


白绢:素~。江平如~。把生丝、麻或布帛煮熟,使柔软洁白:~漂(“漂”,漂白)。反复学习,多次操作:~习。~笔。~操。训~。~功。经验多,精熟:老~。熟~。干(gàn )~。~达(阅历多而通达人情世故)。姓。……





汉语拼音:liàn jiù







  1. 练成。

    孙犁 《澹定集·乡里旧闻二》:“只是练就一笔好字,村里有什么文书上的事,都是求他。” 魏巍 《东方》第三部第六章:“这支军队,在 井冈山 以来的几十年的革命战争中,练就了一种罕见的行军力。”



  1. In their long-standing practice of hunting a pair of trained eyes, and even be able to tell injured animal health and animal footprints.


  2. No doubt in any police state where conversations can be bugged or reported, people practice the art of double-think.


  3. Do not complain, everyone's life will not be easy, but precisely because of these wave Folding, acquired a colorful life.


  4. The public paid $275 million for theater tickets to see a buffed up Jolie portray the adventuresome Lara Croft.


  5. Training to be a ballet dancer was invaluable in terms of kind of honing these survival skills that I have.


  6. The cult of "Grandpa" Wen has been helped along by the kind of media-manipulation skills honed in Mao's day.


  7. In connection with its financial strength in the future, it would be better in College has learned that a good choice for the period.


  8. To be highly competitive, and to take the advantages in the competition, is the core of our commercial banks.


  9. His feel for radio, especially, had been honed by years spent as a sports commentator on local radio in Iowa.


  1. 蹉跎中练就一身生存技能。

    I slacked and learned a few survival skills.

  2. 集武术,摔跤于一身,练就绝技。

    Set martial arts, wrestling all in one, acquired skills.

  3. 最后, 我渴望练就温文尔雅得性情。

    Then, last of all, I desiderate urbanity.

  4. 最后,我渴望练就温文尔雅的性情。

    Then, last of all, I desiderate urbanity.

  5. 运动不会练就品格, 而会展现它。

    Sports do not build character. They reveal it.

  6. 青年干部怎样练就好的口才

    How Yang Cadres perfect Their Eloquence

  7. 诗人是天生的,演说家则是后天练就的。

    Poets are born, but orators are made.

  8. 那铁练就从他手上脱落下来。

    And his chains fell off his hands.

  9. 有的聋哑人练就了很强的唇读能力。

    Some deaf and mute people have strong lip-reading ability.

  10. 诗人是天生得,演说家则是后天练就得。

    Poets are born, but orators are made.

  11. 练就良好的沟通技巧是日常生活的重要部分。

    Developing good communication skills is an important part of everyday life.

  12. 幸运的是沉香被霹雳大仙所救,练就武艺。

    Fortunately, Chen Xiang was rescued by the God of thunder, who taught him martial art.

  13. 刀在磨刀石上可以磨尖,钢铁是在火中练就的。

    A knife is sharpened on the grindstone; steel is tempered in fire.

  14. 经过寒暑不辍的努力,他终于练就了一手的好字。

    Through years of constant effort, he finally became skilled in calligraphy.

  15. 到了这里, 我也练就了自身的美丽, 找到了最美的笑。

    In here, we experienced the loveliness of ourselves, we found our most beautiful smiles.

  16. 来自远东的孤儿坦普勒自小练就飞檐走壁的偷窃本领。

    From slightly exercises the larceny ability which from Far Easts orphan Templer flies up to the eaves and walls.

  17. 他们来自各行各业,均已练就了超强的英文听说能力。

    From all walks of life, they have cultivated strong English listening and speaking skills.

  18. 多蕾雅克他花了好久,才练就这种非凡的美声唱法。

    Dorliac It took him time to get this extraordinary bel canto!

  19. 最新研究发现,想要练就肌肉块,正确使用轻型负荷即可。

    Muscle mass can be achieved just as successfully using small weights, a new study shows.

  20. 当人们试图纠正他们的语音时,他们往往会练就一套呆板的发音。

    When people try to correct their speech they develop a stilted pronunciation.

  21. 她没有经过常规的政治历练就被选为党的领导人。

    She was elected party leader without serving the normal political apprenticeship.

  22. 这是因为, 好听力不是一日练就的, 它需要大量的实践练习。

    This is because successful listening skills are acquired over time and with lots of practice.

  23. 你可能成不了第二个海明威,但你可以练就一手好文笔。

    You may never be another Hemingway, but you can learn to write well.

  24. 他练就了拉面的绝艺,能把面拉到数十米长,而面不断。

    He has a unique skill of making hand-pulled noodles. The noodles can be pulled to a length of ten meters and still don't break.


  1. 问:练就拼音怎么拼?练就的读音是什么?练就翻译成英文是什么?

    答:练就的读音是liànjiù,练就翻译成英文是 To practice and achieve.