




规矩,法式:~式。~序。章~。规~。进展,限度:~度。进~。日~。过~。道路的段落:路~。行(xíng )~。里~。启~。前~。衡量,考核:计日~功。姓。……



汉语拼音:bìng chéng






  1. 指患某种疾病的整个过程。如:这是慢性病,病程比较长,心急不得,要慢慢地养。



  1. Along with the course extension, displays the point of view which does not care at all.


  2. Epilepsy is a relatively long duration of treatment up one of the diseases, so do not blindly trying everything to avoid misdiagnosis.


  3. Unfortunately, AD is difficult to diagnose, especially early in the disease course, and a definite diagnosis is possible only postmortem.


  4. This type of rapid progression, although spontaneous remission may be, but to maintain long, easy to relapse.


  5. The disease occurred in adults, its long duration, symptoms stubborn, difficult short-term treatment effect, it is not easy to cure.


  6. These correlate with a higher rate of recurrent syncope, younger age, and a more benign course.


  7. This emphasizes the acute nature of this disorder: symptoms come on abruptly and progress rather quickly.


  8. Chronic inflammation inside the arterial wall is part of the process that eventually leads to a disorder known as atherosclerosis.


  9. Prednisolone shortened the time to complete recovery in patients with Bell's palsy, whereas valaciclovir did not affect facial recovery.


  1. 病程细分变量

    the disease process of segmentation.

  2. 病程相关蛋白基因

    PR gene

  3. 对病程发展的预期

    Expectations for the course of the disease

  4. 起病急, 病程较短

    Be attached suddenly and cleared with a short course of medication

  5. 起病急,病程较短。

    Be attached suddenly and cleared with a short course of medication.

  6. 原发性肝癌的自然病程观察

    Natural course of primary hepatocellularcarcinoma

  7. 黄蜂蜇伤性角膜炎病程初探

    The observation of the course of sting keratitis by wasp

  8. 病程和肿瘤的发展有相互关系。

    The course of the disease correlates with the development of the tumour.

  9. 怀孕对腰痛的病程影响很小。

    Pregnancy had low impact on the course of lumbar pain.

  10. 而锌粒子止咳糖能缩短病程。

    Ionized zinc lozenges, however, may shorten the duration of symptoms.

  11. 平均存活期约5。3年,潜伏期4。7年,病程0。6年。

    The average survival period was5.3 years and the incubation period was4.7 years and the course of disease was0.6 year.

  12. 抚触对新生儿肺炎病程影响的观察

    Observation of the effect on neonate pneumonia by fondling

  13. 随着病程的延长,表现出满不在乎的心态。

    Along with the course extension, displays the point of view which does not care at all.

  14. 许多轻微病例表现出低热和病程短。

    Many mild cases are observed in which fever is low and of short duration.

  15. 眼底发生改变与性别, 病程没有直接关系

    Gender and sicken period have no influence on eyeground change.

  16. 影响慢性肾小球疾病病程的病理因素

    The Main Pathologic Factor of Influencing Pathogenesis of Chronic Renal Glomerular Disease

  17. 其病程分期属于前淋巴瘤期的晚期。

    He was treated with metronidazole for three weeks per os and tetracycline for four months.

  18. 腰部劳损的通常病程随时间而自行缓解。

    The usual course of lumbar strain is spontaneous remission with time.

  19. 随病程延长,视神经病变发生率增加。

    With the DM course being longer, the occurrence rate increased.

  20. 精神分裂症认知功能损害与病程的关系

    Relationship of cognitive function impairment and illness duration in schizophrenia

  21. 病程长达一年的支气管肺发育不良一例

    A case of bronchopulmonary dysplasia over one year

  22. 肺型炭疽得病程发展很快, 常造成死亡。

    The pulmonary form of the disease is usually fatal.

  23. 病程时间较长,部分患者可有神经衰弱症状。

    Course of time longer, patients can have a nervous breakdown symptoms.

  24. 两组均为病情越轻,病程越短,疗效越好。

    Two groups of patients were more light, the shorter the duration, the better effect.

  25. 这是外感热病病程中的一类特殊证候。

    This is a type of the specific syndromes in the course of the exogenous febrile disease.

  26. 这两种药物可以缩短病程, 降低病情严重度。

    The drugs can shorten the length of the disease and its severity.

  27. 具年龄结构和病程的传染病偏微分模型

    A Partial Differential Equation Model of Infectious Disease with Age Structure and Course of Disease

  28. 对每个活动的问题都应在病程记录中记录。

    A progress note should be written for each active problem.

  29. 对间日疟病程初期原虫密度的观察

    Observation on parasite density in the early stage of vivax malaria

  30. 这是外感热病病程中得一类特殊证候。

    This is a type of the specific syndromes in the course of the exogenous febrile disease.


  1. 问:病程拼音怎么拼?病程的读音是什么?病程翻译成英文是什么?

    答:病程的读音是bìngchéng,病程翻译成英文是 course of disease

  2. 问:病程相关蛋白拼音怎么拼?病程相关蛋白的读音是什么?病程相关蛋白翻译成英文是什么?

    答:病程相关蛋白的读音是bìng chéng xiāng guāndàn bái,病程相关蛋白翻译成英文是 pathogen-related protein