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1. 争 [zhēng]争 [zhēng]力求获得,互不相让:~夺。竞~。~长论短。力求实现:~取。~气。~胜。方言,差,欠:总数还~多少?怎么,如何(多见于诗、词、曲):~不。~知。~奈。……
1. 得 [dé]2. 得 [děi]3. 得 [de]得 [dé]获取,接受:~到。~失。~益。~空(kòng)。~便。~力。~济。心~。适合:~劲。~当(dàng )。~法。~体。满意:~意。扬扬自~。完成,实现:饭~了。~逞。~志(多……
汉语拼音:zhēng de
唐 白居易 《浔阳春·春去》诗:“四十六时三月尽,送春争得不殷勤?” 宋 晏殊 《秋蕊香》词:“金乌玉兔长飞走,争得朱颜依旧?” 金 元好问 《杏花杂诗》之五:“纷纷红紫不胜稠,争得春光竞出头?”
Her mother instilled in her another dream, ever-present in the experience of working people: that of liberating herself through education.
她母亲又灌输给她另一种经常从劳动人民苦难经历中滋生出来的这样一种美梦:那就是通过受教育以争得自身的解放。Throughout the dysfunctional dialectic that gripped the two parties over the debt ceiling, the yield on U. S. continued to fall.
在美国两党为债务上限问题争得不可开交时,美国国债的收益率却持续下跌。In some cases, red won or both sides of the woman is often only a smile, a look or a word can be done Dunxiao anger, and even Woshouyanhuan.
有时候,争得面红耳赤或剑拔弩张的双方往往只需女人一个微笑、一个眼神或一句息事宁人的话语就能火气顿消,甚至握手言欢。Just a few big companies for traditional optical storage technology standards of bee fiercely, holographic storage is wide concern.
就在几大公司为传统光学存储技术标准上争得不可开交之时,全息存储则广受关注。Everybody now seems to agree that Governor Walker was right to ask state workers to pay more for their benefits.
每个人似乎都同意Walker州长有权为政府的工作人员争得更多的利益。Her mother instilled another dream, ever-present in the experience of working people: that of liberating herself through education.
她母亲灌输给她一种经常从劳动人民苦难经历中滋生出来的美梦:那就是通过受教育以争得自身的解放。It is all too easy to imagine Mr Obama and Mrs Clinton disagreeing messily.
我们大家都不难想象奥巴马和希拉里争得面红耳赤的样子。Obama is also trying to mend the broken economy of the US after the recession, and just signed into law a financial regulatory reform act.
与此同时,奥巴马一直致力于复苏在经济危急中受创的美国经济,并为自己的财政改革措施争得了法律效力。The defender and his Stoke colleagues are adamant that a genuine attempt to win the ball proved mistimed rather than malicious.
肖克罗斯和他的队友们也坚持说这次犯规只是在错误的时间想争得球权,并没有什么恶意。争得, 取得通过争辩羸得或获得
To win or obtain by argument.
Everyone for himself and let the devil take the hindmost.
It is a name one does not simply have, but must earn.
Liu Chenweng leave with the position with Xin Qiji neck to neck with a Xuxi phrase.