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but, even if I could withhold it, am I in conscience bound to give it up?
即使可以拒绝交出钱包,凭心而论,难道我不是必定要放弃钱包吗?Yet any waste of a valuable resource is offensive at a visceral level. Just ask those who lived through the war.
但凭心而论,任何浪费都是大逆不道的,只问问那些经历二战的人们就知道了。If I am honest with myself, I would estimate that about 70% of the things that come out of my mouth are gripes.
凭心而论,我估计自己嘴里说出来的话有70%左右都是在发牢骚。To be fair, the subsidy has reached exceptional levels in the past couple of years, reflecting risk aversion in the aftermath of the crash.
凭心而论,补贴是在过去两年达到异常水平的,反映出危机之后的避险情绪。To be fair, there have been one or two discussions about the strategic context.
凭心而论,各方对于战略框架也进行了一两次讨论。In fairness, today, while Juventus Lazio wins, but with the quality, is difficult to say than the Super Bowl a lot stronger on the Inter.
凭心而论,今天尤文虽然胜了拉齐奥,但是在配合质量上,很难说就比超级杯上的国米强出很多。And, to be fair, I'm not entirely convinced.
凭心而论,我并不是彻底看空。If you really think about it, life is absolutely a fucking absurdity.
凭心而论,人生完全就是一场谬论。任凭心搁浅荒漠的时间海, 我要的只是那抹暗黛。
Ran aground in the heart of the desert despite the sea of time, I just want Nama Dai dark.
To my mind, the current living condition of Lin and Li is not luxury but good enough.