











汉语拼音:guǐ chū diàn rù







  • 【解释】:比喻变化巧妙迅速,不易捉摸。
  • 【出自】:《淮南子·原道训》:“鬼出电入,龙兴鸾集。”
  • 【示例】:~,不可端倪。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作定语;形容变幻莫测


  1. na.
  2. move in and out with lightning speed and wizard elusiveness

  1. 鬼被驱赶出了房屋。

    The ghost was exorcized from the house.

  2. 永远也走不出这个鬼地方了!

    We never can get out of this awful place!

  3. 他求耶稣赶出那鬼, 离开他的女儿。

    and she besought him that he would cast forth the devil out of her daughter.

  4. 又赶出许多鬼,用油抹了许多病人,治好他们。

    And they cast out many demons and anointed many of the sick with oil and healed them.

  5. 如果你在托比见到它并想出什么鬼点子前

    I would appreciate you getting rid of it.

  6. 她想出了一个鬼点子让我们免费看电影。

    She's figured out a scheme to get us into the movies for free.

  7. 而鬼小子总是能想出一个新招!

    But Sly Boy can always think up a new one!

  8. 又赶出许多的鬼,用油抹了许多病人,治好他们。

    They drove out many demons and anointed many sick people with oil and healed them.

  9. 真出鬼了, 我得钱包就是找不到了。

    It is so weird, I just can't find my purse.

  10. 真出鬼了,我的钱包就是找不到了。

    It is so weird, I just can't find my purse.

  11. 真出鬼了,我的钱包就是找不到了。

    It is so weird, I just can't find my purse.

  12. 果然不出元圆所料, 老色鬼开始行动了。

    Really does not a Yuan circle to expect, the old sex maniac started to take action.

  13. 故事藉一对新婚夫妇的经历, 带出这一古老的鬼故事。

    Story by one pair of newlyweds experience, to bring this ancient ghost stories.

  14. 你们家出了什么鬼事?

    What the hell is wrong with your family?

  15. 鬼凤放出烟雾, 准备偷袭。

    Feng ghost of smoke, ready to attack.

  16. 旋舞出百鬼夜行的盛大会场。

    A waltz on All Souls Night.

  17. 老色鬼一边看信,一边露出了笑容。

    Watching the old goat a letter while smiled.

  18. 旋舞出百鬼夜行得盛大会场。

    A waltz on All Souls Night.

  19. 彼得是个出了名的小气鬼。

    Peter is known as a miser.

  20. 别再弄出吵闹声了, 你这个捣蛋鬼。

    Stop making that noise, you little monkey.

  21. 黑鬼从来都说不出那种话的。

    Nigger ain't never said no shit like that before.

  22. 死亡契约牺牲召唤出的食尸鬼,治疗死亡骑士。

    Death Pact Sacrifices the raised ghouls toheal the Death Knight.

  23. 这真是鬼打墙了,怎么就走不出这片林子了呢?

    I got lost at night, and went to the wrong place. Why can't I get out of the bamboo forest?

  24. 于是他从书架上取出了一本鬼故事书。

    He has taken out one damned story book thereupon on secondary bookrack.

  25. 把吉出的纸又称为火纸,主要用于祭祀鬼神。

    The paper made in Baji Village is also called fire paper, and mainly used for offering sacrifices to ghosts and gods.

  26. 他究竟要搞什么鬼名堂,目前大家还看不出来。

    Until now, people still don't know what he's up to.

  27. 他究竟要搞什么鬼名堂,目前大家还看不出来。

    Until now, people still don't know what he's up to.

  28. 凯文那是不可能的。我的老可是出了名的小气鬼。

    Kevin That will be the day ! My boss is such a notorious penny pincher.

  29. 许多搜鬼者声称他们可以检测出幽灵所造成的电场。

    Many ghost hunters say they can detect the electric fields created by ghosts.

  30. 早上他爬出了藏身之所, 对鬼天气是一肚子的怨气。

    Towards morning he crept out of his hiding place, feeling in a very bad temper with the climate.


鬼出电入(拼音: guǐ chū diàn rù)释义: 比喻变化巧妙迅速,不易捉摸。