




1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……



汉语拼音:píng shuō







  1. 品评论说。

    《三国志·魏志·王粲传》“自 潁川 邯郸淳 ” 裴松之 注引 三国 魏 鱼豢 《魏略》:“﹝ 曹植 ﹞於是乃更著衣幘,整仪容,与 淳 评説混元造化之端,品物区别之意。” 清 姚鼐 《覆鲁絜非书》:“於所寄文,輒妄加评説,勿罪勿罪。” 陆文夫 《小贩世家》:“谁也没有想到那些叫人发疯和自杀的大字报,竟能拯救 朱源达 于水火之中!事物的功过实在难以评说。”



  1. we should feed and clothe him gratuitously sometimes , and recruit him with our cordials , before we judge of him.


  2. I will be short, but I wanted to address any fears you might have about the great storm out over the East Coast.


  3. eg. The president used today's speech to expand on remarks he made last month.


  4. He commented that he basically relied on the "Heart Sutra" and the power of Guan Yin Bodhisattva's compassion.


  5. Happiness: Anticipation of the goals, mental experience and comments by others during the pursuit for the great conviction.


  6. Alchemists are able to avoid those traps and learn from even the most noxious or apparently useless comments.


  7. Professor Hsiao highly recommended this book and provided detailed annotation on its organization and style.


  8. I would like to be able to get things off my chest and not be judged.


  9. Eh, the relationship between China and Taiwan is stronger then ever, those who don, t know this, have no idea what, s really going on.


  1. 他们无需就此加以评说

    They didn't have to talk about it-

  2. 众口评说上海专用车展

    Comments on Shanghai Special Purpose Vehicle Exhibition

  3. 新刑法单位犯罪立法评说

    The Crime Committed by Units in the New Criminal Code

  4. 川西森工的兴衰评说

    Comments on the rise and fall of the forest industry of Western Sichuan

  5. 这些我将不做任何评说。

    And these, I'll just show these without comment.

  6. 沈德潜古代诗歌鉴赏评说

    Comments on shen deqian's appreciation of ancient poems.

  7. 这就是为什么很难评说战争

    That's what's so complicated about war.

  8. 胡适自由主义思想的综合评说

    General Review of HuShi's Thought on liberalism

  9. 对此发表评说无异于画蛇添足。

    Comment on this would be to gild the lily.

  10. 作为现代性思潮的保守主义评说

    Comments on Conservatism as a Modern Trend of Thought

  11. 近20年新诗选本出版得回眸与评说

    Looking Back to and Comment on Publication of Anthologies of New Poems in Recent20 Years

  12. 近20年新诗选本出版的回眸与评说

    Looking Back to and Comment on Publication of Anthologies of New Poems in Recent20 Years

  13. 我是如此的依恋你, 无论世人如何评说。

    I count on you, no matter what they say.

  14. 用户评说华菱重卡替代进口是趋势!

    The tidal current for Hualing truck is not the importation, comment by clients!

  15. 关于国家工作人员的司法解释简介与评说

    On Introduction and Comment on Judicial Interpretation aboute State Personnel

  16. 美总统热衷编织往事,公道与否自有历史评说

    Presidents Spin Their Tales, but History Gets Last Word

  17. 股评说抗旱概念和锂电概念, 我们听了都想笑。

    Comment concept of fight a drought and lithium report concept, we listened to want to laugh.

  18. 中央电视台新近开设了一档影人评说电影的栏目。

    CCTV has a new program in which film industry people comment on films.

  19. 中央电视台新近开设了一档影人评说电影的栏目。

    CCTV has a new program in which film industry people comment on films.

  20. 评论家评说,这些歌没有人能唱得比他更好。

    Critics said no one ever sung them better.

  21. 各方评说四方承诺货物直达列车持续稳定快速发展

    Comments from All Walks of Life and Promises for the Continuous, Stable and Rapid Development of the Through Freight Trains

  22. 我用他们活该受到的那种轻蔑态度看待那样的评说。

    I treat remarks like that with the contempt that they deserve.

  23. 麦尔维尔经常对写作、阅读和认知等心理活动进行评说。

    Melville frequently comments on mental processes such as writing, reading, and understanding.

  24. 且不说他的罪行是否在法律上站得住脚,然而他的功过会被历史来评说。

    Whether his conviction was sound in law will, however, be decided by history.


  1. 问:评说拼音怎么拼?评说的读音是什么?评说翻译成英文是什么?

    答:评说的读音是píngshuō,评说翻译成英文是 evaluate