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Once the carried interest exception has been dealt with, it would be wiser to call a halt, even if the Blackstone tax structure survives.
一旦解决了附带权益这一特殊问题,即使百仕通式的税制结构依然存在,暂时叫停也是更明智的做法。Creating conditions for the progressive realization of a unified urban and rural tax system is an important part of this strategy.
“创造条件逐步实现城乡税制统一”是这一战略构想的重要组成部分。And the evidence from Europe suggests it's not a good idea to add a somewhat-bad tax like the VAT on top of a really bad tax system.
从欧洲反馈来的信息看,在一个坏税制上再增加一个像VAT这样的坏税种,真称不上什么好主意。Tax laws persuaded some of the global elite to spend at least part of the year in Britain.
其低廉的税制使得全球精英一年中至少有一段时间生活在英国。In my view, the defenders of a progressive tax cannot select an ideal rate of progressivity for the system as a whole.
我认为,累进税的支持者无法为这个税制找到一个最优的累进率。He said adopting the so-called "fair tax" would help millions of low-income families and encourage new economic activity.
他说,采取所谓的‘公正税制’有助于几百万低收入家庭,并且会促进新的经济活动。"It is simply impossible to talk about taxes and the financial crisis without talking about currencies and the way they interact, " he said.
他表示:“不谈及货币和货币互相作用的方式,仅讨论税制和金融危机是完全不可能的。”There are some who signal the matter still must be voted on yet again by the country's lower House, which narrowly had approved the plan.
也有人暗示说,此事仍须经下议院再次投票,之前下议院已以微弱优势通过了新税制方案。Cutting payroll taxes for four chosen industries, he added, was just the start of a necessary updating of Brazil's labyrinthine tax system.