







汉语拼音:dào cí








  1. 对死者表示哀悼的讲话或文章。

    巴金 《遵命文学》:“我在追悼会上读了悼词,想起他的不明不白的死亡,我痛惜我国文艺界失去这样一位战士。”《花城》1981年第2期:“还不知道是我参加他的追悼会,还是他为我写悼词哪!”



  1. In the eulogies that followed Jobs's death, last month, he was repeatedly referred to as a large-scale visionary and inventor.


  2. Goldblum took the rumours, which have been circulating on the web for years, in good spirits, giving his own eulogy in a spoof news report.


  3. In his eulogy, Leo said, "Mama poured her life out for us, reserving nothing for herself, thinking of us always, of herself never. "


  4. He has often spoken of what Best meant to him growing up in Belfast and would later give a eulogy at Best's funeral.


  5. Jane division staff in memory of Mr. Liu Linge, to write a eulogy into a song, sing for the memory of the majority of teachers and students.


  6. I wondered too, after reading the eulogy, if I was right to infer that Jobs saw something, and if so, what did he see?


  7. It is a more remarkable tribute to Diana than I can ever hope to offer her today.


  8. Is heavy likely is the dark memorial speech lonely.


  9. In my own eulogy, I remained dry-eyed and kept within the two-minute limit I'd set for myself.


  1. 以后我的悼词。

    That'll be a.

  2. 葬礼上的布道或悼词

    the eulogy delivered or the sermon preached at such a ceremony

  3. 悼词采用标准的哀悼语言。

    The eulogy was the standard speech.

  4. 他想让你念葬礼悼词。

    He wants you to deliver his eulogy.

  5. 一种方法是考虑你的悼词。

    One way is to think about your eulogy.

  6. 他不要人在葬礼上宣读悼词。

    He asked for no funeral oration.

  7. 我,也不需要,你的虚伪悼词。

    I do not need to, you hypocritical eulogy.

  8. 悼文葬礼上的布道或悼词

    The eulogy delivered or the sermon preached at such a ceremony.

  9. 前总统理查德。尼克松的悼词

    Eulogy for Former President Richard Nixon

  10. 而是我来做这个见鬼的悼词。

    It's about me giving this damn eulogy.

  11. 我还要感谢舰长的美妙的悼词。

    And I want to thank the captain for his beautiful eulogy.

  12. 现在由德高望重得鼠老前辈致悼词。

    Now from sainted rat oldtimer with the result that Dao phrase.

  13. 现在由德高望重的鼠老前辈致悼词。

    Now from sainted rat oldtimer with the result that Dao phrase.

  14. 你知道我把你的悼词形容为非常出色?

    You know how I mentioned it was extremely beautiful?

  15. 举行一次小葬礼,说几句悼词就行。

    Have a little funeral. Say a few words.

  16. 挽歌, 悼词哀戚或悲哀的诗或其他文学作品

    A mournful or elegiac poem or other literary work.

  17. 仔细地想想你的这些角色, 给自己写悼词。

    Think carefully on these roles, and write the eulogies.

  18. 颂词,颂文,悼词颂词或颂文,尤指对死者的赞颂

    A laudatory speech or written tribute, especially one praising someone who has died.

  19. 这首诗可以看作是对死去情人的悼词。

    This poem can be characterized as a lament for a dead lover.

  20. 这首诗可以看作是对死去情人得悼词。

    This poem can be characterized as a lament for a dead lover.

  21. 乔会发表一篇悼词,然后我们就可以离开了。

    Joe will deliver the eulogy and then we can leave.

  22. 你并没有得到你想要的悼词,你希望别人可以给你。

    You're not earning the sort of eulogy you want, you hope someone will give to you.

  23. 全世界的领导人都致悼词称颂那位埃及总统。

    Leaders from around the world eulogized the Egyptian president.

  24. 当我的姐姐卡特琳娜念到我写的悼词时,我泣不成声。

    I sobbed as my sister Katrina read the eulogy I'd written.

  25. 请写下你希望你的好朋友在葬礼上为你念的悼词。

    Write the short eulogy you would like your best friend to deliver for you at a memorial ceremony.

  26. 古斯过世了,我要念葬礼悼词,所以请不要破坏婚礼。

    Gus is dead and I gotta give the eulogy, so please don't ruin the funeral.

  27. 包括我自己在内的大多说人会说,悼词美德会更加重要。

    And most of us, including, me, would say that the eulogy virtues are the more important of the virtues.

  28. 悼词, 国庆演说辞, 谴责词, 告别演说等都是富于词藻的演说。

    Eulogies, National Day orations, speeches of condemnation, farewell addresses, etc are instances of epideictic discourse.

  29. 当我今晨再看时,它们就像是称颂自己的悼词。

    As I read them over this morning, they sound so much like my own eulogy.

  30. 郑裕玲将担任丧礼的司仪, 刘培基则负责致悼词。

    Do Do will be the MC, Eddie Lau will be responsible for eulogy.


  1. 问:悼词拼音怎么拼?悼词的读音是什么?悼词翻译成英文是什么?

    答:悼词的读音是dàocí,悼词翻译成英文是 eulogy



悼词是对死者表示哀悼的话或文章。它有广义和狭义之分。广义的悼词指向死者表示哀悼、缅怀与敬意的一切形式的悼念性文章,狭义的悼词专指在追悼大会上对死者表示敬意与哀思的宣读式的专用哀悼的文体 悼词是指向死者表示哀悼、缅怀与敬意的悼念性文章。