


1. 雅 [yǎ]雅 [yǎ]正规的,标准的:~言。~正(a.规范的;b.正直;c.客气话,用于赠给他人的书画题款上,请对方指正)。美好的,高尚的,不粗俗的:文~。高~。典~。~观。~教(jiào )。~兴(xìng )。~座。~俗。平素,……


1. 乐 [lè]2. 乐 [yuè]乐 [lè]欢喜,快活;快~。~境。~融融。~不可支。其~无穷。~观(精神愉快,对事物的发展充满信心)。~天(安于自己的处境而没有任何忧虑)。使人快乐的事情:取~。逗~。对某事甘心情愿:~此不疲。~善好……



汉语拼音:yǎ yuè







  1. 古代帝王祭祀天地、祖先及朝贺、宴享时所用的舞乐。

    周 代用为宗庙之乐的六舞,儒家认为其音乐“中正和平”,歌词“典雅纯正”,奉之为雅乐的典范。历代帝王都循例制作雅乐,以歌颂本朝功德。《论语·阳货》:“恶紫之夺朱也,恶 郑 声之乱雅乐也。”《汉书·礼乐志》:“ 汉 兴,乐家有 制氏 ,以雅乐声律世世在大乐官,但能纪其鏗鎗鼓舞,而不能言其义……是时, 河间献王 有雅材,亦以为治道非礼乐不成,因献所集雅乐。” 宋 沉括 《梦溪笔谈·乐律一》:“以先王之乐为‘雅乐’,前世新声为‘清乐’,合胡部为‘宴乐’。” 明 胡震亨 《唐音癸籤·乐通一》:“ 唐 乐律吕主旋宫之法,以五音加二变……为雅乐八十四调。” 清 顾炎武 《书女娲庙》诗:“ 凉州 龟兹 奏宫庙, 汉 魏 雅乐随波涛。”



  1. So Ya yue lost its function as a political instrument, and its historical fate WAS to wither away as insipid "old music" .

  2. Zhou Dynasty ritual music culture begin from "beauting music" and concluding in the time of the court music secularization.

  3. s political power, this set of Elegant Music also entered the dead end of "rites collapsed and music disappeared" .

  4. Thou couldst desire no earthly thing, but still thou hadst it readily. Thy music still to play and sing; And yet thou wouldst not love me.

  5. Technology has been a vital component of the Aloft brand since its debut in summer 2008.

  6. In terms of intellectual property, this musical art form is a remarkable brand without dispute.

  7. As an important part of Chinese traditional music, ceremonial music embodied the unforgettable side of the Chinese ancient history.

  8. miami : Gagaku , right? Actually, when I made that album, I had never sung before it was released.

  9. The closing remarks briefly summarize the classical court music changes in the overall development.


  1. 抚琴展画卷雅乐燃激情

    Playing Piano Like Unfolding a Painting Scroll, Let Beautiful Music Kindle Our Passion

  2. 试析汉代雅乐与俗乐的关系

    Brief Analysis into the Relations between the court Music and Pop Masic in the Han Dynasty

  3. 论周代雅乐理念的人文政治关怀

    Political Solicitude of Dynastic Hymns Idea in Chou Dynasty

  4. 与雅乐舞蹈相对称的是伎乐舞蹈

    The counterpart of Yayue was Jiyue.

  5. 从历史文化学的角度解读北宋之雅乐

    From the Historical Science of Culture Angle Unscramble the Classical Court Music in Northern Song Dynasty

  6. 这些努力也都未能挽回雅乐舞蹈的衰颓命运。

    But all these efforts couldn't drag the Elegant Music from its declining cycle.

  7. 一是规定等级,二是规定伴随礼的乐舞基本是雅乐。

    One is that it was strictly graded, and the other is that the music and dancing designated to accompany the rites was Ya yue.

  8. 论音乐中的雅与俗历史上雅乐与俗乐之争所感

    On Refined Style and Popular Style of Music Thought on the Disagreement over Refined Music or Popular Music in History

  9. 它与传统的雅乐、古乐相融合,渗透到社会各个层面。

    It infiltrated every tier of the society by integrating itself into traditional Chinese'elegant music'and'ancient music'.

  10. 雅乐与俗乐是两种不同风格的音乐,有着不同的阶级性。

    Refined music and popular music fall on two different styles and take on different class characters.

  11. 现在还有踪迹可寻的祭孔乐舞,就是雅乐舞蹈的孑遗。

    The dances to pay tribute to Confucius that may be found today is just the last traces of the Elegant Dance.

  12. 因此这套雅乐舞蹈制作不久,就无可避免的走向衰落。

    Not long after this set of Elegant Music was composed, it inevitably plunged into a downfall.

  13. 每篇题解,重在对雅乐歌辞的本意进行挖掘和概括。

    The focus of the interpretation of titles will be laid on the excavation and summary of the lyrics.

  14. 再往后,齐宣王一听到雅乐这个名称,就吓得变颜变色。

    Later on, King Xuan of Qi would even turn pale if he heard the word Elegant Music.


  1. 问:雅乐之丞拼音怎么拼?雅乐之丞的读音是什么?雅乐之丞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雅乐之丞的读音是Yǎlèzhīchéng,翻译成英文是 Utanojō

  2. 问:雅乐之都拼音怎么拼?雅乐之都的读音是什么?雅乐之都翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雅乐之都的读音是Yǎlèzhīdū,翻译成英文是 Utashito


