




1. 雅 [yǎ]雅 [yǎ]正规的,标准的:~言。~正(a.规范的;b.正直;c.客气话,用于赠给他人的书画题款上,请对方指正)。美好的,高尚的,不粗俗的:文~。高~。典~。~观。~教(jiào )。~兴(xìng )。~座。~俗。平素,……



汉语拼音:dàn yǎ








  1. 清淡高雅。

    《隋书·牛弘传》:“ 牛弘 篤好坟籍,学优而仕,有淡雅之风,怀旷远之度。” 清 袁枚 《随园诗话》卷九:“公终身富贵,而诗能淡雅若此。”《红楼梦》第四九回:“满口里説的是什么:怎么是‘ 杜工部 之沉郁, 韦苏州 之淡雅?’”

  2. 素净雅致。

    宋 丘崈 《洞仙歌》词:“丰肌腻体,淡雅矜贵,不与群芳竞姝丽。” 明 高明 《琵琶记·两贤相遘》:“梳妆淡雅,看丰姿堪描堪画。” 碧野 《晓溪晨曲》:“每当星星沉落,曙光东升,那塔影照临溪流上,显得剔透玲珑,淡雅多姿,更增添了深山的幽静。”



  1. What he saw, meanwhile, with the help of the lamp, was the faded shadowy charm of a room unlike any room he had known.


  2. there must have been five hundred dinning-rooms in London decorated in exactly the same manner. It was chaste, artistic, and dull.


  3. Affection of the blood concentration and elegant are born with no result has no roots, no grudges, be they from.


  4. The pool, worry, life is boring, so the ablation in the moonlight, only in the heart beating in the soft moonlight, mild and quiet.


  5. Those tints are diffuse and innocent, with an iridescent shale tint contrasting the fragility of those diaphanous and bleached pastels.


  6. Miss Dong believed that the living room repair do not need always to pursue luxuriously has forgotten elegantly simple.


  7. Wander in among the fragrant flowers, the elegant lotus elegant feel, feel like a quiet and holy angel.


  8. Chui with jade crystal, the appearance of a mild mellow, elegant and smooth color, hit the audio button.


  9. The child with more petulant disposition, appropriate uses line the furniture of quietly elegant of downy, colour.


  1. 清新与淡雅

    clear and elegant.

  2. 香气淡雅清郁

    quietly elegant and delicately fragrant

  3. 白麝香淡雅香水

    White Musk Eau De Parfum

  4. 朴素淡雅的连衣裙

    a plain but elegant dress

  5. 综合楼外观简洁、淡雅。

    The complex building has concise and elegant appearance.

  6. 醇爽淡雅型白酒

    pure elegant type liquor

  7. 淡雅的香水, 芳香, 香气等。

    a delicate perfume, fragrance, aroma, etc

  8. 圈点着我心中的淡雅。

    Punctuate my heart in of elegantly simple.

  9. 水仙有一种淡雅的韵致。

    The Narcissus has a quiet charm of its own.

  10. 茉莉花,淡雅的在风中摇荡。

    Jasmine, quietly elegant of swaying in the wind.

  11. 论江南园林的小巧与淡雅

    Elegance and daintiness of gardens in the south of Changjiang River

  12. 这块绸子的花色很淡雅。

    Both the colour and pattern of this printed silk are very subdued and in good taste.

  13. 他被她淡雅的美打动了。

    He was struck by her delicate beauty.

  14. 女人,也要清新淡雅、浓淡相宜。

    Woman, also want to fresh and elegant, shades affordable.

  15. 水仙另有一种淡雅的韵致。

    The narcissus has a quiet charm of its own.

  16. 它的花是白色的,清幽而淡雅。

    Its flowers are white, quiet and elegant.

  17. 到处点污了淡雅自然的西子!

    Have sullied the quiet grace of West Lake.

  18. 美体小铺新白麝香淡雅香水

    Ml The Body Shop White Musk Eau De Toilette

  19. 他们的房子装饰成轻柔淡雅的色彩。

    Their house I sdecorated in pastel shades.

  20. 她家里淡雅的装饰使她感到舒适。

    The quiet decor of her home made her feel comfortable and at ease.

  21. 嫩菜豆口感细腻, 味道清香, 淡雅。

    Young haricot beans have a tender texture and a delicate, subtle flavour.

  22. 温和淡雅的颜色能达到这一目的。

    The softer, pastel colours contribute to that goal.

  23. 我认为是,由淡雅逐渐改变为花俏。

    I'd say there is gentle move away from the simple to the baroque.

  24. 淡雅的稻黄色酒体透出青绿色泽。

    Pale straw in color with lime green hues.

  25. 让淡雅的那一点细节,诉说花样的心情。

    Pour out your happy mood with the simple and elegant details.

  26. 简洁与空灵, 透出作品的淡雅与隽永。

    The simplicity and lightness of the picture gives a sense of elegance and profoundness.

  27. 淡雅得稻黄色酒体掩映出绿色光泽。

    Pale straw color with touches of green.

  28. 淡雅的稻黄色酒体掩映出绿色光泽。

    Pale straw color with touches of green.

  29. 威比特10年钵酒酒香淡雅,圆润和谐。

    It is round, generous, keeping a light vinous and balanced touch.

  30. 柔和的果香与淡雅的木香和谐而平衡。

    Soft aromas, with light wood notes well balanced with fruit.


  1. 问:淡雅拼音怎么拼?淡雅的读音是什么?淡雅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:淡雅的读音是dànyǎ,淡雅翻译成英文是 simple but elegant; quietly elegant; unadorn...



词语解释:淡雅: 素静雅致;素淡典雅。

