




1. 家 [jiā]2. 家 [jia]3. 家 [jie]家 [jiā]共同生活的眷属和他们所住的地方:~庭。~眷。~长(zhǎng )。~园。~谱。~塾。~乡。~风。~训。~规。~喻户晓。如数~珍。家庭所在的地方:回~。老~。安~。居住……



汉语拼音:gōng jia








  1. 犹公室。指诸侯王国。

    《左传·僖公九年》:“公家之利,知无不为,忠也。”《淮南子·人间训》:“ 田子方 见老马於道,喟然有志焉,以问其御曰:‘此何马也?’其御曰:‘此故公家畜也。老罢而不为用,出而鬻之。’”

  2. 指朝廷、国家或官府。

    《汉书·食货志下》:“﹝商贾﹞财或累万金,而不佐公家之急,黎民重困。”《三国志·魏志·毛玠传》:“公家无经岁之储,百姓无安固之志,难以持久。” 宋 范仲淹 《上资政晏侍郎书》:“某尝辱不次之举,矧公家之事,何敢欺默。”《水浒传》第一○八回:“ 萧嘉穗 道:‘…… 萧某 见若干有抱负的英雄,不计生死,赴公家之难者,倘举事一有不当,那些全躯保妻子的,随而媒孽其短,身家性命,都在权奸掌握之中。’”

  3. 指公卿之家。

    《后汉书·樊宏传》:“ 重 性温厚,在法度,三世共财,子孙朝夕礼敬,常若公家。”

  4. 与私人相区别,今指国家、机关、团体等。

    沙汀 《磁力》:“ 小数点 继续道:‘公家既然不管我们,校长连学校大门都不进,我们也只有自力更生了!’” 谢觉哉 《是你指示了我》:“副业产品,卖给公家,不受私商的高价诱骗。”



  1. The agency, having more than 270 million RMB amount of funds, hovering between public and private, is seeking a "sense of the word" change.


  2. The leaders of that company are not well thought of. They always try to put public money into their own pocket.


  3. My favorite mother's family that stars all over the sky, many very bright, people do not see the city.


  4. He wore a badly fitting ready-made suit and pair of stiff shoes the state provides its discharged guests.


  5. When they seek a public role, they should expect that they will lose at least some of their privacy.


  6. Church schools were agitating for public funds to help them bear the responsibility for education .


  7. But this past June, New York State decided to allow just that, becoming the first state to permit public money to be used in this way.


  8. So in both cases, I didn't have to go through the normal channels of a public golf course.


  9. C. , to discuss how the private and public sectors can address long- standing cost and standardization barriers.


  1. 公家补助金

    public aid.

  2. 公家的征税

    praestatio publicae.

  3. 官邸, 公家宿舍

    an official residence

  4. 公家的财产就是人民的财产。

    Public property is the people's property.

  5. 元朗屏山圣轩公家塾

    Sing Hin Kung Ka Shuk, Ping Shan, Yuen Long

  6. 你为什么随便拿公家东西?

    Why should you make free with public property?

  7. 拿公家的东西私相授受

    illicit transfer of public property

  8. 可公家只有烟煤,没有干炭。

    But the pubic only has soft coal, no any char.

  9. 小女孩不敢在公家面前措辞。

    The little girl dare not speak in public.

  10. 你为什么随便拿公家的东西?

    Why should you make free with public property?

  11. 公家的鞋都是鳄鱼皮做的。

    All the government shoes are made of alligator hide.

  12. 有些人是非常爱护公家的财物。

    Some men cherish the state's propertiesvery very much.

  13. 绝不能把公家财产占为私有。

    One should never make public property one's private possession.

  14. 你真是狗胆包天, 公家的钱也敢挪用?

    You are monstrously audacious, how dare you misappropriate public funds ?

  15. 你真是狗胆包天,公家的钱也敢挪用?

    You are monstrously audacious, how dare you misappropriate public funds?

  16. 我得郑重声明, 此事完全与公家无涉。

    I must emphasize that this is not official.

  17. 政府希望在下个财税年度减少公家开支。

    The government hopes to curtail public spendIng In the next tax year.

  18. 其中一项好处是可以使用公家的停车

    One of the perk is the use of the official car park.

  19. 有钱有势的公家律师, 一个乖巧的选民

    he was a great provincial lawyer, wealthy and influential, a wise elector,

  20. 按照新规定, 三分之一的公家车封存。

    Under the new regulations, a third of government cars have been mothballed.

  21. 其中一项好处是可以使用公家的停车场。

    One of the perks is the use of the official car park.

  22. 他们想用这件事来吸收公家留意力。

    They want to attract public attention to this event.

  23. 赵主任果然是拿了公家的钱不心疼。

    Zhaozhuren really is not taken public money and heartache.

  24. 在酒中掺杂酒精惹起了公家的留意。

    The adulteration of alcohol in the wine rouse public attention.

  25. 他常用私车办公事,许多次小修费用都由公家报销。

    He used his car for business purpose, and many of the minor repairs were done on the house.

  26. 布雷德福特仍旧印他的选举票,法典和其它公家生意。

    Bradford still printed the votes, and laws, and other public business.

  27. 如果把盗窃公家的财产等等都算在内, 那就更要多得多。

    The sum would be even larger if we counted theft of public property and the like.

  28. 一直向下走, 那些人是给公家干活的, 他们会让你们过的。

    Head straight down, those guys are working for the city, they gotta let you through.

  29. 如果你的抱怨不能解决时, 公家机关或交易组织可提供协助。

    Government agencies or trade organizations may offer support if your complaint is unresolved.


  1. 问:公家拼音怎么拼?公家的读音是什么?公家翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公家的读音是gōngjia,公家翻译成英文是 the state

  2. 问:公家股东拼音怎么拼?公家股东的读音是什么?公家股东翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公家股东的读音是gōng jiā gǔ dōng,公家股东翻译成英文是 public shareholder

  3. 问:公家 (日本)拼音怎么拼?公家 (日本)的读音是什么?公家 (日本)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公家 (日本)的读音是,公家 (日本)翻译成英文是 Kuge



“公家”是个多义词,它可以指公家(日本政权中贵族阶层代称), 公家(词语释义)。