




1. 转 [zhuǎn]2. 转 [zhuàn]3. 转 [zhuǎi]转 [zhuǎn]迁徙;流亡:老弱~乎沟壑。不直接的,中间再经过别人或别的地方:~送。~达。~发。~运。周~。改换方向:~弯。向左~。改变位置:~移。改变形势、情况:~……



汉语拼音:gǔn zhuàn






  1. 滚动;转动。

    清 黄六鸿 《福惠全书·刑名·验各种死伤法下》:“令人相对踢,使往来滚转,以四肢温为度。” 潘漠华 《人间》:“因为一个圆体的东西,长久在我心头滚转,那圆体的东西,是合着悲喜的两半。” 杨朔 《征尘》:“尘头回旋着,滚转着,十步以外便是模糊一片了。”



  1. The handling qualities in these maneuvers were excellent with a notably smoother response and a better roll rate than I expected.


  2. Rollover debits or credits will be reflected in the Customer's Account at a time after the normal close of the business day for SNC.


  3. The ability to do smooth rolls requires some concentration on your part until you become completely familiar with this different airplane.


  4. Once you can get yourself tuned to using finite pressure changes to control the roll rate, you'll be able to make smooth roll inputs.


  5. Numerical simulation shows that the variable structural autopilots are more robust than classical autopilots .


  6. At the moment, the US government may roll over existing debt, but cannot issue new debt, he says.


  7. Next he showed two out-of-balance turns, trimming the stick to neutral and then yawing left and right with the rudder pedals alone.


  8. AILERON, A hinged moveable part on the trailing edge of each wing for airplane roll (wing up and wing down) control.


  9. Higher benchmark interest rates make it more expensive for local governments to refinance or roll over these existing loans.


  1. 滚转驾驶仪

    roll autopilot.

  2. 滚转姿态角

    roll attitude angle.

  3. 滚转振动阻尼

    damping for rolling oscillations.

  4. 最终滚转姿态

    final roll attitude

  5. 干法滚转抛光

    dry tumbling.

  6. 滚转弹体导弹

    Rolling Airframe Missile.

  7. 魔术滚转拖把使用说明书

    Direction for Magic Rolling Mop

  8. 战斗机滚转姿态快速性研究

    Research on Roll Attitude Quickness Criteria for Fighter

  9. 关于魔术滚转拖把的技术贸易问题

    Concerning Magic Rolling Mop technique trade problem

  10. 滚转对旋成体的菱形花纹的影响

    The influence of roll on cross hatching of revolution bodies

  11. 一种滚转导弹飞行姿态的获取方法

    A Method to Get the Attitude of a Rolling Airframe Missile

  12. 低速旋转制导炮弹的滚转过渡过程分析

    Analysis of the Roll Dynamic of Terminal Guided Projectile at Low Roll Rate

  13. 自旋尾翼鸭式布局导弹的滚转特性

    Rolling Characteristics of CanardControlled Missiles with a Free Spinning Tail

  14. 滚转的总度数完全取决于起飞时的方向。

    The total degree of the roll is based solely on the direction of the takeoff.

  15. 在向下滚转之后,我开始重新拉到水平退出。

    After the downward roll, I begin a recovery pull to level out.

  16. 研究了一种对滚转导弹进行耦合性分析的方法。

    This paper introduces a method to analysis coupling of rolling missile.

  17. 在利用地磁探测确定弹体滚转姿态时的使用域分析

    Analyzing the Usage Limit of Geomagnetism Detecting for Computing Roll Attitude

  18. 差动平尾和方向舵辅助滚转的横航向数学模型研究

    Study of the Lateral Model Adopt Differential Horizontal Tail and Rudder Effect.


  1. 问:滚转角拼音怎么拼?滚转角的读音是什么?滚转角翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滚转角的读音是gǔn zhuǎn jiǎo,滚转角翻译成英文是 Angle of Roll

  2. 问:滚转抛光拼音怎么拼?滚转抛光的读音是什么?滚转抛光翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滚转抛光的读音是gǔn zhuǎn pāo guāng,滚转抛光翻译成英文是 tumble polish

  3. 问:滚转速度拼音怎么拼?滚转速度的读音是什么?滚转速度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滚转速度的读音是gǔn zhuàn sù dù,滚转速度翻译成英文是 Rolling Speed

  4. 问:滚转动响应拼音怎么拼?滚转动响应的读音是什么?滚转动响应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滚转动响应的读音是gǔn zhuàn dòng xiǎng yìng,滚转动响应翻译成英文是 dynamic roll response

  5. 问:滚转式枪机拼音怎么拼?滚转式枪机的读音是什么?滚转式枪机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滚转式枪机的读音是,滚转式枪机翻译成英文是 Rotating bolt

  6. 问:滚转球领藻拼音怎么拼?滚转球领藻的读音是什么?滚转球领藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滚转球领藻的读音是gǔnzhuǎnqiúlǐngzǎo,滚转球领藻翻译成英文是 Sphaeroeca volvox

  7. 问:滚转角速度拼音怎么拼?滚转角速度的读音是什么?滚转角速度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滚转角速度的读音是gǔn zhuàn jiǎo sù dù,滚转角速度翻译成英文是 rate of roll

  8. 问:滚转初始响应拼音怎么拼?滚转初始响应的读音是什么?滚转初始响应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滚转初始响应的读音是gǔn zhuàn chū shǐ xiǎng yìng,滚转初始响应翻译成英文是 initial roll response

  9. 问:滚转力矩天平拼音怎么拼?滚转力矩天平的读音是什么?滚转力矩天平翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滚转力矩天平的读音是gǔn zhuàn lì jǔ tiān píng,滚转力矩天平翻译成英文是 roll balance

  10. 问:滚转角速度表拼音怎么拼?滚转角速度表的读音是什么?滚转角速度表翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滚转角速度表的读音是gǔn zhuàn jiǎo sù dù biǎo,滚转角速度表翻译成英文是 rate of roll meter




◎ 滚转 gǔnzhuàn [roll] 飞机绕纵轴滚转 清 黄六鸿 《福惠全书·刑名·验各种死伤法下》:“令人相对踢,使往来滚转,以四肢温为度。” 潘漠华 《人间》:“因为一个圆体的东西,长久在我心头滚转,那圆体的东西,是合着悲喜的两半。” 杨朔 《征尘》:“尘头回旋着,滚转着,十步以外便是模糊一片了。”