




1. 改 [gǎi]改 [gǎi]变更,更换:~变。更(gēng )~。~革。~造。~善。~弦更张。朝令夕~。~编。~写。纂~。姓。……



汉语拼音:tú gǎi







  1. 抹去或用白粉涂在原来的字或画上,重新写或画。

    唐 李商隐 《韩碑》诗:“点窜《尧典》《舜典》字,涂改《清庙》《生民》诗。” 宋 周必大 《二老堂诗话》:“余尝借观,皆 坡 ( 苏东坡 )亲笔,凡有涂改,即押字於下,而用臺印。” 鲁迅 《<嵇康集>序》:“后又有 朱 校二次,亦据刻本,凡先所幸免之字,輒復涂改,使悉从同。”



  1. 2 records shall be legible, not allowed to alter, change only bar, bar to see bars before and after the change.


  2. This should be kept, shall not be altered, security or to lend to others.


  3. The Contract shall not be altered . Both party shall sign and stamp the contract for confirmation of any change .


  4. It is useless trying to erase names written in the DEATH NOTE with erasers or white-out.


  5. The first scenario involves a fairly common form of external attack known as Web site defacing .


  6. The theis topic on your degree examination evaluation form and thesis verification certificate should be confirmed and could not be altered.


  7. The licenses shall be uniformly printed by the SARFT, and no forging, pirating , leasing or transferring may be permitted.


  8. If you amend any information in this form, please clearly mark and counter-sign the amendments . Please do not use correction fluid.


  9. Article 21 A foreign airline is not allowed to modify, transfer, lease or sell business license issued by Civil Aviation Administration.


  1. 客票涂改无效。

    Ticket will be void, if it has been mutilated or altered.

  2. 涂改、伪造档案的。

    Altering or forging archives.

  3. 据说她私自涂改了支票。

    It is said that she raised the cheque.

  4. 保持供应涂改液手。

    Keep a supply of correction fluid hand.

  5. 请勿用涂改液删改。

    Do not use correction fluid on the authorization.

  6. 纸张防涂改的办法

    The Way of the Safety Paper Protecting against Alteration.

  7. 被伪造者涂改,被霉菌侵蚀。

    Forgeries were painted over it, and it suffered very badly from mold.

  8. 罪孽的黑色, 我不加涂改,

    My sable ground of sin I will not paint,

  9. 本证书涂改,部分复印无效。

    This certificate is invalid with any scribble or being copied partly.

  10. 可惜我们不能涂改这些账簿。

    Pity we can't fiddle the books.

  11. 涂改液用丙烯酸树脂的研制

    Synthesis of Acrylic Resin for Correction Liquid

  12. 涂改液消字灵防涂改纸防涂改油墨

    Keywords erasureink eradicatorssafety papersafety ink.

  13. 持用伪造或者涂改的出境证件的

    holders of forged or altered exit certificates.

  14. 证书未经证明而涂改应属无效。

    Uncertified alterations or erasures shall invalidate the certificates.

  15. 废聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料研制涂改液

    Ways of making the correction fluid with waste polystyrene foam plastics

  16. 持伪造、涂改或者他人护照、证件的。

    Those who hold forged, altered or other than their own passports or certificates.

  17. 由于他擅自涂改而使护照作废了。

    Unauthorized changes invalidated his passport

  18. 原始记录必须边试验边记录,不得涂改。

    Original records must be recorded while testing, and shall not be altered.

  19. 被涂改、伪造、虚假的证实所误导。

    By alter, forge, false proof place misdirect.

  20. 会员证一经涂改或严重损毁均告无效。

    Membership card would become invalid if altered or seriously damaged.

  21. 和涂改液相比我更喜欢用橡皮。

    I prefer eraser to correction fluid.

  22. 如果能拍到他涂改我们作品的照片

    If we could get a picture of him slashing our piece.

  23. 一种优质涂改液的研制与开发

    The Research of a High Quality Correcting Liquid

  24. 他拿了一份涂改得乱七八糟的手稿。

    He was in possession of a foul copy of the manuscript.

  25. 他拿了一份涂改得乱七八糟的手稿。

    He was in possession of a foul copy of the manuscript.

  26. 签名要字体清晰, 易于辨认, 不得涂改。

    The signature should be clear, legible, should not be altered.

  27. 此报告仅对本检验批负责,涂改无效。

    The report only answers for this inspection lot, invalid if altered.

  28. 我想要一支剪刀和一瓶涂改液。

    I want a pair of scissors and a bottle of whiteout.

  29. 此证只限考生本人使用, 不得涂改, 伪造。

    This card is for the use of its owner only, and not to be modified or faked for dishonest use.

  30. 检测报告未经许可不得拆散复印,报告涂改无效。

    Detection report shall not be copied without authorized, detection report is invalid with any alter.


  1. 问:涂改拼音怎么拼?涂改的读音是什么?涂改翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涂改的读音是túgǎi,涂改翻译成英文是 alter

  2. 问:涂改单证拼音怎么拼?涂改单证的读音是什么?涂改单证翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涂改单证的读音是túgǎidānzhèng,涂改单证翻译成英文是 alter the documents

  3. 问:涂改印章拼音怎么拼?涂改印章的读音是什么?涂改印章翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涂改印章的读音是túgǎiyìnzhāng,涂改印章翻译成英文是 withdraw

  4. 问:涂改帐目拼音怎么拼?涂改帐目的读音是什么?涂改帐目翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涂改帐目的读音是túgǎizhàngmù,涂改帐目翻译成英文是 obliterate an account

  5. 问:涂改支票拼音怎么拼?涂改支票的读音是什么?涂改支票翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涂改支票的读音是túgǎizhīpiào,涂改支票翻译成英文是 alter a check

  6. 问:涂改文件拼音怎么拼?涂改文件的读音是什么?涂改文件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涂改文件的读音是túgǎiwénjiàn,涂改文件翻译成英文是 tamper with a document

  7. 问:涂改无效拼音怎么拼?涂改无效的读音是什么?涂改无效翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涂改无效的读音是túgǎiwúxiào,涂改无效翻译成英文是 invalid if altered

  8. 问:涂改签名拼音怎么拼?涂改签名的读音是什么?涂改签名翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涂改签名的读音是túgǎiqiānmíng,涂改签名翻译成英文是 obliterate a signature




拼音:túgǎi 基本解释 涂去原有的,重新写或画 涂改无效 详细解释 抹去或用白粉涂在原来的字或画上,重新写或画。 唐 李商隐《韩碑》诗:“点窜《尧典》《舜典》字,涂改《清庙》《生民》诗。” 宋 周必大《二老堂诗话》:“余尝借观,皆 坡 ( 苏东坡)亲笔,凡有涂改,即押字於下,而用台印。” 鲁迅 《序》:“后又有 朱 校二次,亦据刻本,凡先所幸免之字,辄复涂改,使悉从同。”