




1. 休 [xiū]2. 休 [xǔ]休 [xiū]歇息:~整。~假。~闲。离~。停止:~业。完结(多指失败或死亡)。旧指丈夫把妻子赶回母家,断绝夫妻关系:~妻。不要:~想。~提。吉庆,美善,福禄:~咎(吉凶)。助词,用于语末,与“罢”、“……



汉语拼音:xī xiū






  1. 休息。




  1. 网络
  2. rest

  1. 傻瓜才不休息。

    No rest for the wicked.

  2. 邮局星期天不休息。

    The post office is open on Sunday.

  3. 你饭后不休息?

    You do not have a rest after dinner?

  4. 他不犹豫,不休息。

    He is never irresolute or inactive.

  5. 你今天为什么不休息?

    Why don't you lay off today?

  6. 工人们谁也不休息一下。

    Not one of the workers felt like having a rest.

  7. 你明天为什么不休息一天?

    Why don't you take the day off tomorrow?

  8. 不休息我们就走不动了。

    We can't go any farther without a rest.

  9. 他们整天工作,一点也不休息。

    They worked the whole day without taking any rest.

  10. 不休息一下我会倒地不起。

    Without a break I will flop.

  11. 她从不休息, 结果越来越瘦了。

    She never had a rest, so that she Became thinner and thinner.

  12. 人不能不停地工作而不休息。

    You can not go on working without a break.

  13. 大家都坚决要求不完工不休息。

    We all insist that we should not rest until we finish the work.

  14. 你怎么能不休息而工作那么久?

    How can you work on so long without a rest ?

  15. 他们全天24小时营业,周末不休息。

    They're open 24 hours, seven days a week.

  16. 你看来糟透了,你何不休息一会儿?

    You look beat, why do not you take a little rest?

  17. 大家都坚决要求不完工就不休息。

    We all insist that we not rest until we finish the work.

  18. 他要是不休息,他很快会垮掉的。

    If the does not rest he will crack up soon.

  19. 要是你不休息,很快会垮下来的。

    If you do not rest you'll soon crack up.

  20. 她不得不休息一会儿,不然她就要崩溃了。

    She had to get some rest or she was going to fall apart.

  21. 我们要是不休息就再也走不动了。

    We can't go any farther without resting.

  22. 他步行走着,既不吃东西,也不休息。

    He walked foot without food or rest.

  23. 要是他不休息,他身体很快会垮掉的。

    If he doesn't rest he'll crack up soon.

  24. 你为什么不休息一下来欣赏这个过程呢?

    Why don't you just sit back and enjoy the show?

  25. 发扬不休息地接连打几仗的作风。

    Fight several engagements in succession without respite.

  26. 但你也不需要一分钟都不休息吧!

    But you don't have to study so hard every minute of the day.

  27. 爱莉莎听起来相当压迫孩子, 他们不休息吗?

    ELIZA Hmm. That sounds pretty oppressive for the kids. Dont they ever relax

  28. 这种鸟可以不休息一直飞很长的距离。

    The bird can fly a long distance without rest.

  29. 这种鸟可以不休息一直飞很长得距离。

    The bird can fly a long distance without rest.

  30. 他们那不说话就难过的舌头从来不休息。

    Those aspen leaves of theirs never leave wagging.