


聚合,聚在一起:~之。~数。~体。~结。汇~。概括全部,主要的:~纲。~则。为首的,最高的:~司令。~裁。~经理。~统。束系,束头发:~角(jiǎo )。经常,一直:~是这样。一定,无论如何:~归。“万紫千红~是春”。……


1. 称 [chēng]2. 称 [chèn]3. 称 [chèng]称 [chēng]量轻重:~量(liáng )。叫,叫做:自~。~呼。~帝。~臣。~兄道弟。名号:名~。简~。~号。~谓。职~。说:声~。~快。~病。~便。赞扬:~道。~……



汉语拼音:zǒng chēng






  1. 总的称谓。

    金 王若虚 《五经辨惑上》:“夫妻者所以对夫嫡配之总称也,妇人者所以对男子女子之总称也。” 章炳麟 《国故论衡·文学总略》:“ 董仲舒 云‘《春秋》文成数万’,兼彼经传,总称为文。” 魏巍 《谁是最可爱的人·战士和祖国》:“‘祖国’呵,可见你是一切神圣美丽的东西的总称!”



  1. "Gymnastics" is always stated to all gymnastics project, which project but isn't is concrete the name.


  2. Carbide: Inorganic compound, any of a class of chemical compounds in which carbon is combined with a metal or semi metallic element.


  3. It's pretty easy to see how a bugnet's name could pan out to become what we call any number of kinds of awnings and overhanging tents.


  4. Information technology is mainly used to deal with the management and information used by the general term for a variety of techniques.


  5. Blade: The expanded part of a leaf or petal. The term is often loosely used to include the entire leaf of grasses and similar plants.


  6. Alzheimer disease is the most common cause of dementia, but it is often used as an umbrella term for several conditions causing dementia.


  7. "Wo is a registered " and " Wo " is millet, millet, rice, sorghum crops like the general term " landing " means that mature.


  8. "Sha tympany" sprang up in Qing dynasty with its range expanding rapidly and became the generic name of epidemics and unknown diseases.


  9. The designation of any conductors, terminal or any element connected to the neutral point of a polyphase system.


  1. 武器的总称

    Weapons considered as a group.

  2. 火枪的总称

    Muskets considered as a group.

  3. 同性恋者总称

    third sex.

  4. 牛仔裤的总称

    jeans wear

  5. 住院医师总称

    house staff

  6. 旗帜旗帜的总称

    Flags considered as a group.

  7. 金属钱币总称

    Metal money considered as a whole.

  8. 厚板材的总称

    Planks considered as a group.

  9. 普通律师的总称

    outer bar

  10. 王室律师的总称

    inner bar

  11. 普通律师得总称

    outer bar.

  12. 上述注释的总称

    the Midrash

  13. 基督教会的总称

    Body of Christ

  14. 检查人员的总称

    A staff of inspectors.

  15. 神父对神父的总称

    Fathers considered as a group.

  16. 神职人员的总称

    Clerics considered as a group.

  17. 有生命的事物的总称。

    living things collectively.

  18. 火枪手和火枪的总称。

    musketeers and their muskets collectively.

  19. 机件小巧机械的总称

    Gadgets considered as a group.

  20. 麻药类麻醉剂之总称

    Narcotics considered as a group.

  21. 全体机器系统的总称。

    machines or machine systems collectively.

  22. 书法作品。精致书法作品的总称

    Works in fine handwriting, considered as a group

  23. 有理数和无理数的总称。

    any rational or irrational number.

  24. 草禾本科植物的总称

    The members of the grass family considered as a group.

  25. 凸板平台印刷机的总称

    cylinder machine

  26. 陶瓷,陶器和瓷器的总称。

    Ceramics, the general term for pottery and porcelain.

  27. 被告及其法律顾问的总称。

    the defendant and his legal advisors collectively.

  28. 大臣, 王公以下百官的总称

    Officials under ministers and princes in ancient China

  29. 一处房产的承租人的总称。

    Tenants of an estate considered as a group.

  30. 水运工具水上船只的总称

    Water vehicles considered as a group.


  1. 问:总称拼音怎么拼?总称的读音是什么?总称翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总称的读音是zǒngchēng,总称翻译成英文是 To call by a general term.; A general term....

  2. 问:总称为拼音怎么拼?总称为的读音是什么?总称为翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总称为的读音是zǒng chēng wéi,总称为翻译成英文是 collectively termed