




1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……







汉语拼音:qíng yǒu dú zhōng








  1. Soon the harmonica was her favorite instrument and, out of all the music she heard at home, she seemed to really be able to feel the blues.


  2. He was deeply fond of numbers. And a large number were deeply fond of him.


  3. The very people around him become attached to that void and that nameless pain, as if suffering assumed in this case a privileged aspect.


  4. Despite the cutthroat nature of the Indian media and its penchant for the sensational, the press has behaved as if it were in an older era.


  5. Expatriates gorgeous place for classical soft spot for the launch of High West eleven units, four units have been let less than a week.


  6. It's not hard to understand why Henry Ford loved the Model T just as it was. After all, the sturdy black car had made him rich and famous.


  7. Like the moon, just as like light music, like a special liking for the same goods, coffee.


  8. Queen Elizabeth I loved sugary creations so much that by the time she was 65 all her teeth had turned black.


  9. Real wood floor wait for a characteristic with its nature, free from contamination, make a lot of consumer have a special liking to its.


  1. 情有独钟不过, 总之吧

    Just like both of them. Thats a gut feeling.

  2. 女性对巧克力情有独钟。

    Women love chocolate.

  3. 女性对巧克力情有独钟。

    Women love chocolate.

  4. 情有独钟不过,总之吧

    Just like both of them. Thats a gut feeling.

  5. 我对养宠物情有独钟。

    I particularly like keeping pets.

  6. 我对耳环一直情有独钟。

    I always wanted an earring.

  7. 他对银河历史情有独钟。

    His passion was for galactic history.

  8. 我对英国文学情有独钟。

    I particularly like English literature.

  9. 他对巫术魔法情有独钟。

    He's interested in witchcraft and the occult.

  10. 她对昂贵的香水情有独钟。

    She cant resist expensive perfumes.

  11. 南丰对大型项目情有独钟。

    Antony goes for projects on a massive scale.

  12. 他们对新鲜的香草情有独钟么?

    Do they have a fondness for fresh herbs ?

  13. 你为什么对本公司情有独钟?

    Why are you interested in our company in particular?

  14. 保健食品, 所有消费者情有独钟。

    With great passion all the consumers focus their attention on health food.

  15. 我一直对钩针的东西情有独钟。

    I always have a thing for crochet.

  16. 他对数据情有独钟, 数据也对他颇为眷顾。

    He was deeply fond of numbers. And a large number were deeply fond of him.

  17. 你们知道我为什么对黑人情有独钟吗?

    Cause, you know why I'm particularly fond of the black man?

  18. 除了对飞机情有独钟,他还嗜好冰激凌。

    His one weakness, apart from aeroplanes, is ice cream.

  19. 我对轻便带有可爱细节的衣服情有独钟。

    I like thin tops with cute detailing.

  20. 我一直对于男装情有独钟。简约又充满力量。

    I always have a thing for men's clothing.

  21. 即使分开十年,他依然对她情有独钟。

    Even after ten years apart he still carries a torch for her.

  22. 对于奔驰的品牌和文化。我一直情有独钟。

    For the brand and culture of Benz I always have special preference to it.

  23. 从理论上说,我确实对电动汽车情有独钟。

    In theory, I really like electric cars.

  24. 为什么我们对可发性聚苯乙烯围墙情有独钟?

    Why we specify EPS enclosure skins?

  25. 那么,其它国家能学学对风能的情有独钟吗?

    So what can the rest of the world learn from the Den's love affair with the wind?

  26. 难忘的爱花之情,你却对海棠情有独钟。

    Your love for flower is unforgettable and your favourite is Chinese flowering crabapple.

  27. 我喜爱各种各样的音乐,同时也对跳舞情有独钟。

    I enjoy listening to all kinds of music and I love to dance.

  28. 人们会对于最开始的简单配音更情有独钟吗?

    Do people ever fall in love with a scratch voice?

  29. 历代文人墨客多对牡丹情有独钟,咏赞不已。

    All previous dynasties writer literati are many to the peony has only one in mind, chants does not approve already.

  30. 万圣节要到了,你对哪些牌子情有独钟呢?

    How many of these guys are going to be responsible for your Halloween fix of candy.


  1. 问:情有独钟拼音怎么拼?情有独钟的读音是什么?情有独钟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:情有独钟的读音是qíngyǒudúzhōng,情有独钟翻译成英文是 to have special affection for


情有独钟,是指对某人或某件事特别有感情,把自己的心思和感情都集中到他(她、它)上面。 情有独钟还有同名歌曲和电影。