




1. 号 [hào]2. 号 [háo]号 [hào]名称:国~。年~。字~。指人除有名、字之外,另起的别称:别~(如“李白,字太白,~~青莲居士”)。标志:记~。排定的次序或等级:编~。~码。扬言,宣称:~称(a.名义上是;b.以某名著称……



汉语拼音:wèi hào






  1. 爵位与名号。

    《史记·韩信卢綰列传》:“诸侯虽有畔亡,而復归;輒復故位号,不诛也。”《南史·后妃传序》:“六宫位号,前史代有不同。” 唐 刘知几 《史通·题目》:“自餘 陈涉 、 张步 、 刘璋 、 袁术 ,其位号皆一一具言。”



  1. Document for instrument installation category shall be prepared as per the sequences of number of the control and detecting systems.


  2. Nameplates shall be supplied for the exterior and interior of panels and shall indicate the instrument tag number and service.


  3. Whsupport is the item number (c automotive service engineers number) of this equipment?


  4. Input the correct Part Number, Serial Number, Bin Location etc. Update inbound and outbound records of the shipments in time.


  5. The single-board reads out the pin level sequence to determine the slot number.


  6. Fabricate temporary test blanks (frying-pan test blanks) to DuPont Standard P9E. Control test blanks by identification number and location.


  7. In the periodic table of elements, each element has its own place and number.


  8. What is the item number (cottom number) of this equipment?


  9. Specification and model Location No.


  1. 地图点位号

    map reference.

  2. 奥多姆是四号位上最有效率的。

    Odom is most effective at the four.

  3. 所以在四号位上他是继博仕和哈斯勒姆后最完美的拼图。

    He also gives us incredible professionalism and is a perfect fit behind Chris Bosh and Udonis Haslem.

  4. 附加的三位号

    extheo number

  5. 高低位号选择器

    low or high selector

  6. 您的铺位是上铺,这是您的铺位号。

    This means you are on the top bed and this is your bed number.

  7. 立体仓库库位号与堆垛机运作效率关系的探讨

    Some Discussion on the Relation Between Shelves Number and Stacker Operating Efficiency in Stereo Warehouse

  8. 对男排四号位平拉开扣球一对一拦网判断之研究

    Study on the Judgement of One to One Block in Open Spike at the Fourth Position in the Men's Volleyball Competitions

  9. 从下个月一号起,有位唐纳先生会来接替我的职务。

    Form the 1 st of next month. A Mr. Donaldson will be taking over from me.

  10. 周期表中,各个元素都有自己的位号。

    In the periodic table of elements, each element has its own place and number.

  11. 在元素周期表中,各个元素都有自己的位号。

    In the periodic table of elements, each element has its own place and number.

  12. 在元素周期表中,各个元素都有自己的位号。

    In the periodic table of elements, each element has its own place and number.

  13. 在抗击匈奴的战争中立功, 他被授予王爷的位号。

    He was made a duke for his contribution in fighting against Huns.

  14. 在抗击匈奴的战争中立功,他被授予王爷的位号。

    He was made a duke for his contribution in fighting against the Huns.

  15. 设备名称和位号按附件规定,且应用不锈钢制得。

    Equipment name and tag numbers as stated in attachments and shall be made of stainless steel.

  16. 号位吸收机

    digit absorber.

  17. 号位吸收器

    digit absorbing selector.

  18. 四号位进攻。

    Four n. A shoot that is attacked near the left sideline.

  19. 传号位数检查

    constant mark check

  20. 我排头号位, 该我了。

    I'm number one, t's my turn.

  21. 我排头号位,该我了。

    I'm number one, t's my turn.

  22. 发上手飘球,发向5号位。

    The overhand floater serves to position 5.

  23. 我们把她放到三号位

    We put her at the three position.

  24. 孙炯从3号位将球传给了李芬。

    Sun Jiong sets the ball from position 3 to Li Fen.

  25. 是无符号的,所以没有符号位需要传递。

    Are unsigned, so there is no sign bit to propagate.

  26. 每月八号位发薪日,并附带工资单。

    On the 8 th of monthly payroll, wages and fringe single.

  27. 这位医生在她的手腕上号脉。

    The doctor felt her pulse on her wrist.

  28. 既然这样,我坚信有时候易建联可以打3号位。

    That said, I definitely think we can see Yi at the3 in some situations.

  29. 现在得球队都打得小, 4号位可能比3号位更适合他。

    Teams play smaller now, so I think the4 is generally a better spot for him than the3.

  30. 现在的球队都打得小,4号位可能比3号位更适合他。

    Teams play smaller now, so I think the4 is generally a better spot for him than the3.


  1. 问:位号拼音怎么拼?位号的读音是什么?位号翻译成英文是什么?

    答:位号的读音是wèihào,位号翻译成英文是 ranks or titles.; Ranking digit or serial numb...