




建筑物的出入口,又指安装在出入口能开关的装置:~儿。~口。开~见山。形状或作用像门的东西:电~。途径,诀窍:~径。~道儿。旧时指封建家族或家族的一支,现亦指一般的家庭:~第。~风。~婿。长(zhǎng )~长子。事物的分类:分~别类。宗教的……











  1. The industry may feel it has come through a near-death experience in better shape than it could have hoped at the beginning of the year.


  2. the sense of that time was just like having travelled to the gate of hell. What an adventurous experience, wasn't it?


  3. Charlie, it is just a killer. I spoke with Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill today with administration officials.


  4. As a local proverb here in Chad puts it: A woman who is pregnant has one foot in the grave.


  5. also, , , , I still have many things not to do, so I can't leave, so I again and again in the jaws of death and hospital between.


  6. Most often a NDE is brief, as the person is being snatched back from the jaws of death, so only this initial impression is recalled.


  7. But before you leap, you have to live with the knowledge that you're causing great pain to everyone who cares about you.


  8. Not everyone who undergoes a near death experience experience that puts him or her at death's door will experience the phenomenon.


  9. Demand truth from your commissars , they will soon send you to sure death.


  1. 死地, 鬼门关。险境

    the jaws of death

  2. 真正是鬼门关的考试

    An exam that was a real killer.

  3. 你从鬼门关中走了回来。

    You are truly back from the dead.

  4. 她从鬼门关被救了回来。

    She's rescued from the jaws of death.

  5. 他两次差点儿进了鬼门关

    The patient almost died twice.

  6. 从鬼门关回来的感觉如何啊?

    So how does it feel to return from the dead?

  7. 我曾一只脚踏进鬼门关。

    I had a near death whatever, and.

  8. 在旧时, 年关是穷人的鬼门关。

    In the old days, the end of the year was a terrible time for the poor.

  9. 来吧,拯救那些在鬼门关的冲浪员吧

    Come, save the surfers from the jaws of death.

  10. 救生员将孩子从鬼门关里救了出来。

    A nd say, The lifeguard saved the child from the jaws of death.

  11. 莎拉复活的时候去鬼门关走了一遭

    Look, Sara went through hell when she was resurrected.

  12. 他的赌瘾太深了,让他到了鬼门关。

    His drug addiction was so bad that it became his jaws of death.

  13. 我们在最后一分钟被从鬼门关解救出来。

    We were rescued at the last minute, snatched from the jaws of death.

  14. 躲过鬼门关的我发现,这一点都不好笑。

    Having been in this situation myself, I found nothing funny about it.

  15. 自过鬼门关外天, 命同人鲊瓮头船。

    Through the gate of hell from outer space, life urn colleagues preserved fish head boat.

  16. 消防人员将那个小女孩从鬼门关里抢救出来。

    The firemen rescued the little girl form the jaws of death.

  17. 一只家养犬把一个新生男婴从鬼门关救了回来。

    A family dog rescued a newborn boy from the jaws of death.

  18. 他们自以为突破了病业关,实际走向了鬼门关。

    Their illusive idea of breaching karma pass in fact leads them to the gate of hell.

  19. 况且,我也还没干完我从鬼门关回来该做的事。

    Anyway, I hadn't yet done what I'd come back to do.

  20. 如果你工作太多小时,你的工作将把你带入鬼门关。

    If you work too many hours your job can become the jaws of death.

  21. 他好?嘿,不瞒您说,他五年前就进了鬼门关了。

    Is he well ?Why, bless you he's in Sheol these five years!

  22. 纪曼迪走出鬼门关,救恩医院所发生的都变为小事。

    Colin Marlow continues to try to get in the way of Cristina and Burkes relationship.

  23. 这起事故的受害者是被人从鬼门关里抢救出来。

    The firemen rescued the little girl form the jaws of death.

  24. 黑夜降临,罗宾和他的人走下森林的边缘,探视鬼门关。

    Dusk was falling when Robin and his party dismounted on the edge of the woods, and looked out on Evil Hold.


  1. 问:鬼门关拼音怎么拼?鬼门关的读音是什么?鬼门关翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鬼门关的读音是guǐménguān,鬼门关翻译成英文是 gate of hell—danger spot; jaws of death; try...