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1. 红 [hóng]2. 红 [gōng]红 [hóng]像鲜血的颜色:~色。~叶。~灯。~尘。~包。~烧。~润。~艳艳。~口白牙。~绳系足(旧指男女前生注定的姻缘)。象征顺利或受人宠信:~人。~运。~角(jué)儿(受观众欢迎的演员)。……
汉语拼音:hóng qiáng
唐 李商隐 《代应》诗:“本来银汉是红墙,隔得 卢 家白玉堂。” 宋 晁补之 《谒岱祠即事》诗:“碧瓦峙双闕,红墙繚长闉。” 明 陈子龙 《灵济宫》诗:“絳树 蓬莱 近,红墙银汉中。” 清 吴伟业 《琴河感旧》诗之二:“ 五陵 年少催归去,隔断红墙十二楼。”
Ming-style furniture, red sulphur glass tiles, upturned eave carving Liang, square table screens, a Chinese legend characteristics.
明式家具、红墙硫璃瓦、飞檐雕梁、方桌屏风,历代相传形成特色。The palace, coming from its eventful days to leisure time, spreads over there with red walls and green tiles.
一任红墙翠瓦流光映天,宫殿庙宇星罗棋布,他自忙来他自闲。In the novel, "Exile Paradise" and "Redwall Magnolia" , the Shi Wei will turn more people strokes heart of the excavation.
在长篇小说《放逐伊甸》与《红墙白玉兰》中,施玮将笔触更多地转向人物内心的挖掘。Office managers in the National Palace Museum's walls, the walls of the installation of air-conditioned rooms allow.
管理人员的办公室都在故宫的红墙之外,红墙之内的房间不允许安装空调。Above the Red wall come alternating layers of red sandstone and shale 1, 000 feet thick, then comes the next pale-blue layer.
在“红墙”的上方,是红色的沙岩和1000英尺厚的页岩交替层,然后是浅蓝色的沙岩层,最上层是淡黄色的石灰石。Look at the red walls and yellow roof. It represents a sense of solemnness and seriousness.
看那红墙黄顶,处处透露着庄严肃穆的感觉。They said they spent $88, 000 refurbishing the store with a new bathroom, soft lighting, red walls and wood floors.
店内不仅有柔和的灯光、红墙、木地板,而且洗手间也是新装修的,这些装修花费了他们8万8千美元。I am back to Beijing, the red walls and the gray tiles, the city that once belonged to the little girl.
又遇春风绿柳,我回到了北京。曾经那个小姑娘的红墙灰瓦,大城北京。AsI write this, I am sitting in a hotel room in Shanghai, behind the Great Firewall of China.
The twinkling in the red wall
我又回到北京了。红墙灰瓦, 大城北京。
I am back to Beijing again, red wall, gray tile, Beijing gravity.
Why do many palaces and tombs of ancient times have red walls and yellow tiles?
They came to the little court, which was shut in by old red walls.