




1. 给 [gěi]2. 给 [jǐ]给 [gěi]交付,送与:~以。~予。送~。献~。把动作或态度加到对方:~他一顿批评。替,为:~大家帮忙。被,表示遭受:房子~火烧掉了。把,将:请你随手~门送上。给 [jǐ]供应:供~。补~。~养。自~……



汉语拼音:yuè gěi







  1. 犹月俸;月饷。

    《宋史·毕士安传》:“ 士安 以目疾求解,改兵部侍郎,出知 潞州 ,特加月给之数。” 金 元好问 《续夷坚志·考顺马》:“一日,中贵人劳军 淮 上,戏令此卒藏匿,纵马自寻,马振轡长鸣,径到主人处,中贵闻之 宣宗 ,为增卒月给。”《金史·兵志》:“復取 河朔 诸路归正人,不问鞍马有无,译语能否,悉送密院,增月给三倍它军,授以官马,得千餘人,岁时犒燕,名曰忠孝军。”



  1. He made a promise that he would write to me every month.


  2. Last month while giving the patient acupuncture, the doctor told him that his heart was not too good.


  3. The Irish did the opposite, giving blanket bank guarantees in September 2008 which have recently been extended to the end of June at least.


  4. Either way, the lack of Chinese buying likely will weigh on prices over the next few months before any rebound, analysts said.


  5. In an impassioned speech to Iceland's Chamber of Commerce last month, he urged the police to investigate the activities of bank executives.


  6. This does not always happen, but we decide to give you two extra pounds a month!


  7. He stayed for seven months to help out these firefighters, and comb through the wreckage at ground zero looking for human remains.


  8. Frank writes to his mother once a month.


  9. She writes to her mother once a month.


  1. 他们按月给他计酬。

    They paid him by the month.

  2. 哈利每个月给妈妈500美元。

    Harry allows his mother 500 dollers a month.

  3. 他一个月给我写一次信。

    He writes to me once a month.

  4. 我下一个月给你写信。

    I shall write you a letter next month.

  5. 少君四月给我买的钢琴。

    Andrew got the piano for me in April.

  6. 她一个月给她妈妈写一次信。

    She writes to her mother once a month.

  7. 每个月给他,我说不好,50块

    Give him I don't know 48 bucks a month.

  8. 我大概每个月给她一封信。

    I drop her a line about once a month.

  9. 汤姆每个月给他母亲寄点钱。

    Tom sends his mother some money every month.

  10. 他允诺要每个月给我写信。

    He made a promise that he would write to me every month.

  11. 我不是每个月给你们寄钱吗?

    Have n't I sent you money every month?

  12. 四月给我们带来了阳光和阵雨。

    April brings us sun and showers.

  13. 弗兰克每个月给他母亲写一次信。

    Frank writes to his mother once a month.

  14. 他通常两个月给他的叔叔写一封信。

    He usually writes to his uncle every two months.

  15. 为什么麦克每个月给你寄一张支票?

    Why was Mike sending you checks every month?

  16. 以前勒菲弗先生每个月给他两万法郎。

    Monsieur Lefevre used to give him twenty thousand francs a month.

  17. 别忘了你答应要每个月给我写信。

    Don't forget your promise to write to me every month.

  18. 你应该每个月给自行车轮子加一次润滑油。

    You should lubricate the wheels of your bicycle once a month.

  19. 接下来的五个月给他的考验超过了他和其他人的预料。

    The next five months would provide more of a test than he or the others had expected.

  20. 你一定不能忘记至少一个月给你的父母写一封信。

    You must not forget to write to your parents at least once a month.

  21. 这每个月给她留下3000元得可支配收入, 或100元一天。

    This left her with3, 000 yuan a month in disposable income, or100 yuan a day.

  22. 这每个月给她留下3000元的可支配收入,或100元一天。

    This left her with3,000 yuan a month in disposable income, or100 yuan a day.

  23. 你需要每个月给它加一些油,并且每两个月换一次电池。

    You need to give it some oil every month and change the batteries every two months.

  24. 该船备有两个月得给养。

    The ship is provisioned for two months.

  25. 已3个月未给工人发工资。

    The worker have not is pay for three week.

  26. 这个月我给我妈妈写过信。

    I have written to my mother this month.

  27. 一个月前给你做的手术。

    We operated a month ago.

  28. 我这个月付款给送奶人了。

    I have paid the milkman this month.

  29. 应付的佣金将按月支付给代理人。

    Commission due will be pay monthly to the agent.

  30. 医生每个月都给这个婴儿称体重。

    The doctor weighed the baby every month.