




可疑之点:~疑。避~。涉~。厌恶,不满意:~恶(wù ㄨˋ)。~弃。讨人~。怨:尽释前~。~隙(由猜疑而形成的仇怨)。……



汉语拼音:qián xián







  1. 旧怨;旧仇。绍剧《龙虎斗》第二场:“自孤登基,你二人屡在金殿相争,莫非前嫌未释否?”



  1. It has been over a year since the incident and I think it is time we bury the hatchet.


  2. She might have called a few former friends to apologize, and mend fences for past squabbles .


  3. Lu elder sister-in-law restraining tears to liu hong sorry, liu hong make it up and self-criticism, two relations have been basic change.


  4. Had the reconciliation been so complete that she could act as she pleased?


  5. Today, after 2 years of separation, my ex-wife and I resolved our differences and met for dinner.


  6. The advice given to every couple around the world "never go to bed angry" is applicable to everyone.


  7. The inclusion of Mr Dahlan in Fatah's Central Committee is not likely to help reconciliation.


  8. It may even be the start of a deeper reconciliation between the two countries.


  9. our conversation was filled with arguments and quarrels: and every effort to clear the air seemed to only deepen our misunderstanding.


  1. 捐弃前嫌。

    Forgo a grudge.

  2. 不记前嫌!

    Make it up!

  3. 前嫌尽释。

    All previous ill will has been removed.

  4. 我愿意捐弃前嫌。

    I'm willing to let bygones be bygones.

  5. 让我们摈弃前嫌。

    Let us forgive and forget.

  6. 谢谢你不计前嫌。

    Thank you for letting me off the hook.

  7. 谢谢你不计前嫌。

    Thank you for letting me off the hook.

  8. 双方都愿意捐弃前嫌。

    Both wanted to settle their scores.

  9. 好不容易才冰释前嫌

    and Angelo had finally buried the hatchet.

  10. 我们试试尽弃前嫌

    Let's try and put this behind us.

  11. 二人捐弃了前嫌。

    The two of them buried old grudges.

  12. 二人捐弃了前嫌。

    The two of them buried old grudges.

  13. 前嫌消解, 和好如初。

    With all past ill will dispelled, good relations were restored.

  14. 前嫌消解,和好如初。

    With all past ill will dispelled, good relations were restored.

  15. 两国终于舍弃前嫌。

    The two countries were quits at last.

  16. 我们不能摒弃前嫌吗?

    Can't we just put this behind us?

  17. 让我们摒弃前嫌, 忘记旧恶。

    Let's forgive and forget.

  18. 是我们捐弃前嫌的时候了。

    It is time to bury our past misunderstandings.

  19. 我也想和我妹妹抛弃前嫌。

    I'd like to bury the hatchet with my sister.

  20. 咱们不是说要尽释前嫌吗

    You know, clean slate.

  21. 为了孩子,他和前妻冰释前嫌。

    He tried to mend fences with his ex-wife for his children.

  22. 我们何不冰释前嫌 重归于好?

    Why don't we just put all of this behind us and stay together?

  23. 我希望你和我可以尽释前嫌

    I hope that you and I can wipe the slate clean.

  24. 我就知道冰释前嫌哪那么容易

    I know where I'd like to bury a hatchet.

  25. 我认为共进晚餐可以冰释前嫌。

    I think breaking bread would be a great start.

  26. 这次谈话使他俩尽释前嫌。

    This talk cleared the air between them.

  27. 双方都愿意尽释前嫌, 友好相处。

    Both wanted to settle their scores and live as friends.

  28. 咱们都在一起不计前嫌好好生活

    That we're all in a good place and all that stuff is behind us.

  29. 他们不久就捐弃前嫌而重归於好。

    They soon forgot their differences and were friends again, ie after a quarrel.

  30. 我的意见是最好还是不记前嫌。

    My advice is that it's best to forgive and forget.


  1. 问:前嫌拼音怎么拼?前嫌的读音是什么?前嫌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前嫌的读音是qiánxián,前嫌翻译成英文是 former hatred; past grievances



qián xián ㄑㄧㄢˊ ㄒㄧㄢˊ 前嫌 

◎ 前嫌 qiánxián [former enmity] 旧怨;旧仇;以前的嫌隙 捐弃前嫌,共商国是 旧怨;旧仇。绍剧《龙虎斗》第二场:“自孤登基,你二人屡在金殿相争,莫非前嫌未释否?”