




1. 石 [shí]2. 石 [dàn]石 [shí]构成地壳的矿物质硬块:~破天惊(喻文章议论新奇惊人)。指石刻:金~。指古代用来治病的针:药~。药~之言(喻规劝别人的话)。中国古代乐器八音之一。姓。石 [dàn]中国市制容量单位,十斗为……



汉语拼音:shā shí






  1. The behaviour of this waste or broken rock is similar to that of a clean sand or gravel.


  2. The Camarasaurus had a very good digestive system; it would swallow gizzard stones to help grind up the tough vegetation that it would eat.


  3. It was more than thirty kilometers from our town to the county and the road was paved with sandstone .


  4. Here he had the opportunity of learning at least the rudiments of freestone working.


  5. A jia yu level, you look, eyeful is endless sand, the only a clump of yu, a cluster with fully point the awaken of spring.


  6. The equipment for filtering through the sandstones is a pipe-trough type filter, and a sandstone filter layer is arranged in the filter.


  7. An innkeeper scrubs his steps, sits and reads a paper, leans against the sandstone wall and shuts his eyes. The streets are sleeping.


  8. A bed of gravel on the outside of corners designed with the aim of bringing cars that fall off the circuit to a halt.


  9. See how many different surfaces you can run on in a week: Asphalt, gravel, trail, grass, track, treadmill, beach.


  1. 砂石挖掘船

    sand and gravel dredge

  2. 砂石运输船舶

    ships carrying sand and stones.

  3. 砂石骨料场

    sandstone daggregate yard.

  4. 胶结戈壁砂石

    cement Gobi sand

  5. 成套人工砂石生产线。

    Complete sets of artificial sand production line.

  6. 大法坪砂石加工系统

    Dafaping aggregate processing system

  7. 周围是茫茫一片砂石地。

    The surrounding country is a wilderness of sand.

  8. 泥土与砂石吞没了那些房屋。

    The earth and sand swallowed up the house.

  9. 道路对砂石料的需求最大。

    Roads are the single greatest source of demand for aggregates.

  10. 砂石过滤器反洗水循环再利用

    The Sand and Crushed Stone Filter Backwash Water Circulation Recycle

  11. 从河底挖掘砂石, 泥沙和淤泥

    to dredge the sand, silt and mud from the river bottom

  12. 褐砂石棕红色砂石,用作建筑材料

    A brownishred sandstone used as a building material.

  13. 他们满载砂石从河床成为洗衣机潘。

    They loaded sand and gravel from the riverbed into a washing pan.

  14. 褐砂石房屋用褐砂石建的或用褐砂石糊表面的房屋

    A house built or faced with brownishred sandstone.

  15. 氡主要存在于装修用的水泥,砂石中。

    Main consist in decorates radon in used cement, arenaceous stone.

  16. 我身体的右侧完全撕开满是砂石

    My whole right side was ripped open, filled with gravel.

  17. 金河电站砂石集料筛分系统设计

    Aggregate screening system design for Jinhe Hydropower Station

  18. 比重分级去石机稻谷砂石泥块去除率

    Keywords Graded specific gravity combine stonerricestoneclodSeparation rate.

  19. 龙滩水电站砂石加工系统新技术的应用

    Application of New Aggregate Plant Technology in Longtan Hydropower Station

  20. 乐滩砂石系统人工砂细度模数的控制

    Control of Size Modulus of the Aggregate Plant of Letan Project

  21. 金河水电站砂石骨料筛分系统设计

    Design of Screening System for Sand and Gravel Aggregates at Jinhe Hydropower Station

  22. 砂石一种用来做磨石或石磨的粗而硬的砂石

    A coarse hard sandstone used for making grindstones and millstones.

  23. 砂石覆盖厚度和粒径对土壤蒸发的影响

    Effects of the Thickness and Grain Size of Gravel Mulch on Soil Moisture Evaporation

  24. 筑堤用的材料例如土或砂石, 用来填充的物质。

    The material, such as earth or gravel, used for fill.

  25. 一种用来做磨石或石磨的粗而硬的砂石

    A coarse hard sandstone used for making grindstones and millstones.

  26. 填满用例如土或砂石等材料加高水平

    To build up the level of with material such as earth or gravel.

  27. 砂石颗粒疏密,硬度大,被国家定为免检产品。

    Gravel particle density, hardness, as exempt by the National Product.

  28. 在泰姬陵两侧的建筑都是由红砂石建造的。

    On both sides of the Taj there are buildings made of red sandstone.

  29. 但是技术进步减少了你需要研究的砂石的数量。

    But technical advances have cut down on the number of grains you have to study.

  30. 砂石桩处理地基效果检测和评价方法的探讨

    Discussion on Effect Testing and Evaluating Method of Sand Rock Pile Dealing with Foundation


  1. 问:砂石拼音怎么拼?砂石的读音是什么?砂石翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂石的读音是shā shí,砂石翻译成英文是 sand-coarse aggregate ratio

  2. 问:砂石碴拼音怎么拼?砂石碴的读音是什么?砂石碴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂石碴的读音是shā shí chá,砂石碴翻译成英文是 sand ballast

  3. 问:砂石坑料拼音怎么拼?砂石坑料的读音是什么?砂石坑料翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂石坑料的读音是shā shí kēng liào,砂石坑料翻译成英文是 pit-run

  4. 问:砂石狸藻拼音怎么拼?砂石狸藻的读音是什么?砂石狸藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂石狸藻的读音是,砂石狸藻翻译成英文是 Utricularia arenaria

  5. 问:砂石分选机拼音怎么拼?砂石分选机的读音是什么?砂石分选机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂石分选机的读音是shā shí fēn xuǎn jī,砂石分选机翻译成英文是 sand separator

  6. 问:砂石含水层拼音怎么拼?砂石含水层的读音是什么?砂石含水层翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂石含水层的读音是shāshíhánshuĭcéng,砂石含水层翻译成英文是 aquifer