




1. 见 [jiàn]2. 见 [xiàn]见 [jiàn]看到:看~。罕~。~微知著。~义勇为。~异思迁。接触,遇到:怕~风。~习。看得出,显得出:~效。相形~绌。(文字等)出现在某处,可参考:~上。~下。会晤:会~。接~。对事物观察、认……


重复,累积:重(chǒng )~。层见~出。~罗汉。~韵。~嶂。~翠。摺:摺~。铺床~被。乐曲的重复演奏:阳关三~。……





汉语拼音:céng xiàn dié chū







  • 【解释】:层:重复;叠:一次又一次。指接连不断地多次出现。
  • 【出自】:明·沈德福《万历野获编补遗·场题犯讳》:“盖上是时方修祈年永命故事,臣下争进谀词以求媚,故至诚无息一章,层出叠见,初不计及御名上一字也。”
  • 【示例】:满桌摆设酒器,多是些金银异巧式样,~。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语;形容接连不断地出现


  1. During 40 years , many Christianity's conflicts were closely related to anti-Christianity thought.


  1. 子菜单层叠出菜单命令或快捷菜单。

    Submenus cascade off menu commands or off shortcut menus.

  2. 在这二十四首诗里,禅机玄生,禅境叠出。

    With many Buddhist allegorical words in these poems, Zenic enlightenment finds its fullest expression.

  3. 亮出一叠钞票

    to flash a roll of money.

  4. 他掏出一叠旧纸币。

    He pulls out a pile of used notes.

  5. 他掏出一叠旧钞票。

    He pulled out a pile of used banknotes.

  6. 死者的兄弟拿出一叠钱点着火。

    The brother of the dead guy took out a wad of cash and set it on fire.

  7. 她从后面架子上拽出一叠旗子来。

    She pulled a pile of flags off a rear shelf.

  8. 兰斯从一个文件夹中拉出一叠文件。

    Lance pulled a bundle of papers out of a folder.

  9. 拿出一叠钱并迅速地把它们和他的钱混在一起。

    and pull out a handful of bills and quickly slipped my money with his.

  10. 如果是户外婚礼,可以用织物沿着桌边绕出堆叠的垂幔。

    If it is outdoor wedding, can use the fabric along the table around the stacked vertical mantle.

  11. 她从包里拿出一叠日元, 足有帐单的三倍之多。

    Reaching into her pocket she pulled out a wad of Yen large enough to cover AT LEAST three times the cost of their meal.

  12. 文中还给出了叠合面粗糙度的明确定义和相应的施工方法。

    Furthermore, the definition about the roughness of the interface and the corresponding construction method are also proposed.

  13. 艾舍登多少有点懊恼地拿出一叠钞票交给了那个墨西哥人。

    Ashenden somewhat ruefully took out a number of notes and handed them to the Mexican.

  14. 实施过程中, 各种各样的问题也层出叠见。

    All kinds of problems emerged during the construction process.

  15. 在项目实施过程中, 各种各样的问题也层出叠见。

    All kinds of problems emerged during the construction process.

  16. 在项目实施过程中,各种各样的问题也层出叠见。

    All kinds of problems emerged during the construction process.

  17. 重新回到熟悉得厨房。小刀裁开信封, 取出叠好得信。

    Returning to the familiar kitchen he slides a knife along his letters, slitting out their folded information.

  18. 重新回到熟悉的厨房。小刀裁开信封,取出叠好的信。

    Returning to the familiar kitchen he slides a knife along his letters, slitting out their folded information.

  19. 给出叠层闭口悬臂圆柱壳轴对称问题的精确解。

    An exact solution is presented for the axially symmetric problem of laminated closed cantilever cylindrical shell.

  20. 给出叠层闭口悬臂圆柱壳轴对称问题得精确解。

    An exact solution is presented for the axially symmetric problem of laminated closed cantilever cylindrical shell.

  21. 那叠纸突然飞出了窗户。

    The stack of paper suddenly flew out the window.

  22. 那叠纸突然飞出了窗户。

    The stack of paper suddenly flew out the window.

  23. 他掏出一叠用旧了的纸币。

    He pulled out a pile of used bank notes.

  24. 层层叠叠的竹片, 透出迷幻美妙的光芒。

    A labyrinth of light beams spearing through the interlaying bamboo chips.

  25. 她拿出一叠纸来,放在他面前。

    She took out a sheaf of papers which she set before him.

  26. 左上角牌叠中正面朝上的牌都可以出。

    The card that is face up on the deck is always available for play.

  27. 晚二叠世末的生物礁出露及其意义

    Emergence of the Late Permian Changhsingian Reefs at the End of the Permian

  28. 从打结处捏出一个小泡泡,然后摺叠气球。

    Pinch a small bubble from the knot and fold the balloon.

  29. 叠层石所散发出的氧气 正是我们今天所呼吸的。

    The oxygen exhaled by those stromatolites is what we all breathe today.

  30. 独特的篮内垫脚设计, 方便叠置, 容易取出。

    With innovative juts on the inner bottom, designed specially for easy piling and extraction.

