







汉语拼音:zhǎo chū







  1. At this point, you would attempt to find ways to prevent this failure or at least lessen its severity or impact.


  2. You know, sometimes it is the artist's task to find out how much music you can still make with what you have left.


  3. When stocking the product backlog, avoid the mistake of trying to think of every possible item.


  4. Lee Ann Prescott, research director of Hitwise, says Twitter is entertaining but users are still trying to find useful applications for it.


  5. For example by finding out exactly how much waste your school produces in one day, and communicating this figure to the whole school.


  6. Imola is a quite different circuit so we will find out in the next two or three races who the quick cars are in 2006.


  7. I'm trying to find that article where Dennis Lindsey says he'll always be a Rockets fan. At least we can say he's a man of his word.


  8. The contact ID number is automatically looked up in a source table or query and replaced with the contact name.


  9. Enquire about other homes in your area that have been put up on sale and find out how much those owners are paying their agents.


  1. 找出这些人

    Find those people.

  2. 找出错误的根源

    Locate the source of error

  3. 找出相等的分数。

    Work out the equal fraction numver.

  4. 找出引文的出处

    trace quotations to their original sources

  5. 找出句子的宾语。

    Identify the object of this sentence.

  6. 找出句子的宾语。

    Identify the object of this sentence.

  7. 找出句子得宾语。

    Identify the object of this sentence.

  8. 牠們找出使用的方法

    They figured out how it worked.

  9. 找出办法战胜困难。

    Find a way to overcome your difficulties.

  10. 我找出五个因素

    So I looked at these five.

  11. 找出所有咖啡保温瓶。

    Discover all coffee thermoses.

  12. 你能找出10匹骏马么

    Can you find the 10 horses

  13. 现在找出她的照片

    Okay, now find her picture.

  14. 找出麻烦你留出牌。

    Find out how to stay out of trouble with your card.

  15. 从崩溃中找出教训

    Distill lessons from the debacle

  16. 找出你的动机所在。

    Figure out your motivations.

  17. 找出你得动机所在。

    Figure out your motivations.

  18. 一定要找出这个混蛋。

    We got to find this bastard.

  19. 找出他们的零件编号。

    Find the part number for them.

  20. 找出薄弱环节和垦荒。

    Find a weak spot and exploit it.

  21. 你能找出你的错吗?

    Can you find your mistakes?

  22. 请找出缺了哪个字母。

    Please find out which letter has lost.

  23. 找出辅音连缀的单词。

    Find the words with consonant clusters.

  24. 请找出我洗的衣物。

    Please pick up my laundry.

  25. 请找出我洗得衣物。

    Please pick up my laundry.

  26. 我得找出我的头发吗?

    I have to comp my hair.

  27. 第三名死者被找出。

    And our third victim was found.

  28. 他们正在设法找出叛徒。

    They are seeking to unkennel the traitor.

  29. 找出等量关系, 分析算式

    Find the relationship to check the equation.

  30. 找出等量关系, 列方程。

    Find the relationship among the items, write down an equation.


  1. 问:找出下落拼音怎么拼?找出下落的读音是什么?找出下落翻译成英文是什么?

    答:找出下落的读音是,找出下落翻译成英文是 locate

  2. 问:找出出处拼音怎么拼?找出出处的读音是什么?找出出处翻译成英文是什么?

    答:找出出处的读音是,找出出处翻译成英文是 locate