如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
搬动,挥动:~动。~荡。~幅。~臂。~聋发聩(喻唤醒糊涂麻木的人)。奋起,兴起:~奋。~作。~兴(xīng )。~~有辞。古同“赈”,救济。古同“震”,威震。……
1. 颤 [chàn]2. 颤 [zhàn]颤 [chàn]物体振动:~动。~抖。~音。颤 [zhàn]同“战”。……
汉语拼音:zhèn chàn
鲁迅 《野草·颓败线的颤动》:“这颤动点点如鱼鳞,每一鳞都起伏如沸水在烈火上;空中也即刻一同振颤。” 洪深 《戏的念词与诗的朗诵》六:“使得声带一开一合地振颤;这种振颤,又使得那在共鸣腔穴中的空气振颤,造成音波而出于口。”
You seem to feel was that come unexpectedly dark terrors, body couldn't help shaking.
你觉得自己似乎被这突如其来的黑暗所惊吓,身体忍不住振颤了一下。Surgical treatment for younger and more, the whole body in good shape, physical symptoms to the side of the main tremor.
手术治疗多针对年龄较轻,全身总体情况良好,症状以一侧肢体振颤为主。'Take a walk down the pharmacy aisle and you'll see vibrating penis rings and bullet vibrators alongside the condoms. '
“走在药房过道里,你会看见避孕套旁边放着振动阴茎环和子弹头振颤器。”Researches indicate that only the elastic scale model could simulate aircraft's vibration in high speed tunnel accurately.
研究表明,只有弹性比例模型才能准确地模拟高速风洞中飞机的振颤特性。Trembling, he turns away to hide the falling evidence from his son.
他振颤了一下,转身走开,不让儿子看见他眼里垂落的心迹。My memory. Keep crouching in the corner of the love wound. Pain inspires trembles the atrium.
了我的记忆。蜷缩在角落守着爱情的伤口。疼痛振颤心房。In this paper, the achievements of study on wind-induced vibration, especially on flutter and buffeting, of long-span bridges.
在简要回顾国内外关于桥梁两种主要风振-颤振及抖振控制研究的基础上,对大跨径桥梁的风振提出了控制措施。By the time Frank reached Lisa, he could feel the tracks shaking and see the light coming.
当弗兰克把手伸向丽萨时,他都可以感觉到路轨的振颤,并且看到灯光直扑过来。At last, the formation and infection factor of rainbow peak and vibration peak are discussed.