







汉语拼音:liú zhù





1.等待。汉 陈琳《饮马长城窟行》:“边城多健少,内舍多寡妇,作书与内舍,便嫁莫留住。”

2.宋 元 时一种泛用的市井青年名字。宋 周密《武林旧事·乾淳奉亲》:“上诣 德寿宫 恭请两殿往 浙江亭 观潮……市井弄水人有如僧儿、留住等凡百餘人,皆手持十幅綵旗,踏浪争雄。”元 王晔《桃花女》楔子:“单则我家有个孩儿,唤做‘石留住’,今年二十岁了。”



  1. 等待。

    汉 陈琳 《饮马长城窟行》:“边城多健少,内舍多寡妇,作书与内舍,便嫁莫留住。”

  2. 宋 元 时一种泛用的市井青年名字。

    宋 周密 《武林旧事·乾淳奉亲》:“上诣 德寿宫 恭请两殿往 浙江亭 观潮……市井弄水人有如僧儿、留住等凡百餘人,皆手持十幅綵旗,踏浪争雄。” 元 王晔 《桃花女》楔子:“单则我家有个孩儿,唤做‘石留住’,今年二十岁了。”



  1. When a captain got hold of a pilot of particularly high reputation, he took pains to keep him.

  2. Retaining older staff has also been a challenge for companies trying to avert a labor crunch.

  3. To be able to keep "il capriccio " it probably takes a new owner with a love for the beautiful game and enough money to pay him.

  4. "If Bayern offer me a new deal then it must be in line with what I'm expecting, " he added.

  5. John Carker, with a sigh, was passing slowly out at the door, when his brother's voice detained him for a moment on the threshold.

  6. A profit sharing compensation policy increases the capability of a HCHP company to retain its employees in a time of crisis.

  7. Analysts are also watching to see if Nomura can keep key talent who may be wary about working for a Japanese bank.

  8. She hastily struck a whole bundle of matches because she did so long to keep her grandmother with her.

  9. Just as music can attract people into a store, it can help to keep them there, or hurry them out the door.


  1. 留住老顾客

    We'd keep the customers we have.

  2. 留住顾客还是吸引顾客

    Retaining Customer or Attracting Customer

  3. 我们要留住这些人

    We should retain those people.

  4. 在他们走之前留住他们

    Grab them before they leave.

  5. 吸引、培养和留住人才

    Attracting, developing and retaining talent.

  6. 我会尽全力留住你。

    I just.I love you so much.

  7. 我用什么才能留住你?

    What can I hold you with?

  8. 公司似乎无力留住职员。

    The company seems to be incapable of hanging on to its staff.

  9. 草能留住土壤中的水。

    Grass to retain water in thr soil.

  10. 先把肉煎一煎留住汁。

    Fry the meat first to seal in the juices.

  11. 草能留住土壤中得水。

    Grass to retain water in thr soil.

  12. 古城虽小,已留住我心。

    My heart has been tarrying at this small town.

  13. 我知道我想要留住这个孩子

    I know that I want to do this.

  14. 笑靥如花,想要留住什么?

    The dimple like flower, what do the wish detain.

  15. 牵住你手,仿佛把春天留住。

    Call your hands, as if put retain spring.

  16. 马德里想留住贝克汉姆

    Real Madrid Wants To Keep Beckham

  17. 留住她的精神或者别的什么

    keep her spirit alive or something.

  18. 卡车企业如何留住你的用户

    How do Truck Manufacturers Retain Your Customers

  19. 聘用、发展和留住最好的人才。

    Hiring, developing and retaining the best talents.

  20. 风景留住了时间,以静态示人。

    Landscape retains time already past and shows people static nature.

  21. 想与她相伴一生留住那眼睛!

    To hold her close, to live at last in Lilys Eyes!

  22. 投资世界形势灰暗如何留住外来投资

    Investment the world situation murky how to retain foreign investment

  23. 我就能两个情人都留住了。

    I would have been able to keep both lovers.

  24. 愿鼎沸的赛场上留住我们的美丽。

    We hope to imprint our beauty on the lively play ground.

  25. 我痛恨自己不能留住你的爱,

    I hated that I cannot call back your love

  26. 要留住今天, 珍惜今天, 珍惜这辈子的爱。

    Must detain today, treasures today, treasures this whole life the love.

  27. 亲爱的,这种留住孩子的理由是错误的

    Oh, sweetie, that's the wrong reason to keep the baby.

  28. 只是大脑不能留住新的信息了。

    She just can't retain any new information.

  29. 用你的独到分析留住和吸引读者

    Grow and sustain ur audience with real analysis

  30. 再坚强的心也别想把它留住。

    And our hearts though stout and bre.


  1. 问:留住拼音怎么拼?留住的读音是什么?留住翻译成英文是什么?

    答:留住的读音是liúzhù,留住翻译成英文是 To stay and live.

  2. 问:留住拘役拼音怎么拼?留住拘役的读音是什么?留住拘役翻译成英文是什么?

    答:留住拘役的读音是liú zhù jū yì,留住拘役翻译成英文是 investigative detention