


本人,己身:~己。~家。~身。~白。~满。~诩。~馁。~重(zhòng )。~尊。~谦。~觉(jué )。~疚。~学。~圆其说。~惭形秽。~强不息。从,由:~从。~古以来。当然:~然。~不待言。~生~灭。放任~流。假如:~非圣人,外宁必有内……





汉语拼音:zì lǐ








  1. 为自己申诉。

    《东观汉记·和熹邓后传》:“ 杜冷 不杀人,自诬。被掠羸困,便舆见,畏吏不敢自理。”《周书·崔彦穆传》:“顷之, 永业 家自理得雪, 彦穆 坐除名。”《资治通鉴·唐玄宗天宝十四载》:“ 禄山 怒,使 严庄 上表自理,具陈 国忠 罪状二十餘事。”

  2. 自然而治。

    三国 魏 嵇康 《难宅无吉凶摄生论》:“世无自理之道,法无独善之术。” 宋 苏辙 《元资福渝老》诗:“吾心未尝劳,万物将自理。”

  3. 自己承担或料理。

    鲁迅 《集外集拾遗补编·<越铎>出世辞》:“其民復存 大禹 卓苦勤劳之风,同 勾践 坚确慷慨之志,力作治生,绰然足以自理。”如:膳食自理;车旅费自理。



  1. To be honest with you, I do not want to be the cause of you not being able to take care of yourself.


  2. Their grandfather is too ill to function alone, and they are taking care of him in turn.


  3. Mr M is not a fan of me learning to fly, believing that it increases the odds of him being left to organise the self-catering holidays.


  4. "To be protected from relapse, people need to continue on some form of self-care one to three years after depression has ended, " he said.


  5. As soon as you can resume oral intake, urinate, and care for your basic needs, you will typically be able to go home.


  6. You see, it would be better keeping a pet if I cannot raise my child to be an independent person.


  7. But now , finally , at only fifty-five, she became totally disabled ---unable to speak , walk , eat or dress on her own.


  8. Bedpan: A metal, glass, or plastic receptacle for the urinary and fecal discharges of persons confined to bed.


  9. I believe if I just share myself, the other person has enough to make it.


  1. 起卸自理价


  2. 保险由买方自理

    insurance to be effected by the Buyers

  3. 他能够行动自理。

    Hes able to function independently.

  4. 日常生活靠自理。

    The daily life depends on taking care of oneself.

  5. 所有费用由客人自理。

    Payment All charges on Guest's own account.

  6. 日酬两镑,食宿自理。

    Two pounds a day and find yourself.

  7. 解雇解雇释放自理免职退伍

    Dismissal or release from employment, service, care, or confinement.

  8. 那场病让他不能自理。

    The illness left him a helpless wreck.

  9. 就好像你不想让我们自理。

    It's like you don't want us to do anything for ourselves.

  10. 就好像你不想让我们自理。

    It's like you don't want us to do anything for ourselves.

  11. 您有医疗保险,还是药费自理呢?

    Do you have insurance, or will you be talking care of this yourself?

  12. 先天不足的孩子也许永远没法自理

    Kids like this may never be on their own.

  13. 没上保险的人应自理损失费用。

    People without insurance should pay for their own loss.

  14. 果领,球车,球童以及其它费用自理。

    Players are to pay for their own green, buggy and caddy fees ETC.

  15. 用受过专门训练的狗帮助盲人自理。

    Dogs that are specially trained are used to help blind people.

  16. 用受过专门训练得狗帮助盲人自理。

    Dogs that are specially trained are used to help blind people.

  17. 他中风之后成了不能自理的废人。

    The stroke left him a helpless wreck.

  18. 而后,他们会逐渐丧失记忆和自理能力。

    Later, they lose memory and the ability to care for themselves.

  19. 他患中风之後成了不能自理的废人

    The stroke left him a helpless wreck

  20. 报名的教师完全出于自愿而且费用自理。

    Teachers who signed up did so out of personal choice and at their own expense.

  21. 你们也可以索取样品,但是费用需要自理。

    You also maydemand the sample, but the expense needs to take care of oneself.

  22. 他患中风之后成了不能自理的废人。

    The stroke left him a helpless wreck.

  23. 他老病体弱,生活已经不能自理了。

    He is old and sick, and unable to look after himself.

  24. 他老病体弱,生活已经不能自理了。

    He is old and sick, and unable to look after himself.

  25. 培养幼儿的生活自理能力,并能帮助同伴。

    Foster the ability of living independence, and helping each other.

  26. 签证和居留许可以及体检费用,学生自理。

    Visa, Residence Permit and body check fees are at the expense of the students.

  27. 他太娇生惯养了,离开母亲就无法自理生活了。

    He is a mama's boy and he can't live without his mother.

  28. 生活自理能力训练对衰退病人的疗效观察。

    The efficacy of living skills training on chronic psychiatric patients.

  29. 一个照料儿童和无自理能力成年人的人。

    A person who is responsible for attending to the needs of a child or dependent adult.

  30. 那时候我父亲已经病得完全不能自理了。

    By this time my father was totally incapacitated by his illness.


  1. 问:自理拼音怎么拼?自理的读音是什么?自理翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自理的读音是zìlǐ,自理翻译成英文是 take care of oneself

  2. 问:自理洗衣店拼音怎么拼?自理洗衣店的读音是什么?自理洗衣店翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自理洗衣店的读音是zì lǐ xǐ yī diàn,自理洗衣店翻译成英文是 self-service laundry