









汉语拼音:lì gài tǔ



栗色的土壤。在我国主要分布于西北地区和内蒙古自治区。腐殖质含量比黑土少,是比较肥沃的土壤 。



  1. the water permeability and retentiveness of purplish red feldsparthic sandstone are better than that of chestnut soil and;


  2. Study on Soil Organic Carbon Properties and Balance Regulation with Fertilizer Application in Chestnut Soil


  3. Influence of Site Preparation on Physical Properties of Chestnut Soil and Tree Growth of Poplar Population


  4. Mineral nitrogen dynamics in Dark Chestnut soil of Leymus chinensis grassland in the Xilin River Basin, China


  5. Decomposition Characteristics of Organic Manure in Chestnut Soil and the Control of Soil Organic Matters


  6. Study on the Explosive Technique Influence on the Physical and Chemical Properties of Chestnut Soil


  7. The biological effect on Chinese cabbage and critical concentration of Ni application in chestnut soil


  8. Experimental Study on Improvement of Physical Properties of Chestnut Soil Using Fly Ash in Baotou


  9. Study on the Soil Water Dynamic and Physical Characteristic of Chestnut Soil in Xilin River Basin


  1. 栗钙土施肥土壤有机碳特性与平衡调控研究

    Study on Soil Organic Carbon Properties and Balance Regulation with Fertilizer Application in Chestnut Soil

  2. 栗钙土水肥耦合效应的田间研究

    A field research on the effect of water fertilizer coupling in chestnut soil

  3. 薄层栗钙土

    haplic castanozem.

  4. 栗钙土的年龄

    The age of chestnut soils

  5. 土壤理化性质土壤类型属于暗栗钙土。

    Soil characteristics The soil belongs to dark chestnut soil.

  6. 栗钙土的年龄飞机服役年限的确定

    Study of Ensuring Aircraft's Service Year

  7. 内蒙古锡林河流域栗钙土研究

    Research on chestnut soil at the Xilin River Basin of Inner Mongolia

  8. 锡林河流域栗钙土具有典型得草原土壤特征。

    Chestnut soil in Xilin river basin has the property of typical grassland soil.

  9. 锡林河流域栗钙土具有典型的草原土壤特征。

    Chestnut soil in Xilin river basin has the property of typical grassland soil.

  10. 栗钙土中有机物碳素矿化速率与动力学模型

    The dynamic mineral process of organic carbon in chestnut soil

  11. 栗钙土农田土壤养分空间变异特性及采样方法研究

    Studies on spatial variability of soil nutrients and sampling methods in a field of chestnut soil

  12. 栗钙土的剖面结构由现代土壤和不同时代的古土壤构成。

    The profile structure of chestnut soil is made up of recent soil and paleosol developed in different time.

  13. 锡林河流域栗钙土及其物理性状与水分动态的研究

    Study on the Soil Water Dynamic and Physical Characteristic of Chestnut Soil in Xilin River Basin

  14. 放牧强度对草原砂质栗钙土某些物理性质影响的研究

    Some Physical Properties of Sandy Grassland Chestnut under the Different Grazing Pressure

  15. 碱化灰钙土

    alkaline serozem.

  16. 薄层黑钙土

    haplic chernozem.

  17. 栗钙土层结构模型

    chestnut soil tier structure model

  18. 新垦淡灰钙土

    Newly cultivated light sierozem.

  19. 海底磷钙土湿法制备磷酸的研究

    Study on making phosphoric acid from seabed phosphorite by wet process.

  20. 典型土壤选择草甸土、黑钙土、草甸碱土三种。

    Selected soils are meadow soil, Black Calcium soil, and meadow alkali soil, respectively.

  21. 脱钙棕色土

    terra fusca.

  22. 多钙膨润土

    souzan bentonite.

  23. 棕色荒漠草原土。棕钙土

    brown desert steppe soil

  24. 对虾育苗中过氧化钙膨润土混合物的应用

    The application of calcium peroxide and bentonite mixture to penaeus iarval rearing

  25. 爆破整地对栗钙土理化性质的影响

    Study on the Explosive Technique Influence on the Physical and Chemical Properties of Chestnut Soil

  26. 内蒙古栗钙土的主要特性及其合理利用

    Major characteristics and rational utilization of chestnut soll of Inner Mongolia

  27. 放牧对暗栗钙土磷的贮量和形态的影响

    Effects of grazing on phosphorus stock and forms in chestnut soil

  28. 粉煤灰改良栗钙土物理性质的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Improvement of Physical Properties of Chestnut Soil Using Fly Ash in Baotou

  29. 河北坝上高原栗钙土发生与分类的初步探讨

    Preliminary study on the genesis and classification of chestnut soils in Hebei Plateau

  30. 内蒙古草原暗栗钙土中氮的形态及放牧的影响

    Nitrogen forms and grazing's influence in dark chestnut soils of Inner Mongolian grassland