




1. 龟 [guī]2. 龟 [jūn]3. 龟 [qiū]龟 [guī]爬行动物的一科,腹背都有硬甲,头尾和脚能缩入甲中,耐饥渴,寿命很长:乌~。~甲(龟的腹甲,可入药,古人又用以占卜,亦用作货币。亦称“龟板”)。龟 [jūn]同“皲”。……



汉语拼音:wū guī








  1. 爬行动物。体扁有硬甲,头尾四肢能缩入壳内,生活在河流、湖泊里,龟甲能入药。亦叫金龟,俗称王八。

    唐 韩愈 《月蚀诗效玉川子作》:“乌龟怯姦怕寒,缩颈以壳自遮。” 元 尚仲贤 《单鞭夺槊》第二折:“如今只学乌龟法,得缩头时且缩头。” 明 谢肇淛 《五杂俎·人部四》:“今人以妻之外淫者,目其夫为乌龟,盖龟不能交而纵牝者与蛇交也。”《红楼梦》第二八回:“女儿悲,嫁了个男人是乌龟。” 胡适 《<镜花缘>的引论(四)》:“妇人和别的男子有爱情,自己的丈夫若宽恕了他们,社会上便要给他‘乌龟’的称号。”

  2. 讥称妻有外遇的人。

  3. 旧时称开设妓院或在妓院执役的男子。

    《初刻拍案惊奇》卷十二:“谁知这人,却是 扬州 一个大光棍,当机兵,养娼妓,接子弟的,是个烟花的领袖,乌龟的班头。”《儒林外史》第二二回:“两个秀才一眼看见 王义安 ,那穿茧绸的道:‘这不是我们这裡 丰家巷 婊子家掌柜的乌龟 王义安 ?’”



  1. all day doing nothing all day long by a few days, a day to day, people who think that the time like a turtle, flies is very slow.


  2. The Tortoise replied: "You may be as fast as the wind, but I will beat you in a race! "


  3. Well, who knows, she felt sorry for it, that's all, so she picked it up and headed for the door to let it go.


  4. There was a reason why the slow turtle overtook the hare in the race, you know.


  5. Hare thought with pride that it would take Mr. Tortoise a long time to catch up with him and he would have enough time to rest.


  6. The Rabbit treating the whole matter very lightly , said he would first take a little nap , and that she should soon overtake the tortoise .


  7. So this time, the hare went all out and game without pause to run from beginning to end. The tortoise in several kilometers.


  8. She had a fourth turtle in her lap that she was carefully scrubbing with a spongy brush.


  9. The fact that we have had three stolen over a weekend must surely qualify Bromley as the tortoise-theft capital of the country.


  1. 乌龟, 乌龟, 爬爬爬

    Tortoise, tortoise, crawl, crawl, crawl.

  2. 乌龟,乌龟,爬爬爬。

    Tortoise, tortoise, crawl, crawl, crawl.

  3. 乌龟很矮。

    The turtle is short.

  4. 兔子与乌龟

    The Hare and the Turtle.

  5. 乌龟轻一些。

    The turtle is light.

  6. 乌龟和天鹅

    The Tortoise and the Swans.

  7. 蝎子和乌龟

    The Scorpion and the Tortoise.

  8. 蝎子与乌龟

    The Scorpion and the TornDise.

  9. 乌龟继续走。

    The turtle keeps walking.

  10. 慢吞吞的乌龟

    Turtle Takes Her Time.

  11. 乌龟慢吞吞的

    The tortoise is so sluggish

  12. 乌龟坐标变换

    tortoise coordinate transformation

  13. 你这死乌龟!

    You doddering old fool!

  14. 乌龟慢慢走着,

    Turtle moseyed along.

  15. 乌龟慢慢走着。

    Turtle moseyed along.

  16. 乌龟赢了比赛。

    The turtle wins the race.

  17. 乌龟跑得慢, 乌龟跑得慢。

    The turtle is slow. The turtle is slow.

  18. 我们为乌龟喝彩

    Let is cheer for Mr Turtle

  19. 乌龟到达了终点。

    The tortoise reaches the ending line.

  20. 兔子在等候乌龟。

    The rabbit is waiting for the turtle.

  21. 乌龟走到起跑线。

    The turtle walks to the starting line.

  22. 乌龟想赢。兔子想赢。

    The tortoise wants to win. The hare wants to win.

  23. 广义乌龟坐标变换

    general tortoise coordinate transformation

  24. 乌龟正慢慢地走。

    The turtle is walking so slowly.

  25. 像不像乌龟的壳?

    Does it look like a turtle shell?

  26. 谁赢啦?乌龟赢了。

    Who's winning? The tortoise wins.

  27. 像乌龟一样慢慢跑。

    Run like a tortoise.

  28. 这乌龟最后赢了。

    The tortoise won in the end.

  29. 乌龟为变温动物。

    The tortoise is a poikilothermal animal.

  30. 谁跑得慢?乌龟跑得慢。

    Who runs slowly ?The tortoise runs slowly.


  1. 问:乌龟拼音怎么拼?乌龟的读音是什么?乌龟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乌龟的读音是wūguī,乌龟翻译成英文是 tortoise

  2. 问:乌龟属拼音怎么拼?乌龟属的读音是什么?乌龟属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乌龟属的读音是wūguī shǔ,乌龟属翻译成英文是 Chinemys

  3. 问:乌龟型女人拼音怎么拼?乌龟型女人的读音是什么?乌龟型女人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乌龟型女人的读音是wū guī xíng nǚ rén,乌龟型女人翻译成英文是 a woman of tortoise type

  4. 问:乌龟型男人拼音怎么拼?乌龟型男人的读音是什么?乌龟型男人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乌龟型男人的读音是wū guī xíng nán rén,乌龟型男人翻译成英文是 a man of tortoise type

  5. 问:乌龟游泳意外迅速拼音怎么拼?乌龟游泳意外迅速的读音是什么?乌龟游泳意外迅速翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乌龟游泳意外迅速的读音是,乌龟游泳意外迅速翻译成英文是 Turtles Are Surprisingly Fast Swimmers



“乌龟”是个多义词,它可以指乌龟(独立龟种), 乌龟(泛指所有龟类)。