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汉语拼音:cǐ shēng
My colleague said that her legend was happened too earlier that she might ordinary like this in the rest of her life.
同事说,她传奇得太早了,也可能此生就这么平淡下去。He did not think that it was necessary to make a hell of this world to enjoy paradise in the next.
他不以为,为了来生得到享受而把此生化为地狱的必要。Sadly, though I spent my entire life trying to believe it wasn't so, but violence not only is the answer, it is the only answer.
可悲的是,虽然我耗尽此生努力相信暴力可以避免,但我终于醒悟,暴力不只是,而且是唯一的答案。In the evening the bear returned and, when the door was opened, he walked to the hearth and lay down as if he had done this all his life.
晚上,熊再回到这里,门打开时,它进来躺在炉火旁,好像此生都不想离开的样子。Both the idea of such an organism and the idea that someone might own the rights to it would have been science fiction even a decade ago.
从生物体中产生的灵感到某些人可能拥有此生物体的权利的想法,也许可能在十年前的科幻小说中出现。He wraps his hands around her small, cold wrists, but she pulls loose. She might be the most beautiful woman he has ever seen.
他用手握住她细小冰冷的手腕,可是她推开了。她大概是他此生见过的最美的女人了。This is not the time to be trying to beat your personal record or run your longest distance ever.
孕期不是你打破个人记录,跑此生最长距离的时候。Harold and Erica both sensed that this had been one of the most important interviews of their lives.
哈罗德和埃丽卡都心生一种同样的感觉,这是他们此生中最重要的面谈之一。I'd rather hold you for a minute than live the rest of life knowing I never could.