


花:落~缤纷。才能出众,才能出众的人:~俊。群~荟萃。~才。~雄。~烈。精华,事物最精粹的部分:精~。~华。含~咀华。用羽毛做的矛饰:二矛重(chǒng )~。古同“瑛”,似玉的美石。指“英国”:~文。姓。……





汉语拼音:yīng bàng






  1. 英国 货币单位。先前1英镑等于20先令,1先令等于12便士。自1971年2月15日 英国 政府宣布实行十进位制后,1英镑等于100便士。



  1. The Republic can now stay with the euro if it wishes despite my personal view that it would be better off going back to sterling.


  2. The two friends undertook the challenge as a personal adventure that started with a one-pound bet between them.


  3. Meanwhile, in South-East Asia, factories fling out suits by the thousands that sell for just a few pounds each.


  4. You must be out of your mind if you think I'm going to lend you 50!


  5. With one-third of Britons classified as overweight, the nation spends ? 11billion a year trying to get thin.


  6. It would be worth the risk just to tell the senior editor that he had missed out on a couple of hundred quid.


  7. Before 1914, Eichengreen says, the British pound, the French franc, and the German mark were all international currencies.


  8. She made a bet that she could defy the credit crunch and live on just one pound a day for a year.


  9. Harrison Ford divorced his wife Melissa Mathison after 18 years of marriage in a settlement worth a reported ? 50 million.


  1. 300万英镑

    three million pounds

  2. 英镑暴跌。

    Sterling went into free fall.

  3. 英镑看涨。

    The pound is expected to rise.

  4. 100/ 1000/ 100万英镑

    a hundred/ thousand/ million pounds

  5. 使英镑贬值

    devalue the pound.

  6. 总共15英镑。

    15 pounds in all.

  7. 售价10英镑

    to sell at/ for 10 pounds

  8. 英镑已经升值。

    The value of sterling has risen.

  9. 百万英镑, 且慢。

    A million pounds, wait a moment.

  10. 百万英镑,且慢。

    A million pounds, wait a moment.

  11. 政府相信英镑。

    This Government believe in the pound sterling.

  12. 一万英镑?哟!

    Ten grand? Whew!

  13. 现付5英镑

    to pay 5 pounds down

  14. 他欠 50英镑。

    He owes 50.

  15. 请付5英镑

    that'll be £5 please

  16. 英镑大幅贬值。

    There was a sharp fall in the value of the pound.

  17. 一万英镑?哟!

    Ten grand? Whew!

  18. 每人10英镑

    10 pounds a/ per head

  19. 每加仑2英镑

    2 a gallon

  20. 请付15英镑

    that will be fifteen pounds, please

  21. 我应得5英镑

    I am due 5 pounds

  22. 用美元换英镑

    exchange US dollars for pounds

  23. 他遗赠 1000英镑。

    He bequeathed 1000.

  24. 这大约10英镑。

    It should cost roughly 10.

  25. 汇率浮动的英镑

    the floating pound

  26. 索价为2。4万英镑。

    The asking price is 24,000.

  27. 价格为5。95英镑。

    The price be 5.95 postpaid.

  28. 入场费为1英镑。

    There is a 1 pound admission charge.

  29. 账单共计40英镑

    the bill came to £40

  30. 每1英镑中的20便士

    20 pence in the pound


  1. 问:英镑拼音怎么拼?英镑的读音是什么?英镑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:英镑的读音是yīngbàng,英镑翻译成英文是 Great Britain pound

  2. 问:英镑拼音怎么拼?英镑的读音是什么?英镑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:英镑的读音是yīngbàng,英镑翻译成英文是 pound sterling

  3. 问:英镑公债拼音怎么拼?英镑公债的读音是什么?英镑公债翻译成英文是什么?

    答:英镑公债的读音是yīng bàng gōng zhài,英镑公债翻译成英文是 Sterling bond

  4. 问:英镑贬值拼音怎么拼?英镑贬值的读音是什么?英镑贬值翻译成英文是什么?

    答:英镑贬值的读音是yīng bàng biǎn zhí,英镑贬值翻译成英文是 devaluation of pound