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1. 石 [shí]2. 石 [dàn]石 [shí]构成地壳的矿物质硬块:~破天惊(喻文章议论新奇惊人)。指石刻:金~。指古代用来治病的针:药~。药~之言(喻规劝别人的话)。中国古代乐器八音之一。姓。石 [dàn]中国市制容量单位,十斗为……
汉语拼音:lì shí
《逸周书·文传》:“砾石不可穀,树之葛木,以为絺綌,以为材用。” 汉 贾谊 《惜誓》:“放山渊之龟玉兮,相与贵夫砾石。” 南朝 梁 刘孝标 《辨命论》:“火炎 崑 岳,砾石与琬琰俱焚。” 唐 元稹 《后湖》诗:“壮者负砾石,老亦捽茅蒭。” 陈世旭 《小镇上的将军》:“他拄着一根闪闪发亮的茶木拐棍,一瘸一跛地迈着节奏均匀的步子……在满是砾石的河床中长久地徘徊。”
In the silence, as she waited for his vow, they heard the sound of running feet on the gravel outside the front door of the house.
在她等待他誓言的寂静中,他们听见了屋子前门外砾石道上的跑步声。The behaviour of this waste or broken rock is similar to that of a clean sand or gravel.
这种废石或碎石的行为与洁净的砂石或砾石相类似。Over the gravel so that the sun was scorching hot, the ground as if floating a layer of burning heat wave.
遍布的砾石让太阳晒得滚烫,地面上悬浮着一层仿佛燃烧着的热浪。The boat continued to advance, until its bows grated on the gravel of the beach.
小舟继续前进,船头终于触到了砾石滩。'A full gravel-pit, all right? ' said the Psammead, sounding bored. ' But get out before I begin, or you'll die underneath it.
“满满一砾石坑,行了吧?”赛米德说,听起来它不耐烦了。“可在我开始之前先走开,不然你们会被压死的。”It was autumn, and the wind was sad; and the golden elm leaves lay scattered about among the grass, and on the gravel path.
入秋了,风凄冷地吹着,金黄色的榆叶飘零而落,散落在草地间,洒落在砾石小径上。It was at the gravel-pit, a week later, that the children found a fairy.
就是在这个砾石坑里孩子们一周之后发现了一个精灵。It looks as if some boulders sit atop layers of ash spewed out by known eruptions of Mount Etna, meaning they fell after Troy did.
看起来好像一些砾石还位于一层灰上,这是著名的埃特纳山爆发时产生的,这些砾石是在特洛伊城陷落之后才落下的。All that was left by winter was a wide, bare lot, strewn with rubble and patrolled by magpies.