


花:落~缤纷。才能出众,才能出众的人:~俊。群~荟萃。~才。~雄。~烈。精华,事物最精粹的部分:精~。~华。含~咀华。用羽毛做的矛饰:二矛重(chǒng )~。古同“瑛”,似玉的美石。指“英国”:~文。姓。……





汉语拼音:yīng mǔ






  1. 英 美 制地积单位,1英亩约合6.0702市亩,40.468公亩。



  1. He told me that he was planning to buy ten acres of land in Port-au-Prince for a new school, which he hoped to have open in the fall.


  2. He sold the Buick dealership and moved us to a four hundred-acre farm out on Wildcat Road a few miles west of the city.


  3. Archaeologists believe the 37-acre central plaza formed by the mounds may have been used for religious and other public ceremonies.


  4. He was more worried that I might have my eyes on his eighty acres, cleared and planted, or on the money the bank kept locked up.


  5. His house sat on ten acres, and his life's goal was to make it a forest.


  6. Well, look how much food you can produce on 100 acres if you do this kind of -- again, give each species what it wants.


  7. In the space of months, the price of such rights on an acre has shot up to $30, 000 from a few hundred dollars and is still climbing.


  8. About this time the settlers cleared three acres of the plateau, and the rest was preserved in a wild state, for the benefit of the onagers.


  9. He wondered how much those sixty acres were worth.


  1. 牧场英亩面积

    grazing acreage.

  2. 五十英亩耕地

    fifty acres of plough

  3. 许多英亩的地产

    a many acred estate

  4. 耕种200英亩土地

    to farm 200 acres

  5. 1公顷等于2.47英亩。

    There are 2.47 acres in a hectare.

  6. 六分之一英亩土地

    one sixth of an acre of land

  7. 商品作物耕种英亩数

    cash crop acreage

  8. 她耕种200英亩土地。

    She farms 200 acres.

  9. 他耕种200英亩土地。

    He farms 2 0 0 acres.

  10. 他拥有500英亩土地。

    He holds 500 acres of land.

  11. 这个农场有160英亩。

    The farm includes 160 acres.

  12. 这个农场有多少英亩?

    What is the acreage of the farm

  13. 校园占地七英亩。

    The school grounds extend over seven acres.

  14. 校园占地七英亩。

    The school grounds extend over seven acres.

  15. 它占地面积583英亩。

    It takes up a total land area of 583 acres.

  16. 约160英亩大的土地

    quarter section

  17. 这个停车场占地3英亩。

    The parking lot spans 3 acres.

  18. 每英亩5英吨小麦。

    5t of wheat per acre

  19. 他拥有三百英亩土地。

    He owns 300 acres of land.

  20. 每英亩收获量价值

    value per acre

  21. 一个种植园的英亩面积

    The acreage of a plantation

  22. 这片土地有18英亩。

    This parcel of land consists of 18 acres.

  23. 中心占有土地的英亩数

    Acres of Land Center Occupies

  24. 他耕种五百英亩地。

    He farms 500 acres.

  25. 我们拥有一百英亩农田。

    We own 100 acres of farmland.

  26. 他们种了15英亩玉米。

    They cropped 15 acres with corn.

  27. 它的底部占地13英亩,

    Its base covered thirteen acres.

  28. 2,200英亩,有2,000年的历史。

    2, 200 acres in size, 2, 000 years old.

  29. 他耕种了200英亩良田。

    He farmed 200 acres of prime arable land.

  30. 我们拥有十英亩耕地。

    We possess ten acres of plough.


  1. 问:英亩拼音怎么拼?英亩的读音是什么?英亩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:英亩的读音是yīngmǔ,英亩翻译成英文是 acre

  2. 问:英亩数拼音怎么拼?英亩数的读音是什么?英亩数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:英亩数的读音是yīng mǔ shù,英亩数翻译成英文是 acreage

  3. 问:英亩税拼音怎么拼?英亩税的读音是什么?英亩税翻译成英文是什么?

    答:英亩税的读音是yīng mǔ shuì,英亩税翻译成英文是 acre-shot

  4. 问:英亩产量拼音怎么拼?英亩产量的读音是什么?英亩产量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:英亩产量的读音是yīng mǔ chǎn liàng,英亩产量翻译成英文是 acre yield

  5. 问:英亩英尺拼音怎么拼?英亩英尺的读音是什么?英亩英尺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:英亩英尺的读音是,英亩英尺翻译成英文是 acre foot