


1. 远 [yuǎn]2. 远 [yuàn]远 [yuǎn]距离长,与“近”相对:~方。~道。~程。~景。~足(较远的徒步旅行)。~见(远大的眼光)。~虑。~谋。~客。遥~。~走高飞。舍近就~。时间长:~古。~祖。长~。永~。关系疏,不亲密……





汉语拼音:yuǎn hǎi







  1. If you have a peg leg and an eye patch and a disgruntled disposition, you know, you should be on a pirate ship on the high seas .


  2. Petrobras said it was putting the share issue on hold because of a delay in a government valuation of its offshore reserves.


  3. As these creatures continue to arrive in great numbers, said Goldstein, they might be altering the ocean's food web.


  4. Tugboats are used to maneuver, primarily by towing or pushing, other vessels in harbors, over the open sea or through rivers and canals.


  5. The fish caught offshore will be shipped around the world to markets and many probably turned into fish sticks and fish meal.


  6. But outside of an all-out blue-water fight, the geopolitical utility of China's amphibious force deserves a far more rigorous analysis.


  7. In other words, creatures like barnacles and anemones are hitching rides from the shore to the middle of the ocean.


  8. In the open sea, jellies are also among the most abundant forms of life.


  9. I touch God in my song as the hill touches the far away sea with its waterfall.


  1. 远海梭子蟹

    marine crab

  2. 渔船出远海三天了。

    The fisheing boats were out at sea for three days.

  3. 远海梭子蟹幼体发育的研究

    Study on larval development of Portunus pelagicus

  4. 可以随意在远海航行的船。

    A ship abandoned on the high seas.

  5. 索马里海盗到远海劫持船只。

    The Somali pirates have reached father out to sea to hijack vessels.

  6. 索马里海盗到远海劫持至少六艘船

    Pirates Reaching Farther Out to Sea to Hijack Vessels.

  7. 我藉由我的歌声触摸上帝,正如高山藉由瀑布触摸远海。

    I touch God in my song as the hill touches the far away sea with its waterfall.

  8. 远海航行卫星电视接收问题的分析及解决方案

    Analysis and solution of TV receiving station missing catch at open sea

  9. 突然, 那只船开始发出刺耳的声音, 飘向远海。

    Suddenly the ship began screaming and drifting out to sea.

  10. 突然,那只船开始发出刺耳的声音,飘向远海。

    Suddenly the ship began screaming and drifting out to sea.

  11. 突然,那只船开始发出刺耳得声音,飘向远海。

    Suddenly the ship began screaming and drifting out to sea.

  12. 戈尔茨坦表示, 随着越来越远海, 海洋食物网将发生改变。

    As these creatures continue to arrive in great numbers, said Goldstein, they might ocean's food web.

  13. 这种下降推动了渔民使用更大的船只去远海捕鱼。

    That drop has pushed fishermen to go offshore with bigger boats.

  14. 在这方面,他们需要克服比远海高山更难超越的障碍。

    In this respect, they need to overcome the harder than offshore, mountains beyond obstacles.

  15. 当大块积冰断裂、漂浮至远海的时候,冰山就形成了。

    Icebergs are created when chunks of pack ice break free and float off into open sea.

  16. 这些船航行越过太平洋, 这是它们首次笔直向东穿越远海。

    These were launched out over the Pacific, the first ones straight eastward over open sea.

  17. 这些船航行越过太平洋,这是它们首次笔直向东穿越远海。

    These were launched out over the Pacific,the first ones straight eastward over open sea.

  18. 远距离跨海大桥高压电缆敷设工程

    Cable Laying Project of Long Distance Bridge Cutting Across Sea

  19. 那地方距离海有六哩远。

    The place is six miles distant from the sea.

  20. 波罗地海诸国也会为远俄近美而感到高兴。

    The Baltics would also be glad to be farther away from Russia and closer to America.

  21. 离海远的内陆属大陆性气候。

    Far from the sea is an inland continental climate.

  22. 说是辽远的海的相思。

    It is called miss of distant sea.

  23. 离海很远。

    It is a long way to the sea.

  24. 这儿离海很远。

    It is a long way to the sea.

  25. 我很抱歉,我出海太远了。

    I am sorry that I went too far out.

  26. 从这儿,我们可远看大海。

    We can see as far as the sea from here.

  27. 他从桅杆上面远望着大海。

    He is watching the sea on the mast.

  28. 珠海致远英语培训学校

    Zhuhai Far East Language Training School

  29. 晶莹的一片远海映入眼帘。

    A sparkle of far sea came into view.

  30. 关于珠海致远英语培训学校

    About Far East Language Training School


  1. 问:远海拼音怎么拼?远海的读音是什么?远海翻译成英文是什么?

    答:远海的读音是yuǎnhǎi,远海翻译成英文是 the sea in the distance

  2. 问:远海国拼音怎么拼?远海国的读音是什么?远海国翻译成英文是什么?

    答:远海国的读音是yuǎn hǎi guó,远海国翻译成英文是 distant-water state

  3. 问:远海相拼音怎么拼?远海相的读音是什么?远海相翻译成英文是什么?

    答:远海相的读音是,远海相翻译成英文是 pelagic facies

  4. 问:远海岛屿拼音怎么拼?远海岛屿的读音是什么?远海岛屿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:远海岛屿的读音是yuǎn hǎi dǎo yǔ,远海岛屿翻译成英文是 ocean island

  5. 问:远海粘土拼音怎么拼?远海粘土的读音是什么?远海粘土翻译成英文是什么?

    答:远海粘土的读音是,远海粘土翻译成英文是 pelagic clay

  6. 问:远海梭子蟹拼音怎么拼?远海梭子蟹的读音是什么?远海梭子蟹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:远海梭子蟹的读音是Yuǎnhǎisuōzixiè,远海梭子蟹翻译成英文是 marine crab

  7. 问:远海沉积物拼音怎么拼?远海沉积物的读音是什么?远海沉积物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:远海沉积物的读音是,远海沉积物翻译成英文是 pelagic sediment