


1. 干 [gān]2. 干 [gàn]干 [gān]触犯,冒犯,冲犯:~扰。~涉。~预(亦作“干与”)。森然~霄。追求,求取,旧指追求职位俸禄:~禄。~仕。关连,涉及:~系。互不相~。盾,古代抵御刀枪的兵器:大动~戈。古代用以记年、记月、……


1. 馏 [liù]2. 馏 [liú]馏 [liù]把凉了的食品再蒸热:把馒头~一~。馏 [liú]加热使液体化成蒸气以分离液体混合物:蒸~。~分(fèn )(石油、煤焦油等液体蒸馏出来的成分)。……



汉语拼音:gān liú






  1. 固体燃料的热加工方法之一。将固体燃料在隔绝空气条件下加热,使分解为固态、液态和气态物质,如煤干馏后分解成焦炭、焦油和煤气。根据加热的最终温度,一般可分为高温干馏(1000℃左右)和低温干馏(550℃左右)。



  1. Products used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Pyrolysed coal material.


  2. The retort is able to process technical rubber waste and petroleum wastes.


  3. The invention relates to a device for carrying out carbonization oil refining on the oil shale of small grains.


  4. The shale oil from oil shale by the retorting technology is an ideal substitute for nature oil.


  5. a colorless or yellowish oily liquid obtained by distillation of wood tar; used as an antiseptic.


  6. The effects of coal rank, pyrolytic temperature of coal and mineral matter in coals or chars on their ignition temperature were determined.


  7. Simultaneous operation of two retorts was tested (continuous operation for eight consecutive days in 2002).


  8. This uses the pure bamboo vinegar liquid which obtains after the distillation of the natural bamboo, has the special smoking fragrance.


  9. The furnace of coal gas calorific value high thoroughly dry distillation under section gas excluding, tar.


  1. 页岩干馏甑

    shale retort

  2. 干馏挥发油

    low temperature gasoline.

  3. 甑式干馏过程

    retorting process

  4. 干馏木松节油

    destructive distillation turpentine.

  5. 褐煤新法干馏

    Lignite Retorting Using Solid Heat Carrier.

  6. 针叶材干馏

    soft wood distillation

  7. 阔叶材干馏

    hard wood distillation

  8. 干馏松节油

    destructive distillation turpentine.

  9. 页岩干馏炉

    shale oven

  10. 内热式干馏炉

    internally heated retort oven.

  11. 外热式干馏炉

    externally heated retort oven

  12. 神府煤干馏工艺研究

    Study on Shenfu Coal Carbonization Process

  13. 油页岩和煤的混合干馏

    Hybrid retorting of oil shale and coal

  14. 内外并热式干馏炉

    inside and outside heating oven

  15. 对树木毁坏性干馏获取的焦油。

    Any tar obtained by the destructive distillation of wood.

  16. 影响油页岩低温干馏因素的考察

    Examination of Factors on Dry Distillation of Oil Shale at Low Temperature

  17. 煤被干馏后剩下固体残余物焦炭。

    Coal is destructively distilled leaving a solid residue, coke.

  18. 油母页岩干馏生产过程中的油泥处理

    Oil Sludge Treatment in Oil Shale Retorting Process

  19. 随着干馏终温得不同,煤干馏产品也不同。

    Along with the dry distillation end temperature difference, the coal dry distillation product is also different.

  20. 随着干馏终温的不同,煤干馏产品也不同。

    Along with the dry distillation end temperature difference, the coal dry distillation product is also different.

  21. 国内油页岩干馏技术现状与发展趋势

    Technical status and development trend of oil shale distillation in china

  22. 介绍了当今世界典型的油页岩干馏技术。

    The original commentary is about typical technologies for oil shale retorting.

  23. 大庆油页岩及干馏产物的利用途径分析

    Utilization of Daqing oil shale and its pyrolysis products

  24. 神府煤新法干馏焦油的性质及组成的研究

    Study of structure and components of tar from Shenfu coal

  25. 油页岩经低温干馏得到的页岩油,类似天然石油。

    Oil shale can be converted into shale oil by retorting, which is similar to natural oil.

  26. 焦木的通过破坏性地干馏木材而制得的

    Made by the destructive distillation of wood.

  27. 由烟煤干馏产生作为商品燃料的气体混合物。

    A gaseous mixture produced by the destructive distillation of bituminous coal and used as a commercial fuel.

  28. 两段炉的干馏段设计, 适用条件和性能评价

    Distillation Zone Planning, useable Conditions and Performance Appraising of a two Stage Gasifier

  29. 竹材列管移动床连续干馏炭化的工业试验

    An industrial test on continuous carbonization of bamboo in multitubular moving bed.

  30. 煤的太阳能干馏的可行性及干馏炉的设计探讨

    The Feasibility of Destructive Distillation by the Use of Solar Energy and the Design Study of a Furnace of Destructive distillation


  1. 问:干馏拼音怎么拼?干馏的读音是什么?干馏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:干馏的读音是gānliú,干馏翻译成英文是 dry distillation; carbonization;to carbonize...

  2. 问:干馏炉拼音怎么拼?干馏炉的读音是什么?干馏炉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:干馏炉的读音是gān liú lú,干馏炉翻译成英文是 gas retort

  3. 问:干馏釜拼音怎么拼?干馏釜的读音是什么?干馏釜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:干馏釜的读音是gān liú fǔ,干馏釜翻译成英文是 retort

  4. 问:干馏焦油拼音怎么拼?干馏焦油的读音是什么?干馏焦油翻译成英文是什么?

    答:干馏焦油的读音是gān liú jiāo yóu,干馏焦油翻译成英文是 dry-run tar