


1. 兑 [duì]2. 兑 [ruì]3. 兑 [yuè]兑 [duì]交换:~换(用一种货币换另一种货币)。~现。汇~(两地通过信件或电报交换款项)。液体从一个容器注入另一个容器,一种东西搀到另一种东西里去:~点热水。八卦之一,代表沼泽……


1. 付 [fù]付 [fù]交,给:支~。托~。~款。~梓(把稿件交付刊印)。~讫。~出。~与。~之一笑。~诸东流。量词,指中药(亦作“服”):一~药。……



汉语拼音:duì fù






  1. 凭票据支付现金。

    清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·局诈》:“某拜恩出。即有前日裘马者从至客邸,依券兑付而去。”



  1. we hereby engage with you that all drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this credit will be duly honored .


  2. In the United States, the term generally refers to a draft or cheque drawn by a bank on itself or on funds deposited with another bank.


  3. We would advise you that we have drawn on you at 45 days through the Bank of China. Please give our draft your kind protection.


  4. The drawee may accept this bill payable at any bank, banker or trust company in the United States which he may designate.


  5. b. A confirming bank is irrevocably bound to honour or negotiate as of the time it adds its confirmation to the credit.


  6. Enough metallic money had to be kept on hand , of course , to redeem whatever volume of notes was presented for payment .


  7. If you need five hundred US dollars, we need to call for authorization, and this takes about two days.


  8. b. An issuing bank is irrevocably bound to honour as of the time it issues the credit.


  9. bank draft: in Europe, the term generally refers to a draft drawn by a bank on itself.


  1. 兑付人民币

    cash in Renminbi

  2. 我们无劦兑付这些汇票。

    We'll be unable to meet these draft.

  3. 咱们无力兑付这些汇票。

    We'll be unable to meet these draft.

  4. 未兑付信用证的状况

    Status of outstanding letters of credit

  5. 把支票兑付成现金

    cash a cheque

  6. 支票或汇票兑付的行为

    the act of presenting a bill or note for payment

  7. 到期应该兑付汇票的日期。

    Maturity The date when a draft is due to be paid.

  8. 请问您想怎样兑付这些钱?

    How would you like your amount?

  9. 代理发行、代理兑付、承销政府债券。

    Issue, cash and sell government bonds as agents.

  10. 本支票可兑付给持票人。

    This cheque is payable to the bearer, ie to the person who presents it at a bank.

  11. 作价买卖佣金回扣兑付免责声明

    market making commission rebate redemption disclaimer

  12. 请问我得汇票是在这儿兑付吗?

    Could my draft be negotiated here?

  13. 我持有一张由你兑付的汇票。

    I'm the bearer of a bill of exchange drawn on you.

  14. 请问我的汇票是在这儿兑付吗?

    Could my draft be negotiated here?

  15. 好的, 我还想用信用卡兑付现金。

    Sure. I also would like to withdraw cash with my credit card.

  16. 储蓄合同存款兑付效力和违约责任确定

    Determining the Responsibility of Breaching Deposit Contract

  17. 请放心, 汇票到期时一定予以及时兑付。

    You may rest assured that the draft will be duly honored when it falls.

  18. 固定存款的利息只能在期满之后兑付。

    The interest on term deposit is only due at maturity.

  19. 另外, 融资是完美的, 在你家兑付的股权。

    Additionally, refinancing is perfect for cashing in on your home's equity.

  20. 信用风险主要指企业到期时无法兑付的风险。

    Credit risk refers to the risk of payment.

  21. 我们兑付了这张支票, 因为只透支了30韩元。

    We honored the check as the overdraft was only 30 won.

  22. 出纳员不会给未获批准的支票兑付现金。

    The cashier would not cash the check without an endorsement.

  23. 出纳员不会给未获批准的支票兑付现金。

    The cashier would not cash the check without an endorsement.

  24. 支票或汇票兑付的行为向持票人付款的支票

    The act of presenting a bill or note for payment. The cheque is payable to bearer.

  25. 跟单信用证凭下列单据提示可兑付。

    The documentary credit is available against presentation of the following documents.

  26. 所有按照本条款开具的汇票, 我行保证兑付

    We hereby undertake to honour all drafts drawn in accordance with the terms of this credit

  27. 所有按照本条款开具得汇票,我行保证兑付

    We hereby undertake to honour all drafts drawn in accordance with the terms of this credit.

  28. 当开证行确定提示相符时, 就必须予以兑付。

    When an issuing bank determines that a presentation is complying, it must honour.

  29. 我们附上了相应金额得即期汇票要你方兑付。

    Our enclosed corresponding amount demand draft has wanted you to cash.

  30. 我们附上了相应金额的即期汇票要你方兑付。

    Our enclosed corresponding amount demand draft has wanted you to cash.


  1. 问:兑付拼音怎么拼?兑付的读音是什么?兑付翻译成英文是什么?

    答:兑付的读音是duìfù,兑付翻译成英文是 cash

  2. 问:兑付支票拼音怎么拼?兑付支票的读音是什么?兑付支票翻译成英文是什么?

    答:兑付支票的读音是duìfùzhīpiào,兑付支票翻译成英文是 cash a cheque / check

  3. 问:兑付现款拼音怎么拼?兑付现款的读音是什么?兑付现款翻译成英文是什么?

    答:兑付现款的读音是,兑付现款翻译成英文是 enxashment

  4. 问:兑付赠券拼音怎么拼?兑付赠券的读音是什么?兑付赠券翻译成英文是什么?

    答:兑付赠券的读音是duì fù zèng quàn,兑付赠券翻译成英文是 gift coupons cashing




【读音】duì fù


【示例】清·蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·局诈》:“某拜恩出。即有前日裘马者从至客邸,依券兑付而去。”