16. 虫胶清漆和漂白虫胶清漆

    Shellac varnishes and bleached shellac varnishes

  17. 但究竟什么是虫胶?

    But what exactly is shellac

  18. 虫胶的基本特性及应用

    The Basic Character of Shell lac and ItsApplication

  19. 动物染料有虫胶,胭脂红虫等

    The animal dyestuffs are of worm, carmine worm, etc.

  20. 虫胶树脂的抽样和试验方法

    Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Lac Resins

  21. 最后给这个柜橱打一层虫胶清漆。

    Applied a shellac finish to the cabinet.

  22. 这种涂料是虫胶与酒精的混合物。

    The coating was a mixture of shellac and alcohol.

  23. 这种涂料是虫胶与酒精得混合物。

    The coating was a mixture of shellac and alcohol.

  24. 虫胶果蜡在茄子保鲜中的应用研究

    Application Study of shell lac wax in the storage of Eggplant.

  25. 虫胶膜剂对甜瓜采后生理的影响

    Influence of Shellac Coating on Post harvest Physiology in Hami Melon.

  26. 天然虫胶染料的提取及其染色应用进展

    Extraction of Natural Lac Dye and Progress of Its Dyeing Application

  27. 探讨了虫胶果蜡在茄子保鲜中得作用。

    This paper studied the effects of lac wax on the freshness keeping of eggplant.

  28. 虫胶问题是世纪交替之际化学研究一个热点课题。

    The shellac issue was one of the hot topics of chemical research at the turn of the century.

  29. 日后虫胶甚至丙烯酸树脂等已被清松香树脂所代替。

    A few days ago Lac even acrylic resin, and so on have been replaced by pure Rosin.

  30. 丙二胺改性虫胶涂料用于铜表面防腐蚀性能的研究

    Performances Study of Environmentprotection Coatings from Propane Diamine Modified Shelllac for Cuprous Surface Anticorrosion.


  1. 问:虫胶拼音怎么拼?虫胶的读音是什么?虫胶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:虫胶的读音是,虫胶翻译成英文是 lacca

  2. 问:虫胶染料拼音怎么拼?虫胶染料的读音是什么?虫胶染料翻译成英文是什么?

    答:虫胶染料的读音是,虫胶染料翻译成英文是 lacdye

  3. 问:虫胶树脂拼音怎么拼?虫胶树脂的读音是什么?虫胶树脂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:虫胶树脂的读音是chóng jiāo shù zhī,虫胶树脂翻译成英文是 lac resin

  4. 问:虫胶清漆拼音怎么拼?虫胶清漆的读音是什么?虫胶清漆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:虫胶清漆的读音是,虫胶清漆翻译成英文是 shellac

  5. 问:虫胶漆片拼音怎么拼?虫胶漆片的读音是什么?虫胶漆片翻译成英文是什么?

    答:虫胶漆片的读音是chóng jiāo qī piàn,虫胶漆片翻译成英文是 shellac

  6. 问:虫胶红素拼音怎么拼?虫胶红素的读音是什么?虫胶红素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:虫胶红素的读音是chóng jiāo hóng sù,虫胶红素翻译成英文是 erythrolaccin

  7. 问:虫胶漆结石拼音怎么拼?虫胶漆结石的读音是什么?虫胶漆结石翻译成英文是什么?

    答:虫胶漆结石的读音是chóng jiāo qī jié shí,虫胶漆结石翻译成英文是 shellac calculus

  8. 问:虫胶黏合剂拼音怎么拼?虫胶黏合剂的读音是什么?虫胶黏合剂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:虫胶黏合剂的读音是chóng jiāo nián hé jì,虫胶黏合剂翻译成英文是 shellac bond

  9. 问:虫胶铅白胶泥拼音怎么拼?虫胶铅白胶泥的读音是什么?虫胶铅白胶泥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:虫胶铅白胶泥的读音是chóng jiāo qiān bái jiāo ní,虫胶铅白胶泥翻译成英文是 shellac and white-lead mortar