







汉语拼音:hōng lú






  1. 火炉。

    宋 司马光 《送邵兴宗之丹阳》诗:“赤日裂后土,万家如烘炉。” 许地山 《危巢坠简·东野先生五》:“墙下两三个大小不等、欲裂不裂的破烘炉,落在地下一掬烧了半截的杂柴。”



  1. The oven drying now is an essential procedure for the manufacture of a great deal of industrial production.


  2. The sensor assembly types shown on this page can be used to measure temperatures in ovens, liquids, gases and housing or plate surfaces.


  3. A crucible for silver and a furnace for gold, but Allah tests the heart.


  4. These biscuits have gone soft, you'd better crisp them up in the oven .


  5. Ovens should hour during an inspection tour boiler and flue expansion. and record all the swelling data (completion of the installation).


  6. Lay the second half of the salmon fillet on top and season lightly with salt on the surface. Bake in 200'C oven for about 20 minutes.


  7. Drying staves in ovens is quicker and cheaper, however the chemical changes do not occur.


  8. This article deals with the furnace building and drying oven process of the combustion furnace for hydrogen sulfide gas before installation.


  9. The influence of ovens hearth structure on heat transfer efficiency is analyzed in this paper, and several improving methods are presented.


  1. 烘炉翻动机

    kiln turner.

  2. 烘炉洗净剂

    oven cleaner.

  3. 烘炉用炉外临时小炉

    dutch oven

  4. 首先将烘炉加热到375度。

    Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

  5. 焦炉固体燃料烘炉开工

    Roasting and Starting of the Coke Oven Using Solid Fuel

  6. 锅炉设备烘炉方法的研讨

    Discussion on Boiler Brickwork Drying Method

  7. 坩埚炼银,烘炉炼金,真主炼心。

    A crucible for silver and a furnace for gold, but Allah tests the heart.

  8. 新型漆包机烘炉计算机控制系统

    A Control System Based on the Computer for the Drying Oven of the Enameled Wire Machine

  9. 今年冬天,他家买了一个烘炉。

    This winter, his family bought a bakery.

  10. 今年冬天,他家买了一个烘炉。

    This winter, his family bought a bakery.

  11. 模糊控制技术在饼干烘炉中的运用

    Vague Control Technology Used in Biscuits Baker

  12. 热处理淬火炉的烘炉达到的参数要求。

    Heat oven to quench furnace of these parameters.

  13. 制磷电炉烘炉应加强科学管理

    Intensify Scientific Management of the Baking Kiln of Electrical Furnace for Phosphorus Production

  14. 改进焙烧炉烘炉工艺降低燃料消耗

    Improving oven drying technology of the roaster and lower fuel consumption

  15. 涂装生产线烘炉设计中的问题分析

    The Analysis of Problems in the Designing of Oven in a Coating Production Line

  16. 电加热远红外烘炉电控系统设计

    Designing of electric control system of electroheat far infrared ovens

  17. 反烧法在砂型烘炉上的应用

    Top Combusting Method Used in Furnace for Sand Mold

  18. 循环流化床锅炉低温烘炉及改进

    The Refractory Material Baking of a Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler

  19. 侯马冶炼厂烘炉煤灰处理的探讨

    Discussion on Treatment of Coal Ash from Furnace Drying in Houma Smelter.

  20. 石灰石矿回转窑砌筑及烘炉实践。

    Masonry of Rotary Kiln and Practice of Drying Oven of Limestone Ore.

  21. 循环流化床锅炉3种烘炉方法的比较

    Comparison of3 Kinds of Refractory Curing for CFB Boiler

  22. 烘炉热加工是工业生产中的一道重要工序。

    The oven drying now is an essential procedure for the manufacture of a great deal of industrial production.

  23. 罐式煅烧炉烘炉保温点的确定与控制

    Determination and control of insulation points in retort calciner

  24. 介绍了一种单片机监测烘炉温度系统。

    This paper discussed a temperature monitoring system based on MCU.

  25. 气体悬浮焙烧炉内衬烘炉曲线的确定

    Determination of Curve of Curing Oven with Lining for Gassy Suspension Roasting Furnace

  26. 顺流罐式煅烧炉结构改造及烘炉的实践

    Structure renovation and practice baking of a concurrent pot calciner

  27. 烘炉烘啤酒花或麦芽或烘烤加工烟草的干窑

    A kiln for drying hops or malt or drying and curing tobacco.

  28. 基于无线数据传输的烘炉温度检测系统的研究

    Oven Temperature Detection System Based on Wireless Data Transmission

  29. 烘炉质量对耐火混凝土炉顶使用寿命的影响

    The influence of dry and baking quality on service life of the refractory furnace

  30. 挡板同样可应用在烘炉中去控制空气的流向。

    Baffles are also used in ovens to direct airflow.


  1. 问:烘炉拼音怎么拼?烘炉的读音是什么?烘炉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烘炉的读音是hōnglú,烘炉翻译成英文是 A stove used to roast food or warming.; It...

  2. 问:烘炉灯拼音怎么拼?烘炉灯的读音是什么?烘炉灯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烘炉灯的读音是hōng lú dēng,烘炉灯翻译成英文是 oven lamp

  3. 问:烘炉点火拼音怎么拼?烘炉点火的读音是什么?烘炉点火翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烘炉点火的读音是hōng lú diǎn huǒ,烘炉点火翻译成英文是 oven fusing

  4. 问:烘炉隧道试验拼音怎么拼?烘炉隧道试验的读音是什么?烘炉隧道试验翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烘炉隧道试验的读音是hōng lú suì dào shì yàn,烘炉隧道试验翻译成英文是 oven tunnel test



涂膜在加热干燥过程中的加热设备,或称烘干室。 不同型式烘炉有不同的结构和加热方式。按照其外形结构可分为箱式(烘箱)、室式(烘房)、通过式(又分直通式和桥式)。 箱式和室式适用于单件或小批量生产。通过式适用于大批量的流水作业线生产,被涂物置于传送装置上,以一定的速度通过隧道式的干燥室。